set scale to 1;
while (overlaps with end points(in set (verticies) { !exists vertex which position.x > window.width && position.y > window.height && position.X < 0 && position.Y < 0)){
for 0 : 360 {
check whether at this angle all the points are aligned correctly,if yes
save the result as the last valid tuple(angle and scale) and continue
increase scale by a constant
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// Width W is the limit
θ = Math.Atan(h/w)+Math.Acos(W/Math.Sqrt(h*h+w*w));
// Height H is the limit (like picture)
θ = Math.Asin(H/Math.Sqrt(h*h+w*w))-Math.Atan(h/w);
答案 1 :(得分:1)
确定数字的convex hull。当然,这取决于你的身材的性质,但如果你的身材已经是一个多边形,这就像丢弃所有凹点一样简单。
找到最佳旋转角度,见下文。 (我之前曾建议使用rotating calipers算法找到带最小面积的封闭矩形,但这并不能提供最佳解决方案。)
您无需测试高达360°的所有角度。检查四分之一圆就足够了:如果θ是一个解,那么θ+ 180°是相同的解,只能旋转。您可以通过检查θ - 90°的边界框来检查90°到180°范围内的解决方案,并更换高度和宽度。
通过以一度的步长探测解决方案的范围,您将得到一个粗略的解决方案。更好的方法可能是通过减小角度步长探测更小的角度范围。 (您可以根据所需的准确度和性能拟合搜索间隔的精确值。性能应该没问题,因为凸包通常只有几个点。)
这是Javascript中的一个实现。 (您要求使用C#,但我对此并不熟悉。尽管如此,您可以毫不费力地将此代码用于其他语言)
* Return left, right, top and bottom points of a polygon
function bounds(poly) {
bx = {
left: poly[0],
right: poly[0],
top: poly[0],
bottom: poly[0]
for (var i = 1; i < poly.length; i++) {
var p = poly[i];
if (p.x < bx.left.x) bx.left = p;
if (p.x > bx.right.x) bx.right = p;
if (p.y < bx.top.y) bx.top = p;
if (p.y > bx.bottom.y) bx.bottom = p;
return bx;
* Return a transformed (rotated, scaled, offset) polygon
function transform(poly, deg, scale, dx, dy) {
var phi = Math.PI * deg / 180;
var c = Math.cos(phi);
var s = Math.sin(phi);
var rot = [];
for (var i = 0; i < poly.length; i++) {
var p = poly[i];
var x = scale * (c * p.x - s * p.y + dx);
var y = scale * (s * p.x + c * p.y + dy);
rot.push(new Pt(x, y));
return rot;
* Return a polygon rotated by deg degrees.
function rotate(poly, deg) {
return transform(poly, deg, 1, 0, 0);
* Assess a rotation of the polygon and update the optimum
* solution so far if necessary.
function assess(opt, poly, angle, ratio) {
var rot = rotate(poly, angle);
var box = bounds(rot);
var w = box.right.x - box.left.x;
var h = box.bottom.y - box.top.y;
var r = w / h;
if (Math.abs(r - ratio) < opt.delta) {
opt.delta = Math.abs(r - ratio);
opt.angle = angle;
opt.width = w;
opt.height = h;
opt.left = box.left.x;
opt.top = box.top.y;
if (Math.abs(1/r - ratio) < opt.delta) {
opt.delta = Math.abs(1/r - ratio);
opt.angle = angle + 90;
opt.width = h;
opt.height = w;
opt.left = -box.bottom.y;
opt.top = box.left.x;
* Fit polygon inside a rectangle of width x height
function fit(poly, width, height) {
var ratio = width / height;
var opt = { delta: 1.0e+30 };
for (var i = 0; i < 90; i += 10) assess(opt, poly, i, ratio);
for (d = 1; d > 0.002; d *= 0.1) {
var a = opt.angle;
for (var i = a - 9*d; i < a + 9.5*d; i += d) {
assess(opt, poly, i, ratio);
var sx = width / opt.width;
var sy = height / opt.height;
return transform(poly,
opt.angle, Math.min(sx, sy),
-opt.left, -opt.top);
这种迭代方法可能并不总能找到 最佳解决方案,但它会找到一个足够好的解决方案。