Powershell:For Each Loop和XML输出的麻烦

时间:2014-08-21 20:40:58

标签: xml hash powershell-v4.0



### This PowerShell 4.0 script compares the MD5 hash of each file in    ###
### a directory in it's current state and compares it with a baseline   ###
### copy taken previously. If no baseline exists, a new one is created. ###
### ***The first time this script is run, a false-positive report       ###

# Variables
$DateTime = Get-Date -format M.d.yyyy.hh.mm.ss
$Hashstore = "d:\Baseline.txt"
$HashCompare = "d:\Difference_$DateTime.txt"
$HashTemp = "d:\hashtemp_$DateTime.txt"
$FileDir = "d:\scripts\"
$CRQLocation = "d:\Change Request.csv"
$ScriptLocation = "d:\FileChecker.ps1"
$OutPut = "d:\Results_$DateTime.xml"

# Check if Baseline.txt Exists
If (Test-Path $Hashstore)
    # // File exists
Else {
     # // File does not exist - Should never happen!
     $RefreshHash = dir $FileDir -Recurse | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5
     $RefreshScript = Get-FileHash $ScriptLocation -Algorithm MD5
     $RefreshCRQ = Get-FileHash $CRQLocation -Algorithm MD5


## Generate new Compare Hash.txt
$HashNew = dir $FileDir -Recurse | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5
$HashNew | Export-Csv -Path $HashCompare -NoTypeInformation -Force

#Get hash of this script
$HashScript = Get-FileHash $ScriptLocation -Algorithm MD5
$HashScript | Export-Csv -append -Path $HashCompare -NoTypeInformation -Force

#Get hash of CRQ Log
$HashCRQ = Get-FileHash $CRQLocation -Algorithm MD5
$HashCRQ | Export-Csv -append -Path $HashCompare -NoTypeInformation -Force

# Get Hash of baseline.txt
$HashBaseline = Get-FileHash -Path $Hashstore -Algorithm MD5

# Get Hash of hashcompare.txt
$HashDiff = Get-FileHash -Path $HashCompare -Algorithm MD5

# If changed, output hash to storage, and flag changes
If ($HashBaseline.hash -eq $HashDiff.hash) {
    Add-Content -Path D:\success.$DateTime.txt -Value " Source Files ARE EQUAL </p>"
Else {
    Add-Content -Path D:\failure.$DateTime.txt -Value "Source Files NOT EQUAL </p>"
    $HashNew | Export-Csv -Path $HashTemp -NoTypeInformation -Force

    # Storing a collection of differences in $Diffs
    $Diffs = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Import-Csv $Hashstore) -DifferenceObject (Import-Csv $HashCompare)

    Foreach ($Diff in $Diffs) {
        $DiffHashInfo = $Diff | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject
        $DiffFileInfo =  Get-ChildItem -Path $DiffHashInfo.Path

        # Creating a list of properties for the information you need
        $DiffObjProperties = [ordered]@{'Algorithm'=$DiffHashInfo.Algorithm
                               'File Path'=$DiffFileInfo.FullName
                               'Last edit time'=$DiffFileInfo.LastWriteTime

        # Building a custom object from the list of properties in $DiffObjProperties
        $DiffObj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $DiffObjProperties
$DiffObj | ConvertTo-Xml -As String -NoTypeInformation | Out-File $OutPut

我收到了用户Mathieu Buisson的出色帮助,但我遇到了另一个错误。






1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

$HashCRQ = Get-FileHash $CRQLocation -Algorithm MD5
$HashCRQ | Export-Csv -append -Path $HashCompare -NoTypeInformation -Force

您正在将文件d:\ Change Request.csv的哈希添加到$ HashCompare。

$HashScript = Get-FileHash $ScriptLocation -Algorithm MD5
$HashScript | Export-Csv -append -Path $HashCompare -NoTypeInformation -Force

您正在将文件d:\ FileChecker.ps1的哈希添加到$ Hashcompare

这2个文件不是$ FileDir,所以我不明白你为什么要将它们添加到$ HashCompare,因为当你将$ HashCompare与$ Hashstore进行比较时,你将$ FileDir的内容与$ FileDir + 2个其他文件的内容。 我假设$ Hashtore包含$ FileDir内容的哈希值,但我只能假设因为脚本没有说明$ Hashstore的内容是如何创建的。

$HashNew | Export-Csv -Path $HashTemp -NoTypeInformation -Force

如果存在差异,则将$ FileDir的内容的散列(没有上面提到的2个附加文件)发送到$ Hashtemp。 但是文件$ HashTemp不会在脚本中的任何其他地方使用。

那么,你想要比较什么? $ HashStore与当前内容的哈希值$ fileDir + $ HashCRQ + $ HashCRQ? 如果是这样,$ Diffs就是正确的。 或$ HashStore与$ fileDir的当前内容的哈希? 如果是这样,$ Diffs应该是:

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject (Import-Csv $Hashstore) -DifferenceObject (Import-Csv $HashTemp)

关于XML输出,在Foreach循环内部创建了$ DiffObj,因此它是每个单独的不同文件的表示,并且每次循环时它都会更改。 所以$ DiffObj实际上是一个单独的对象,这就是为什么ConvertTo-Xml最多只会显示一个对象。


将变量创建为空数组,这将累积$ DiffObj的每次迭代:

$DiffObjCollection = @()


然后,我们将$ DiffObj的每个迭代存储在这个&#34; Collection变量&#34; :

$DiffObjCollection += $DiffObj

注意:这需要在Foreach循环结束时,但在其中,确保每次循环时都将$ DiffObj添加到$ DiffObjCollection。


$DiffObjCollection | ConvertTo-Xml -As String -NoTypeInformation | Out-File $OutPut
