
时间:2014-08-17 08:59:42

标签: r boolean dataframe

我正在尝试将 factor 列转换为多个布尔列,如下图所示。数据来自使用精细weatherData包检索的气象站。我想要转换为多个布尔列的因子列包含11个因子。其中一些是单一"事件",其中一些是"事件"的组合。

这是一张显示我想要实现的目标的图片: enter image description here 这是R代码,它将生成具有组合因子的数据框,我想将其转换为几个布尔列:

df <- read.table(text="
date    Events
1/8/2013    Rain
1/9/2013    Fog
1/10/2013   ''
1/11/2013   Fog-Rain
1/12/2013   Snow
1/13/2013   Rain-Snow
1/14/2013   Rain-Thunderstorm
1/15/2013   Thunderstorm
1/16/2013   Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm
1/17/2013   Fog-Thunderstorm
1/18/2013   Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm-Snow",
df$date <- as.character(as.Date(df$date, "%m/%d/%Y"))


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)


 lst <- strsplit(as.character(df$Events),"-")
 lvl <- unique(unlist(lst))      
 res <- data.frame(date=df$date,
            do.call(rbind,lapply(lst, function(x) table(factor(x, levels=lvl)))), 

 #         date Rain Fog Snow Thunderstorm
 #1  2013-01-08    1   0    0            0
 #2  2013-01-09    0   1    0            0
 #3  2013-01-10    0   0    0            0
 #4  2013-01-11    1   1    0            0
 #5  2013-01-12    0   0    1            0
 #6  2013-01-13    1   0    1            0
 #7  2013-01-14    1   0    0            1
 #8  2013-01-15    0   0    0            1
 #9  2013-01-16    1   1    0            1
 #10 2013-01-17    0   1    0            1
# 11 2013-01-18    1   1    1            1


  setNames(data.frame(df$date, do.call(rbind,lapply(lst, function(x) as.integer(lvl %in% x)) )), c("date", lvl))  


 library(reshape2) #In case it is needed 

 res1 <- dcast.data.table(cSplit(df, "Events", "-", "long"), date~Events)
 res2 <- merge(subset(df, select=1), res1, by="date", all=TRUE)
 res2 <- as.data.frame(res2)
 res2[,-1]  <- (!is.na(res2[,-1]))+0
 #          date Rain Fog Snow Thunderstorm
  #1  2013-01-08    1   0    0            0
  #2  2013-01-09    0   1    0            0
  #3  2013-01-10    0   0    0            0
  #4  2013-01-11    1   1    0            0
  #5  2013-01-12    0   0    1            0
  #6  2013-01-13    1   0    1            0
  #7  2013-01-14    1   0    0            1
  #8  2013-01-15    0   0    0            1
  #9  2013-01-16    1   1    0            1
  #10 2013-01-17    0   1    0            1
  #11 2013-01-18    1   1    1            1


 with(df, termco(Events, date, c("Rain", "Fog", "Snow", "Thunderstorm")))[[1]][,-2]
 #         date Rain Fog Snow Thunderstorm
 #1  2013-01-08    1   0    0            0
 #2  2013-01-09    0   1    0            0
 #3  2013-01-10    0   0    0            0
 #4  2013-01-11    1   1    0            0
 #5  2013-01-12    0   0    1            0
 #6  2013-01-13    1   0    1            0
 #7  2013-01-14    1   0    0            1
 #8  2013-01-15    0   0    0            1
 #9  2013-01-16    1   1    0            1
 #10 2013-01-17    0   1    0            1
 #11 2013-01-18    1   1    1            1

答案 1 :(得分:8)

我能想到的最简单的事情是来自我的&#34; splitstackshape&#34; concat.split.expanded。包(devel version 1.3.0, from GitHub)。

## Get the right version of the package
install_github("splitstackshape", "mrdwab", ref = "devel")
# [1] ‘1.3.0’

## Split up the relevant column
concat.split.expanded(df, "Events", "-", type = "character", 
                      fill = 0, drop = TRUE)
#          date Events_Fog Events_Rain Events_Snow Events_Thunderstorm
# 1  2013-01-08          0           1           0                   0
# 2  2013-01-09          1           0           0                   0
# 3  2013-01-10          0           0           0                   0
# 4  2013-01-11          1           1           0                   0
# 5  2013-01-12          0           0           1                   0
# 6  2013-01-13          0           1           1                   0
# 7  2013-01-14          0           1           0                   1
# 8  2013-01-15          0           0           0                   1
# 9  2013-01-16          1           1           0                   1
# 10 2013-01-17          1           0           0                   1
# 11 2013-01-18          1           1           1                   1

回答这个问题,我意识到我有点愚蠢地硬编码了一个&#34; trim&#34; concat.split.expanded中的功能可以减慢很多事情。如果您想要更快的方法,请直接在&#34;事件&#34;的分割版本上使用charMat(由concat.split.expanded调用的函数)。专栏,像这样:

    strsplit(as.character(indf[, "Events"]), "-", fixed = TRUE), fill = 0)

对于某些基准测试,请查看this Gist

答案 2 :(得分:4)

可以使用&#39; grep&#39;

ddf = data.frame(df$date, df$Events, "Rain"=rep(0), "Fog"=rep(0), "Snow"=rep(0), "Thunderstorm"=rep(0)) 

for(i in 3:6)   ddf[grep(names(ddf)[i],ddf[,2]),i]=1

      df.date                  df.Events Rain Fog Snow Thunderstorm
1  2013-01-08                       Rain    1   0    0            0
2  2013-01-09                        Fog    0   1    0            0
3  2013-01-10                               0   0    0            0
4  2013-01-11                   Fog-Rain    1   1    0            0
5  2013-01-12                       Snow    0   0    1            0
6  2013-01-13                  Rain-Snow    1   0    1            0
7  2013-01-14          Rain-Thunderstorm    1   0    0            1
8  2013-01-15               Thunderstorm    0   0    0            1
9  2013-01-16      Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm    1   1    0            1
10 2013-01-17           Fog-Thunderstorm    0   1    0            1
11 2013-01-18 Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm-Snow    1   1    1            1

答案 3 :(得分:3)



matrix2df(mtabulate(lapply(split(as.character(df$Events), df$date), 
    function(x) strsplit(x, "-")[[1]])), "Date")

##          Date Fog Rain Snow Thunderstorm
## 1  2013-01-08   0    1    0            0
## 2  2013-01-09   1    0    0            0
## 3  2013-01-10   0    0    0            0
## 4  2013-01-11   1    1    0            0
## 5  2013-01-12   0    0    1            0
## 6  2013-01-13   0    1    1            0
## 7  2013-01-14   0    1    0            1
## 8  2013-01-15   0    0    0            1
## 9  2013-01-16   1    1    0            1
## 10 2013-01-17   1    0    0            1
## 11 2013-01-18   1    1    1            1


split(as.character(df$Events), df$date) %>%
    lapply(function(x) strsplit(x, "-")[[1]]) %>%
    mtabulate() %>%

答案 4 :(得分:2)


n <- c("Rain", "Fog", "Snow", "Thunderstorm")
v <- sapply(sample(0:3,100,T), function(i) paste0(sample(n,i), collapse = "-"))
v <- as.factor(v)


mSplit <- function(vec) {
  if (!is.character(vec))
    vec <- as.character(vec)
  L <- strsplit(vec, "-")
  ids <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(L), function(i) rep(i, length(L[[i]])) ))
  U <- sort(unique(unlist(L)))
  M <- matrix(0, nrow = length(vec), 
              ncol = length(U), 
              dimnames = list(NULL, U))
  M[cbind(ids, match(unlist(L), U))] <- 1L

解决方案基于Ananda Mahto对SO question的回答。它应该很快。

res <- mSplit(v)

答案 5 :(得分:2)

我认为在这种情况下,您需要对函数dummy的简单调用。我们称之为目标列。 target_cat

df_target_bin <- data.frame(dummy(target_cat, "<prefix>"))



df_target_logical <- apply(df_target_bin, as.logical)

答案 6 :(得分:2)



options = unique(unlist(strsplit(df$Events, '-'), recursive=FALSE))
for(o in options){
  df$newcol = rep(0)
  df <- rename(df, !!o := newcol)
  df[grep(o, df$Events), o] = 1


         date                     Events Rain Fog Snow Thunderstorm
1  2013-01-08                       Rain    1   0    0            0
2  2013-01-09                        Fog    0   1    0            0
3  2013-01-10                               0   0    0            0
4  2013-01-11                   Fog-Rain    1   1    0            0
5  2013-01-12                       Snow    0   0    1            0
6  2013-01-13                  Rain-Snow    1   0    1            0
7  2013-01-14          Rain-Thunderstorm    1   0    0            1
8  2013-01-15               Thunderstorm    0   0    0            1
9  2013-01-16      Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm    1   1    0            1
10 2013-01-17           Fog-Thunderstorm    0   1    0            1
11 2013-01-18 Fog-Rain-Thunderstorm-Snow    1   1    1            1