使用json4s使用trait mixin序列化case类

时间:2014-07-25 17:22:53

标签: scala serialization case-class traits json4s


case class Game(name: String,publisher: String,website: String, gameType: GameType.Value)

在我的应用中,我使用mapperdao作为我的ORM。由于Game使用Surrogate Id我没有id,因此其部分构造函数。


Game with SurrogateIntId


trait SurrogateIntId extends DeclaredIds[Int]
    def id: Int

trait DeclaredIds[ID] extends Persisted

trait Persisted
    private var mapperDaoVM: ValuesMap = null
    private var mapperDaoDetails: PersistedDetails = null
private[mapperdao] def mapperDaoPersistedDetails = mapperDaoDetails

private[mapperdao] def mapperDaoValuesMap = mapperDaoVM

private[mapperdao] def mapperDaoInit(vm: ValuesMap, details: PersistedDetails) {
    mapperDaoVM = vm
    mapperDaoDetails = details

当我尝试序列化Game with SurrogateIntId时,我得到空括号,我认为这是因为json4s不知道如何处理附加的特征。

我需要一种方法来序列化game,只有id添加到其属性,对于任何T with SurrogateIntId来说几乎同样重要的是这样做我将这些用于所有域对象。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

所以这是一个非常具体的解决方案,因为我的问题的起源来自mapperDao返回DO的方式,但是由于我在json4s中钻研custom serializers,因此它可能对一般用途有帮助。

关于此问题的完整讨论可以是found on the mapperDao google group

首先,我发现在任何持久化实体(从mapperDao返回)上调用copy()都会返回我的DO的干净副本(只是case类) - 然后可以通过json4s进行序列化。但是,我不想记得在任何时候我想要序列化DO或处理映射列表等时调用copy(),因为这会很笨拙且容易出错。

因此,我创建了一个CustomSerializer包装返回的Entity(案例类DO + traits作为对象),并使用隐式清单从泛型类型中收集类。使用这种方法,然后模式匹配我的域对象以确定传入的内容,然后使用Extraction.decompose(myDO.copy())来序列化并返回干净的DO。

// Entity[Int, Persisted, Class[T]] is how my DOs are returned by mapperDao

class EntitySerializer[T: Manifest] extends CustomSerializer[Entity[Int, Persisted, Class[T]]](formats =>(
  {PartialFunction.empty} //This PF is for extracting from JSON and not needed
  case g: Game => //Each type is one of my DOs
    implicit val formats: Formats = DefaultFormats //include primitive formats for serialization
    Extraction.decompose(g.copy()) //get plain DO and then serialize with json4s
  case u : User =>
    implicit val formats: Formats = DefaultFormats + new LinkObjectEntitySerializer //See below for explanation on LinkObject
  case t : Team =>
    implicit val formats: Formats = DefaultFormats + new LinkObjectEntitySerializer


class LinkObjectEntitySerializer[T: Manifest] extends CustomSerializer[Entity[Int, Persisted, Class[T]]](formats =>(
         //Team and User have Set[TeamUser] parameters, need to define this "dependency"
         //so it can be included in formats
  case tu: TeamUser => 
    implicit val formats: Formats = DefaultFormats
    ("Team" ->                     //Using custom-built representation of object
      ("name" -> tu.team.name) ~
      ("id" -> tu.team.id) ~
      ("resource" -> "/team/") ~
      ("isCaptain" -> tu.isCaptain)) ~
    ("User" ->
      ("name" -> tu.user.globalHandle) ~
      ("id" -> tu.user.id) ~
      ("resource" -> "/user/") ~
      ("isCaptain" -> tu.isCaptain))
