
时间:2014-08-22 01:48:20

标签: perl user-interface oop menu submenu




  1. 选择1
  2. 选择2
  3. 返回上一级菜单
  4. 退出
  5. 选择一个选项:


        sub menu
            for (;;) {
                print "--------------------\n";
                print "$_[0]\n";
                print "--------------------\n";
                for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{ $_[1]}); $i++) {
                    print $i + 1, "\.\t ${ $_[1] }[$i]\n";
                print "\n?: ";
                my $i = <STDIN>; chomp $i;
                if ($i && $i =~ m/[0-9]+/ && $i <= scalar(@{ $_[1]})) {
                    return ${ $_[1] }[$i - 1];
                } else {
                    print "\nInvalid input.\n\n";
        # Using the menu
        my $choice1  = menu('Menu1 header', \@list_of_choices1);
        # I would like this menu to give the option to go back to
        # the first menu to change $choice1
        my $choice2 = menu('Menu2 header', \@list_of_choices2);

    我不想对所有菜单进行硬编码,并使用if / elsif语句进行所有处理,因此我将菜单转换为函数。



    1. 选择1
    2. 选择2
    3. Choice3
    4. ?:(在此输入输入)



      感谢您的快速回复!但是仍然存在问题。当我从&#34; Menu1&#34;中选择一个选项时然后它进展到&#34; Menu2&#34;我希望保存选择来自&#34; Menu1&#34;供以后使用:


      1. 选择1&lt; - 存储值(如果已选择)并转到下一个菜单
      2. Choice2&lt; - ...
      3. 退出&lt; - 退出
      4. 菜单2:

        1. 选择1&lt; - 存储值(如果已选择)并转到下一个菜单
        2. Choice2&lt; - ...
        3. 返回&lt; - 返回上一级菜单以重新选择值
        4. 退出&lt; - 退出
        5. 选择Choice1或Choice2应该在变量中存储一个值,以便以后使用 进入下一个菜单。然后,如果您选择从Menu2返回第一个菜单,它将为您提供重新选择并重新定义变量的选项。我试图避免使用全局变量,这使得这非常困难。


           sub main () {
             # DO MENU STUFF HERE
             my $output = process($menu1_choice, $menu2_choice, $menu3_choice, ... );


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


use Term::Choose qw( choose );

my $submenus = {
    menu1 => [ qw( s_1 s_2 s_3 ) ],
    menu2 => [ qw( s_4 s_5 s_6 s_7) ],
    menu3 => [ qw( s_8 s_9 ) ],
my @menus = ( qw( menu1 menu2 menu3 ) );
my $mm = 0;
MAIN: while ( 1 ) {
    my $i = choose( 
        [ undef, @menus ],
        { layout => 3, undef => 'quit', index => 1, default => $mm }
    last if ! $i;
    if ( $mm == $i ) {
        $mm = 0;
        next MAIN;
    else {
        $mm = $i;
    SUB: while ( 1 ) {
        my $choice = choose(
            [ undef, @{$submenus->{$menus[$i]}} ],
            { layout => 3, undef => 'back' }
        last SUB if ! defined $choice;
        say "choice: $choice";

答案 1 :(得分:3)


use strict;
use warnings;

sub menu {
    my @items = @_;

    my $count = 0;
    foreach my $item( @items ) {
        printf "%d: %s\n", ++$count, $item->{text};

    print "\n?: ";

    while( my $line = <STDIN> ) {
        chomp $line;
        if ( $line =~ m/\d+/ && $line <= @items ) {
            return $items[ $line - 1 ]{code}->();

        print "\nInvalid input\n\n?: ";

my @menu_choices;
my @other_menu_choices;

@menu_choices = (
    { text  => 'do something',
      code  => sub { print "I did something!\n" } },
    { text  => 'do something else',
      code  => sub { print "foobar!\n" } },
    { text  => 'go to other menu',
      code  => sub { menu( @other_menu_choices ) } }

@other_menu_choices = (
    { text  => 'go back',
      code  => sub { menu( @menu_choices ) } }

menu( @menu_choices );



@another_menu_options = (
    { text => 'complicated action'
      code => \&do_complicated_action

sub do_complicated_action { 

答案 2 :(得分:2)


# Menu.pm


package Menu;

use strict;
use warnings;

# Menu constructor
sub new {

    # Unpack input arguments
    my $class = shift;
    my (%args) = @_;
    my $title       = $args{title};
    my $choices_ref = $args{choices};
    my $noexit      = $args{noexit};

    # Bless the menu object
    my $self = bless {
        title   => $title,
        choices => $choices_ref,
        noexit  => $noexit,
    }, $class;

    return $self;

# Print the menu
sub print {

    # Unpack input arguments
    my $self = shift;
    my $title   =   $self->{title  };
    my @choices = @{$self->{choices}};
    my $noexit  =   $self->{noexit };

    # Print menu
    for (;;) {

        # Clear the screen
        system 'cls';

        # Print menu title
        print "========================================\n";
        print "    $title\n";
        print "========================================\n";

        # Print menu options
        my $counter = 0;
        for my $choice(@choices) {
            printf "%2d. %s\n", ++$counter, $choice->{text};
        printf "%2d. %s\n", '0', 'Exit' unless $noexit;

        print "\n?: ";

        # Get user input
        chomp (my $input = <STDIN>);

        print "\n";

        # Process input
        if ($input =~ m/\d+/ && $input >= 1 && $input <= $counter) {
            return $choices[$input - 1]{code}->();
        } elsif ($input =~ m/\d+/ && !$input && !$noexit) {
            print "Exiting . . .\n";
            exit 0;
        } else {
            print "Invalid input.\n\n";
            system 'pause';



# test.pl


use strict;
use warnings;

use Menu;

my $menu1;
my $menu2;

# define menu1 choices
my @menu1_choices = (
    { text => 'Choice1',
      code => sub { print "I did something!\n"; }},
    { text => 'Choice2',
      code => sub { print "I did something else!\n"; }},
    { text => 'Go to Menu2',
      code => sub { $menu2->print(); }},

# define menu2 choices
my @menu2_choices = (
    { text => 'Choice1',
      code => sub { print "I did something in menu 2!\n"; }},
    { text => 'Choice2',
      code => sub { print "I did something else in menu 2!\n"; }},
    { text => 'Go to Menu1',
      code => sub { $menu1->print(); }},

# Build menu1
$menu1 = Menu->new(
    title   => 'Menu1',
    choices => \@menu1_choices,

# Build menu2
$menu2 = Menu->new(
    title   => 'Menu2',
    choices => \@menu2_choices,
    noexit  => 1,

# Print menu1








# test.pl


# Always use these
use strict;
use warnings;

# Other use statements
use Menu;

# Create a menu object
my $menu = Menu->new();

# Add a menu item
    'Test'  => sub { print "This is a test\n";  system 'pause'; },
    'Test2' => sub { print "This is a test2\n"; system 'pause'; },
    'Test3' => sub { print "This is a test3\n"; system 'pause'; },

# Allow the user to exit directly from the menu

# Disable a menu item

# Do not allow the user to exit directly from the menu

# Enable a menu item

Menu.pm模块用于构建菜单对象。这些菜单对象可以包含多个Menu :: Item对象。对象存储在一个数组中,因此保留了它们的顺序。

# Menu.pm


package Menu;

# Always use these
use strict;
use warnings;

# Other use statements
use Carp;
use Menu::Item;

# Menu constructor
sub new {

    # Unpack input arguments
    my ($class, $title) = @_;

    # Define a default title
    if (!defined $title) {
        $title = 'MENU';

    # Bless the Menu object
    my $self = bless {
        _title => $title,
        _items => [],
        _exit  => 0,
    }, $class;

    return $self;

# Title accessor method
sub title {
    my ($self, $title) = @_;
    $self->{_title} = $title if defined $title;
    return $self->{_title};

# Items accessor method
sub items {
    my ($self, $items) = @_;
    $self->{_items} = $items if defined $items;
    return $self->{_items};

# Exit accessor method
sub exit {
    my ($self, $exit) = @_;
    $self->{_exit} = $exit if defined $exit;
    return $self->{_exit};

# Add item(s) to the menu
sub add {

    # Unpack input arguments
    my ($self, @add) = @_;
    croak 'add() requires name-action pairs' unless @add % 2 == 0;

    # Add new items
    while (@add) {
        my ($name, $action) = splice @add, 0, 2;

        # If the item already exists, remove it
        for my $index(0 .. $#{$self->{_items}}) {
            if ($name eq $self->{_items}->[$index]->name()) {
                splice @{$self->{_items}}, $index, 1;

        # Add the item to the end of the menu
        my $item = Menu::Item->new($name, $action);
        push @{$self->{_items}}, $item;

    return 0;

# Remove item(s) from the menu
sub remove {

    # Unpack input arguments
    my ($self, @remove) = @_;

    # Remove items
    for my $name(@remove) {

        # If the item exists, remove it
        for my $index(0 .. $#{$self->{_items}}) {
            if ($name eq $self->{_items}->[$index]->name()) {
                splice @{$self->{_items}}, $index, 1;

    return 0;

# Disable item(s)
sub disable {

    # Unpack input arguments
    my ($self, @disable) = @_;

    # Disable items
    for my $name(@disable) {

        # If the item exists, disable it
        for my $index(0 .. $#{$self->{_items}}) {
            if ($name eq $self->{_items}->[$index]->name()) {

    return 0;

# Enable item(s)
sub enable {

    # Unpack input arguments
    my ($self, @enable) = @_;

    # Disable items
    for my $name(@enable) {

        # If the item exists, enable it
        for my $index(0 .. $#{$self->{_items}}) {
            if ($name eq $self->{_items}->[$index]->name()) {

# Print the menu
sub print {

    # Unpack input arguments
    my ($self) = @_;

    # Print the menu
    for (;;) {
        system 'cls';

        # Print the title
        print "========================================\n";
        print "    $self->{_title}\n";
        print "========================================\n";

        # Print menu items
        for my $index(0 .. $#{$self->{_items}}) {
            my $name   = $self->{_items}->[$index]->name();
            my $active = $self->{_items}->[$index]->active();
            if ($active) {
                printf "%2d. %s\n", $index + 1, $name;
            } else {
                print "\n";
        printf "%2d. %s\n", 0, 'Exit' if $self->{_exit};

        # Get user input
        print "\n?: ";
        chomp (my $input = <STDIN>);

        # Process user input
        if ($input =~ m/^\d+$/ && $input > 0 && $input <= scalar @{$self->{_items}}) {
            my $action = $self->{_items}->[$input - 1]->action();
            my $active = $self->{_items}->[$input - 1]->active();
            if ($active) {
                print "\n";
                return $action->();
        } elsif ($input =~ m/^\d+$/ && $input == 0 && $self->{_exit}) {
            exit 0;

        # Deal with invalid input
        print "\nInvalid input.\n\n";
        system 'pause';


Item.pm模块必须存储在名为“Menu”的子文件夹中才能正确引用。此模块允许您创建包含名称和子例程引用的Menu :: Item对象。这些对象将是用户在菜单中选择的对象。

# Item.pm


package Menu::Item;

# Always use these
use strict;
use warnings;

# Menu::Item constructor
sub new {

    # Unpack input arguments
    my ($class, $name, $action) = @_;

    # Bless the Menu::Item object
    my $self = bless {
        _name   => $name,
        _action => $action,
        _active => 1,
    }, $class;

    return $self;

# Name accessor method
sub name {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    $self->{_name} = $name if defined $name;
    return $self->{_name};

# Action accessor method
sub action {
    my ($self, $action) = @_;
    $self->{_action} = $action if defined $action;
    return $self->{_action};

# Active accessor method
sub active {
    my ($self, $active) = @_;
    $self->{_active} = $active if defined $active;
    return $self->{_active};





答案 3 :(得分:1)


use warnings; use strict;

sub menu {
  my $args = shift;
  my $title = $args->{title};
  my $choices = $args->{choices};

  while (1) {
    print "--------------------\n";
    print "$title\n";
    print "--------------------\n";
    for (my $i = 1; $i <= scalar(@$choices); $i++) {
      my $itemHeading = $choices->[$i-1][0];
      print "$i.\t $itemHeading\n";
    print "\n?: ";
    my $i = <STDIN>; chomp $i;
    if ($i && $i =~ m/[0-9]+/ && $i <= scalar(@$choices)) {
    } else {
      print "\nInvalid input.\n\n";

my $menus = {};
$menus = {
  "1" => {
    "title" => "Menu 1 header",
    "choices" => [
       [ "Choice 1" , sub { print "Choice 1 selected"; }],
       [ "Choice 2" , sub { print "Choice 2 selected"; }],
       [ "Menu 2" , sub { menu($menus->{2}); }],
       [ "Exit" , sub { exit; }],
 "2" => {
    "title" => "Menu 2 header",
    "choices" => [
       [ "Choice 3" , sub { print "Choice 3 selected"; }],
       [ "Choice 4" , sub { print "Choice 4 selected"; }],
       [ "Menu 1" , sub { menu($menus->{1}); }],
       [ "Exit" , sub { exit; }],


答案 4 :(得分:1)

感谢大家的回复!所有这三个回复都有助于最终提出我的解决方案。我决定使用Term :: Choose模块,(感谢sid_com的想法)。我的菜单结构与你最初的建议不同,我花了很长时间才弄清楚如何让它完全符合我的想法。希望这个解决方案可以帮助遇到类似问题的其他人。




    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Term::Choose qw(choose);

    my @CHOICES1 = ('A','B','C');
    my @CHOICES2 = ('1','2','3');
    my @CHOICES3 = ('BLUE','YELLOW','GREEN');

    # function to use the choices
    sub some_function {
        print "THIS IS SOME FUNCTION!\n";
        print "Choice 1 is $_[0]\n";
        print "Choice 2 is $_[1]\n";
        print "Choice 3 is $_[2]\n";
        print "Have a nice day! :)\n";

    sub main() {

        # clear the screen
        # (for some reason the build in screen clear 
        # for the module was not working for me)
        system ('cls');

        # create menu object
        my $menu = new Term::Choose();

        # menu 1
        for (;;) {
            my $choice1 = $menu->choose(
                [@CHOICES1, undef],
                    prompt => 'Select a choice1:',
                    undef  => 'Exit',
                    layout => 3,
            last if ! $choice1;

            # submenu 1
            for (;;) {
                my $choice2 = $menu->choose(
                    [@CHOICES2, undef],
                        prompt => 'Select a choice2:',
                        undef  => 'Back',
                        layout => 3,
                last if ! $choice2;

                # submenu2
                for (;;) {
                    my $choice3 = $menu->choose(
                        [@CHOICES3, undef],
                             prompt => 'Select a choice3:',
                            undef  => 'Back',
                            layout => 3,
                    last if ! $choice3;

                    # function operating on all choices
                    some_function($choice1, $choice2, $choice3);



答案 5 :(得分:-1)

我在perl模块中找到了这个没有任何perldoc的旧模块...... 请试一试......

    BEGIN { $Curses::OldCurses = 1; }
    use Curses;
    use perlmenu;
    &menu_init(0,"Select an Animal"); # Init menu

    &menu_item("Collie","dog"); # Add item
    &menu_item("Shetland","pony"); # Add item
    &menu_item("Persian","cat"); # Add last item

    $sel = &menu_display("Which animal?"); # Get user selection

    if ($sel eq "dog") {print "Its Lassie!\n";}