
时间:2014-08-06 20:55:41

标签: python mysql sqlalchemy

所以我是SQLAlchemy和Python的新手,但对MySQL非常熟悉。我需要从两个不同的表beam_databeam_unbracedlengths中提取数据,以计算新值lb,然后将lb插回beam_data }作为附加字段。我已经继续使用ORM功能在python中使用正确的最终值lb构建我的对象。我需要做的就是将其写回我的数据库。当我session.commit()时,我在数据库中没有得到正面结果。请帮忙。代码和原理图,如下:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import *
from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql
import fnmatch
import math

engine = create_engine('mysql+mysqldb://user:pass@url:port/database')
connection = engine.connect()

# create a Session
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

Base = declarative_base()
class beam(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'beam_data'
    BeamName = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
    lb = Column(Integer)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<beam(BeamName='%s', lb='%s')>" \
               % (self.BeamName, self.lb)

class bar(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'beam_unbracedlengths'
    BeamName = Column(String(50), primary_key=True)
    N1 = Column(String(50))
    N2 = Column(String(50))
    X = Column(mysql.DECIMAL(7, 3))
    Y = Column(mysql.DECIMAL(7, 3))
    Z = Column(mysql.DECIMAL(7, 3))
    X1 = Column(mysql.DECIMAL(7, 3))
    Y1 = Column(mysql.DECIMAL(7, 3))
    Z1 = Column(mysql.DECIMAL(7, 3))
    N1_grp = Column(String(100))
    N2_grp = Column(String(100))
    ElType = Column(String(3))
    # lb = Column(Integer)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<bar(BeamName='%s', X=%s, Y=%s, Z=%s, X1=%s, Y1=%s, Z1=%s, " \
               "N1='%s', N2='%s, N1_grp='%s', N2_grp='%s, ElType='%s, lb='%s')>" \
               % (self.BeamName, self.X, self.Y, self.Z, self.X1, self.Y1, self.Z1,
                  self.N1, self.N2, self.N1_grp, self.N2_grp, self.ElType, self.lb)

# give me all columns with bottom node braced
baseColumns = session.query(bar) \
    .filter(((bar.Z1 > bar.Z) & bar.N1_grp.like('%brc_strong%'))
            | ((bar.Z1 < bar.Z) & bar.N2_grp.like('%brc_strong%'))) \
    .filter(bar.ElType == 'COL') \
    .join(beam, bar.BeamName == beam.BeamName)
baseColumns = baseColumns.all()

for column in baseColumns:
    # initial length of column
    lb = math.sqrt((column.X1 - column.X)**2 + (column.Y1 - column.Y)**2 + (column.Z1 - column.Z)**2)
    topNodeGrp = ''
    columns = []

    # if the top node is found to be braced, break
    while not fnmatch.fnmatch(topNodeGrp, '*brc_strong*'):

        # keep track of all BeamNames composing our column

        # store the current column name
        prevName = column.BeamName

        # which node is on top? and is it braced?
        if column.Z1 > column.Z:
            topNode = column.N2
            topNodeGrp = column.N2_grp
            topNode = column.N1
            topNodeGrp = column.N1_grp
        if fnmatch.fnmatch(topNodeGrp, '*brc_strong*'):

        # if it isn't braced at the top, then find the column above it
        column = session.query(bar) \
            .filter(bar.N1.like(topNode) | bar.N2.like(topNode)) \
            .filter(bar.BeamName != prevName) \
            .filter(bar.ElType == 'COL') \
            .join(beam, bar.BeamName == beam.BeamName).first()

        # add the length from the column above to the previous column
        lb = lb + math.sqrt((column.X1 - column.X)**2 + (column.Y1 - column.Y)**2 + (column.Z1 - column.Z)**2)

    # write unbraced length value to all segments of column
    for segment in columns:
        segment.lb = lb


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# write unbraced length value to all segments of column
for segment in columns:
    segment.lb = lb
    upd = update(beam_data).where(beam_data.c.BeamName == segment.BeamName).values(lb=lb)
