
时间:2014-08-18 08:08:22

标签: hdf5 netcdf

我注意到,在以下程序中,创建的netcdf文件已损坏,即执行ncdump -h out.nc会产生错误。

#include <netcdf>

 * This file produces a corrupted nc output file.
 * Compile with `g++ -std=c++11 -o test test.cpp -lnetcdf -lnetcdf_c++4 

// this is the first non-working 
// chunk size. It does work with 1048576
// 1048576 is representable by exactly 20 bits.
#define CHUNK_SIZE 1048577

using namespace std;
using namespace netCDF;
using namespace netCDF::exceptions;

int main() 
    typedef std::vector<size_t> vs;
    typedef std::vector<netCDF::NcDim> vd;

        NcFile outFile = NcFile("out.nc", NcFile::replace);

        // create the dimensions complying to the AMBER specs
        NcDim frameDim   = outFile.addDim("frame");
        NcDim atomDim    = outFile.addDim("atom");
        NcDim spatialDim = outFile.addDim("spatial", 3);
        NcDim radiusDim  = outFile.addDim("radius",1);

        // create the variables
        NcVar coords = outFile.addVar("coordinates", ncFloat, vd({frameDim, atomDim, spatialDim}));
        NcVar radii  = outFile.addVar("radius", ncFloat, vd({frameDim, atomDim}));

        // set up chunking
        vs chunk_coords({1, CHUNK_SIZE, 3});
        vs chunk_radii({1, CHUNK_SIZE, 1});
        coords.setChunking(NcVar::nc_CHUNKED, chunk_coords);
        radii.setChunking(NcVar::nc_CHUNKED, chunk_radii);

        // set up compression
        coords.setCompression(false, true, 1);
        radii.setCompression(false, true, 1);

        return 0;

    catch(NcException& e)
        return -1;

{...}} {...}}成为有效且有效的out.nc文件。

  • ... CHUNK_SIZE小于1048577
  • ... CHUNKING已停用
  • ...未使用的“半径”维度的命名方式不同或根本不添加


导致这种行为的原因是什么?通过重命名1048576维度很容易解决,但我仍然很好奇为什么这与HDF5 / netcdf的分块有任何关联。

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