
时间:2014-08-19 14:59:23

标签: asp.net-mvc-4 data-annotations foolproof-validation




我在尝试使用Range DataAnnotation后尝试了这个,我知道这不是最好的方法,但Range只是没有为我工作它总是给我这个错误:




public partial class AFFECTATION

    public DateTime DateDebutVisite { set; get; }

    public DateTime DateFinVisite { set; get; }

    public class AffectationMetadata
        //some other entities

        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Date de début de visite est obligatoire.")]
        [Display(Name = "Date du projet dans la période de la visite * :")]
        public DateTime DATEAFFECTATION { set; get; }



1 个答案:

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<div id="shape">
  <span id="shape-content">
    Now, the fact is, if it's a woman in front of you that's
    writing the cheque, you will not be waiting long. I have noticed that
    women are very *fast* with cheques, y'know, 'cuz they write out so many
    cheques. The keys, they can never find in their purse, they don't know
    where that is, but the cheque book they got that. They never fumble for
    the cheque book-- the cheque book comes out of a holster: ["draws" imaginary
    book from an imaginary holster] ``Who do I make it out to?... There's my
    ID...''. There's something about a cheque that, to a man, is not masculine.
    I don't know exactly what it is... I think to a man, a cheque is like a note
    from your mother that says ``I don't have any money, but if you'll
    contact these people, I'm sure they'll stick up for me... If you
    just trust me this one time I don't have any money but I have
    these... I wrote on these; is this of any value at all?''

第二个问题,这真的是整个事情的关键是[MetadataType(typeof(AffectationMetadata))] public partial class AFFECTATION { public class AffectationMetadata { public DateTime DateDebutVisite { set; get; } public DateTime DateFinVisite { set; get; } //some other entities [Required(ErrorMessage = "Date de début de visite est obligatoire.")] [Display(Name = "Date du projet dans la période de la visite * :")] [GreaterThan("DateDebutVisite")] [LessThan("DateFinVisite")] public DateTime DATEAFFECTATION { set; get; } } } GreaterThanAttribute实际上只是LessThanAttribute的子类,因此它看到了2个相同的问题属性在抛出错误的同一属性上。我现在正在寻找解决这个问题的方法。如果我找到答案,我会编辑这个答案。