
时间:2014-08-20 08:37:14

标签: haskell

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

继续previous series of questions,我有一个普遍的功能 量化函数作为参数,如下:

emap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression b -> Expression b


postmap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression b -> Expression b
postmap f = f . emap (postmap f)

reduce = postmap step

但是,我现在想要将此函数与一个额外的函数一起使用 约束,但以下不进行类型检查。

substitute :: Pack a => Identifier -> a -> Expression a -> Expression a
substitute i v (Var x) | x == i = pack v
substitute _ _ x = x

bind :: Pack a => Identifier -> a -> Expression a -> Expression a
bind ident value = postmap (subsitute ident value)

所以我似乎需要以某种方式削弱'或者'专门化'对{的forall a约束 forall a. Pack a约束。似乎似乎没有必要将约束添加到 emap本身的签名,但我无法看到解决此问题的任何其他方法。


  1. bind的签名周围添加约束,以便它可以愉快 类型检查。
  2. 使用约束创建另一个函数emap',并根据实现emap' emap或反之亦然(emap是一个无聊的机械定义,它不会使 感觉有两个相同的功能体,只有签名不同。)
  3. 认识到我尝试做的代码气味并继续替代 解。 (???)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

假设您重写了type T = forall a . Expression a -> Expression apostmap' :: T -> T之类的所有内容。我认为应该清楚postmap的类型是相同的。 (您可以尝试>:t [postmap', postmap])。 鉴于substitute :: Pack a => Identifier -> a -> Expression a -> Expression a,请考虑您对bind的定义:您将参数传递给postmap,该参数需要类型为T的值;但是你给它一个Expression a -> Expression a类型的值。小心!这些类型不一样,因为在后一种情况下,forall a位于左侧; postmap期待 it 可以选择a的函数,但是如果其他人已经选择a,则会给它一个函数。假设您的示例是要进行类型检查,然后使用bind调用a ~ ()。赋予postmap 的函数类型必须Expression () -> Expression (),但这显然是无稽之谈。


type T = forall a . Expression a -> Expression a 

postmap :: T -> T 
postmap = undefined

-- These two substitutes have different types!
substitute :: Pack a => Identifier -> a -> Expression a -> Expression a
substitute = undefined

substitute' :: Pack a => Identifier -> a -> T
substitute' = undefined

-- Doesn't compile 
bind :: Pack a => Identifier -> a -> Expression a -> Expression a
bind ident value = postmap (substitute ident value)

-- Does compile!
bind' :: Pack a => Identifier -> a -> T
bind' ident value = postmap (substitute' ident value)

需要注意的重要事项是:无论是如上定义还是type T = forall a . Pack a => ...,错误都是一样的。所以你的问题与你认为的不同。


newtype T = T (forall a . Expression a -> Expression a)


答案 1 :(得分:3)

首先,让我们用足够的代码充实您的示例。 LiteralToken只是代表用。替换变量的任何内容。

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

type Identifier = String

data LiteralToken = LiteralToken
    deriving Show

class Pack a where
    pack :: a -> LiteralToken

instance Pack Int where
    pack = const LiteralToken

data Expression a where
    Var :: Identifier -> Expression a
    Lit :: LiteralToken -> Expression a
    Tuple :: Expression a -> Expression b -> Expression (a, b)

deriving instance Show (Expression a)

emap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression b -> Expression b
emap f e = case e of
    Tuple a b -> Tuple (f a) (f b)
    otherwise -> e

postmap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression b -> Expression b
postmap f = f . emap (postmap f)

bind :: Pack a => Identifier -> a -> Expression b -> Expression b
bind ident value = postmap (substitute ident value)

现在,我们可以为substitute实施Identifier。要在emappostmap中使用,substitute需要能够对Expression树的所有部分进行操作,无论它是否属于同一类型作为被替换的变量。这就是为什么Expression的类型变量与值的类型变量不同(这也是user2407038 explains)。

substitute :: Pack a => Identifier -> a -> Expression b -> Expression b
substitute ident value e = case e of
    Var id | id == ident -> Lit (pack value)
    otherwise            -> e


example1 :: Expression (Int, Bool)
example1 = Tuple (Var "x") (Var "y")

print . bind "x" (7 :: Int) $ example1 
Tuple (Lit LiteralToken) (Var "y")

如果我们的标识符类型错误,我们无法获得我们想要的内容,无论如何都要替换它。那是因为substitute无法检查它所代替的变量的类型。在以下示例中,Var "x"被替换为Int的文字,即使第二个变量是Bool

example2 :: Expression (Int, Bool)
example2 = Tuple (Var "x") (Var "x")

print . bind "x" (7 :: Int) $ example2
Tuple (Lit LiteralToken) (Lit LiteralToken)



data LiteralToken a = LiteralToken
    deriving Show

class Pack a where
    pack :: a -> LiteralToken a

data Expression a where
    Var :: Identifier -> Expression a
    Lit :: LiteralToken a -> Expression a
    Tuple :: Expression a -> Expression b -> Expression (a, b)


Could not deduce (b ~ a)
In the first argument of `pack', namely `value'
In the first argument of `Lit', namely `(pack value)'
In the expression: Lit (pack value)

substitute需要一些方法来检查它正在运行的类型是否正确。 Data.Typeable解决了这个问题。要求变量表示的任何术语都具有运行时可识别类型,这似乎是不合理的,因此将此约束添加到Expression树本身是合理的。或者,我们可以在表达式树中添加一个类型注释,它可以提供任何术语属于特定类型的证明。我们将遵循第二条路线。这将需要一些进口。

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Maybe


data Expression a where
    Var :: Identifier -> Expression a
    Lit :: LiteralToken a -> Expression a
    Tuple :: Expression a -> Expression b -> Expression (a, b)
    Typed :: Typeable a => Expression a -> Expression a

emap :: (forall a. Expression a -> Expression a) -> Expression b -> Expression b
emap f e = case e of
    Tuple a b -> Tuple (f a) (f b)
    Typed a   -> Typed (f a)
    otherwise -> e


bind :: (Pack a, Typeable a) => Identifier -> a -> Expression b -> Expression b
bind ident value = postmap (substitute ident value)

substitute :: (Pack a, Typeable a) => Identifier -> a -> Expression b -> Expression b
substitute ident value e = case e of
    Typed (Var id) | id == ident -> fromMaybe e . fmap Typed . gcast . Lit . pack $ value
    otherwise                    -> e

substitute中的所有类型检查和转换工作均由gcast完成。来自函数签名的Typeable a提供了由a构建的LiteralToken a中的Lit . pack $ value具有Typeable实例的证据。 Typed中的case构造函数提供了输出表达式类型b也具有Typeable实例的证明。请注意,如果删除了fmap Typed,代码仍然有用;它只是保留了类型注释。


typed :: Typeable a => Expression a -> Expression a
typed t@(Typed _) = t
typed e           = Typed e

typedVar :: Typeable a => Identifier -> Expression a
typedVar = Typed . Var


example1 :: Expression (Int, Bool)
example1 = Tuple (typedVar "x") (typedVar "y")

print . bind "x" (7 :: Int) $ example1
Tuple (Typed (Lit LiteralToken)) (Typed (Var "y"))

example2 :: Expression (Int, Bool)
example2 = Tuple (typedVar "x") (typedVar "x")

print . bind "x" (7 :: Int) $ example2
Tuple (Typed (Lit LiteralToken)) (Typed (Var "x"))



inferType :: Expression a -> Expression a
inferType e = case e of
    Typed t@(Typed _)             -> t
    t@(Tuple (Typed _) (Typed _)) -> typed t
    otherwise                     -> e

inferTypes = postmap inferType

print . inferTypes $ example1
Typed (Tuple (Typed (Var "x")) (Typed (Var "y")))