
时间:2014-08-02 20:20:32

标签: r rowsum


Paper = read.table(textConnection("Meta Publication.Year X1999 X2000 X2001 X2002 X2003
A 1999 0 1 1 1 2
B 2000 0 0 3 1 0
C 2000 0 0 1 0 1
C 2001 0 0 0 1 5
D 1999 0 1 0 2 2"), header = TRUE)

我想在发布两年后计算引用总和,并将此列表附加到Paper。但是,我对每年都不感兴趣,只对列表Years中指定的那些感兴趣。我的步骤(以下代码)如下:订单Paper acc。 Publication.Year,选择Publication.Year和第一年的X行(即1999年的X2000X2001),计算总和,将总和绑定在一起,cbind到Paper


Years = as.numeric(c(1999, 2000))
Paper <- Paper[with(Paper, order(Paper[["Publication.Year"]])), ]
Two.Year = as.numeric()
for (i in Years){
Mat <- subset(Paper, Paper[["Publication.Year"]]==i, select=c("Publication.Year", paste("X", i+1, sep=""), paste("X", i+2, sep="")))
temp <- rowSums(Mat[,-1])
Two.Year <- c(Two.Year, temp)
Paper <- cbind(Paper, Two.Year)
Paper <- subset(Paper, select=c("Meta","Publication.Year","Two.Year")) # Because in the end I only need the citation number

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Paper$pubYear1 <- paste0("X", as.character(Paper$Publication.Year + 1))
Paper$pubYear2 <- paste0("X", as.character(Paper$Publication.Year + 2))
Paper$pubCount <- mapply(function(r, y1, y2) Paper[r, y1] + Paper[r, y2], 
  row.names(Paper), Paper$pubYear1, Paper$pubYear2)


> Paper
  Meta Publication.Year X1999 X2000 X2001 X2002 X2003 pubYear1 pubYear2 pubCount
1    A             1999     0     1     1     1     2    X2000    X2001        2
2    B             2000     0     0     3     1     0    X2001    X2002        4
3    C             2000     0     0     1     0     1    X2001    X2002        1
4    C             2001     0     0     0     1     5    X2002    X2003        6
5    D             1999     0     1     0     2     2    X2000    X2001        1