我已经通过其他几个问题(Use of cumulatives,Expressing setup time with cumulatives)获得了关于cumulatives
Task| Dur | Exe on | Resources
t1 | 318 | All |
t2 | 246 | All |
t3 | 797 | m4 m3 |
t4 | 238 | m2 m3 | r1 r2 r3
t5 | 251 | m1 |
t6 | 279 | All |
t7 | 987 | m2 m5 m1 | r1
t8 | 847 | All |
t9 | 426 | All |
t10 | 787 | All |
t11 | 6 | All |
t12 | 681 | All |
t13 | 465 | All |
t14 | 46 | All |
t15 | 3 | All | r1 r3 r2
t16 | 427 | All | r3 r2
t17 | 956 | All | r3
t18 | 657 | All |
t19 | 113 | All |
t20 | 251 | All | r3 r2
在这个小例子中,我们在5台机器上安排了20个任务。 t4,t7,t15使用资源r1即使它们被安排在不同的机器上也不能同时执行。 t4,t15,t16,t20使用r2等 t3只能在m3和m4上运行,t4只能在m2和m3等上运行。
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
s1(Ss, Es, Ms, Maxspan, Timeout ) :-
Ss = [S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,S6,S7,S8,S9,S10,S11,S12,S13,S14,S15,S16,S17,S18,S19,S20],
Es = [E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6,E7,E8,E9,E10,E11,E12,E13,E14,E15,E16,E17,E18,E19,E20],
Ms = [M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,M9,M10,M11,M12,M13,M14,M15,M16,M17,M18,M19,M20],
Ds = [318, 246, 797, 238, 251, 279, 987, 847, 426, 787,6, 681,465,46, 3, 427,956,657,113,251],
Ds = [D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9,D10,D11,D12,D13,D14,D15,D16,D17,D18,D19,D20],
domain(Ss, 1, 10000),
domain(Es, 1, 10000),
domain(Ms, 1, 5),
%task( StartTime, Duration, EndTime, ResourceCons, MachineId)
Tasks = [
task( S1, D1, E1, 1, M1),
task( S2, D2, E2, 1, M2),
task( S3, D3, E3, 1, M3),
task( S4, D4, E4, 1, M4),
task( S5, D5, E5, 1, M5),
task( S6, D6, E6, 1, M6),
task( S7, D7, E7, 1, M7),
task( S8, D8, E8, 1, M8),
task( S9, D9, E9, 1, M9),
task(S10, D10,E10, 1,M10),
task(S11, D11,E11, 1,M11),
task(S12, D12,E12, 1,M12),
task(S13, D13,E13, 1,M13),
task(S14, D14,E14, 1,M14),
task(S15, D15,E15, 1,M15),
task(S16, D16,E16, 1,M16),
task(S17, D17,E17, 1,M17),
task(S18, D18,E18, 1,M18),
task(S19, D19,E19, 1,M19),
task(S20, D20,E20, 1,M20)
%machine( Id, ResourceBound ),
Machines = [
machine( 1, 1),
machine( 2, 1),
machine( 3, 1),
machine( 4, 1),
machine( 5, 1)
%Set up constraints where task can only run on spesific machines:
%t3 can only run on m3 and m4
%t4 can only run on m2 and m3
%t5 can only run on m1
%t7 can only run on m1, m2 and m5
%all other can run on any machine
list_to_fdset( [3,4], T3RunOn ),
list_to_fdset( [2,3], T4RunOn ),
list_to_fdset( [1], T5RunOn ),
list_to_fdset( [1,2,5],T7RunOn ),
M3 in_set T3RunOn,
M4 in_set T4RunOn,
M5 in_set T5RunOn,
M7 in_set T7RunOn,
%Set up constraints of tasks using global resources:
%t4 use r1,r2,r3
%t7 use r1
%t15 use r1,r2,r3
%t16 use r2,r3
%t17 use r3
%t20 use r2,r3
task( S4, D4, E4,1,4),
task( S7, D7, E7,1,7),
task( S15,D15,E15,1,15)
task( S4, D4, E4,1,4),
task( S15,D15,E15,1,15),
task( S20,D20,E20,1,20)
task( S4, D4, E4,1,4),
task( S15,D15,E15,1,15),
task( S16,D16,E16,1,16),
task( S17,D17,E17,1,17),
task( S20,D20,E20,1,20)
maximum( Maxspan, Es ),
cumulatives(Tasks, Machines, [bound(upper), task_intervals(true)] ),
%Plain order (M1,M2,...M20)
%Order by task using many resources first, then task only runnon on some machines, then rest
MOrder=[M4, M15, M16, M20, M7, M17, M5, M3, M10, M1, M2, M6, M8, M9, M11, M12, M13, M14, M18, M19],
%Order by duration
%MOrder=[M15, M11, M14, M19, M4, M2, M20, M5, M6, M1, M9, M16, M13, M18, M12, M10, M3, M8, M17, M7],
%This order (discovered my misstake) gives optimal sollution in less then a second:
%MOrder=[M4, M15, M20, M16, M17, M5, M3, M7, M10, M1, M2, M6, M8, M9, M11, M12, M13, M14, M18, M19],
append([MOrder, Ss ], Vars),
labeling([ minimize(Maxspan), time_out( Timeout, _LabelingResult) ], Vars).
到目前为止,我最好的启发式方法是按以下顺序订购MachineId变量: 首先使用许多资源执行任务,然后通过任务仅在某台计算机上执行,然后执行其余任务。
| ?- s1(Ss, Es, Ms, Maxspan, 5000 ).
Ss = [1,319,1,1635,1635,798,565,1,848,1077,1552,1,1274,1558,1886,1,428,682,1739,1384],
Es = [319,565,798,1873,1886,1077,1552,848,1274,1864,1558,682,1739,1604,1889,428,1384,1339,1852,1635],
Ms = [2,2,3,2,1,3,2,4,4,3,2,5,4,2,1,1,1,5,4,1],
Maxspan = 1889 ?