我是编程新手。 我必须为我的编程类编写一个Rock Paper Scissors游戏。我有一个很好的开始,但有些问题我不知道如何解决。
我需要三种不同的菜单。主菜单应询问1.开始新游戏2.加载游戏或3.退出。选择1或2,然后输入您的姓名,然后开始播放。然后要求您选择1. Rock 2. Paper 3. Scissors。我的游戏效果很好但是在选择了Rock paper剪刀后我想要一个新的菜单弹出:你想做什么? 1.再次播放2.查看统计数据3.退出。但我不知道在哪里放这个。我尝试了几个不同的地方,但它只是通过它并再次要求石头剪刀。
import random
import pickle
tie = 0
pcWon = 0
playerWon = 0
game_round = (tie + playerWon + pcWon) + 1
# Displays program information, starts main play loop
def main():
print("Welcome to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors!")
print("What would you like to do?")
print ("")
playGame = True
while playGame:
playGame = play()
prompt = input("Press enter to exit")
def welcomemenu():
print ("[1]: Start New Game")
print ("[2]: Load Game")
print ("[3]: Quit")
menuselect = int(input("Enter choice: "))
if menuselect == 1:
name = input("What is your name? ")
print("Hello", name, ".")
print("Let's play!")
elif menuselect == 2:
name = input("What is your name? ")
print("Welcome back", name, ".")
print("Let's play!")
player_file = open('name.rps', 'wb')
pickle.dump(name, player_file)
elif menuselect == 3:
return menuselect
# displays the menu for user, if input ==4, playGame in the calling function (main()) is False, terminating the program.
# Generate a random int 1-3, evaluate the user input with the computer input, update globals accordingly, returning True
# to playGame, resulting in the loop in the calling function (main()) to continue.
def play():
playerChoice = int(playerMenu())
if playerChoice == 4:
return 0
pcChoice = pcGenerate()
outcome = evaluateGame(playerChoice, pcChoice)
return 1
# prints the menu, the player selects a menu item, the input is validated, if the input is valid, returned the input, if
# the input is not valid, continue to prompt for a valid input
# 1 - rock
# 2 - paper
# 3 - scissors
def playerMenu():
print("Select a choice: \n [1]: Rock \n [2]: Paper \n [3]: Scissors")
menuSelect = input("What will it be? ")
while not validateInput(menuSelect):
menuSelect = input("Enter a correct value: ")
return menuSelect
# if the user doesn't input a 1-3 then return false, resulting in prompting the user for another value. If the value
# is valid, return True
# takes 1 argument
# menuSelection - value user entered prior
def validateInput(menuSelection):
if menuSelection == "1" or menuSelection == "2" or menuSelection == "3":
return True
return False
# return a random integer 1-3 to determine pc selection
# 1 - rock
# 2 - paper
# 3 - scissors
def pcGenerate():
pcChoice = random.randint(1,3)
return pcChoice
# evaluate if the winner is pc or player or tie, return value accordingly
# 0 - tie
# 1 - player won
# -1 - pc won
def evaluateGame(playerChoice, pcChoice):
if playerChoice == 1:
print("You have chosen rock.")
if pcChoice == 1:
print("Computer has chose rock as well. TIE!")
return 0
elif pcChoice == 2:
#paper covers rock - pc won
print("The computer has chosen paper. Paper covers rock. You LOSE!")
return -1
#rock breaks scissors - player won
print("The computer has chosen scissors. Rock breaks scissors. You WIN!")
return 1
elif playerChoice == 2:
print("You have chosen paper.")
if pcChoice == 1:
#paper covers rock - player won
print("The computer has chosen rock. Paper covers rock. You WIN!")
return 1
elif pcChoice == 2:
print("The computer has chosen paper as well. TIE!")
return 0
#scissors cut paper - pc won
print("The computer has chosen scissors. Scissors cut paper. You LOSE!")
return -1
else: #plyer choice defaults to 3
print("You have chosen scissors")
if pcChoice == 1:
#rock breaks scissors - pc won
print("The computer has chosen rock. Rock breaks scissors. You LOSE!")
return -1
elif pcChoice == 2:
#scissors cut paper - player won
print("The computer has chosen paper. Scissors cut paper. You WIN!")
return 1
else: #pc defaults to scissors
print("The computer has chosen scissors as well. TIE!")
return 0
# Update track of ties, player wins, and computer wins
def updateScoreBoard(gameStatus):
global tie, playerWon, pcWon
if gameStatus == 0:
tie +=1
elif gameStatus == 1:
playerWon += 1
pcWon += 1
# If user input is invalid, let them know.
def invalidChoice(menuSelect):
print(menuSelect, "is not a valid option. Please use 1-3")
# Print the scores before terminating the program.
def displayScoreBoard():
global tie, playerWon, pcWon
print("Statistics:\nTies:", tie, "\nPlayer Wins:", playerWon, "\nComputer Wins:", pcWon)
print("Win/Loss Ratio:", playerWon/pcWon)
print("Rounds:", tie + playerWon + pcWon)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
def play():
playerChoice = int(playerMenu())
if playerChoice == 4:
return 0
pcChoice = pcGenerate()
outcome = evaluateGame(playerChoice, pcChoice)
return 1
if(playerChoice == 1)
if else(playeChoice == 2)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
使用'%s.rsp' % name
。 open('name.rsp', 'w')
将永远打开“name.rsp' evn如果名字=' foo'。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
我为你做了 SPOILER ! 这段代码很有用,对你有帮助。但是在看到这段代码之前你必须要充分思考
import random
import pickle
#I'll use class for easy load, easy dump.
class GameStatus():
def __init__(self, name):
self.tie = 0
self.playerWon = 0
self.pcWon = 0
self.name = name
def get_round(self):
return self.tie + self.playerWon + self.pcWon + 1
# Displays program information, starts main play loop
def main():
print "Welcome to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors!"
print "What would you like to do?"
print ""
game_status = welcomemenu()
while True:
#prompt user's choice and return GameStatus instance
def welcomemenu():
#changed a logic to handle unexpected user input.
while True:
print "[1]: Start New Game"
print "[2]: Load Game"
print "[3]: Quit"
print ""
menuselect = input("Enter choice: ")
if menuselect in [1, 2, 3]:
print "Wrong choice. select again."
if menuselect == 1:
name = raw_input("What is your name?: ") # raw_input for string
print "Hello %s." % name
print "Let's play!"
game_status = GameStatus(name) #make a new game status
elif menuselect == 2:
while True:
name = raw_input("What is your name?: ")
player_file = open('%s.rsp' % name, 'r')
except IOError:
print "There's no saved file with name %s" % name
print "Welcome back %s." % name
print "Let's play!"
game_status = pickle.load(player_file) #load game status. not dump.
elif menuselect == 3:
print "Bye~!"
return game_status
# displays the menu for user, if input == 4, playGame in the calling function (main()) is False, terminating the program.
# Generate a random int 1-3, evaluate the user input with the computer input, update globals accordingly, returning True
# to playGame, resulting in the loop in the calling function (main()) to continue.
def play(game_status):
playerChoice = int(playerMenu())
#this if statement is unnecessary. playerMenu() already checked this.
#if playerChoice == 4:
# return 0
pcChoice = pcGenerate()
outcome = evaluateGame(playerChoice, pcChoice)
updateScoreBoard(outcome, game_status)
# prints the menu, the player selects a menu item, the input is validated, if the input is valid, returned the input, if
# the input is not valid, continue to prompt for a valid input
# 1 - rock
# 2 - paper
# 3 - scissors
def playerMenu():
print "Select a choice: \n [1]: Rock \n [2]: Paper \n [3]: Scissors\n"
menuSelect = input("What will it be? ")
while not validateInput(menuSelect):
invalidChoice(menuSelect) #I think this function is un necessary. just use print.
menuSelect = input("Enter a correct value: ")
return menuSelect
# if the user doesn't input a 1-3 then return false, resulting in prompting the user for another value. If the value
# is valid, return True
# takes 1 argument
# menuSelection - value user entered prior
def validateInput(menuSelection):
if menuSelection in [1, 2, 3]: # more readable.
return True
return False
# return a random integer 1-3 to determine pc selection
# 1 - rock
# 2 - paper
# 3 - scissors
def pcGenerate():
pcChoice = random.randint(1,3)
return pcChoice
# evaluate if the winner is pc or player or tie, return value accordingly
# 0 - tie
# 1 - player won
# 2 - pc won
def evaluateGame(playerChoice, pcChoice):
#more readable.
rsp = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']
win_statement = ['Rock breaks scissors', 'Paper covers rock', 'Scissors cut paper']
# if player win, win_status = 1 (ex. rock vs scissors -> (1 - 3 == -2) -> (-2 % 3 == 1))
# if pc win, win_status = 2
# if tie, win_status = 0
win_status = (playerChoice - pcChoice) % 3
print "You have chosen %s" % rsp[playerChoice - 1]
what_to_say = "Computer has chose %s" % rsp[pcChoice - 1]
if win_status == 0:
what_to_say += " as Well. TIE!"
elif win_status == 1:
what_to_say += ". %s. You WIN!" % win_statement[playerChoice - 1]
what_to_say += ". %s. You LOSE!" % win_statement[pcChoice - 1]
print what_to_say
return win_status
# Update track of ties, player wins, and computer wins
def updateScoreBoard(outcome, game_status):
if outcome == 0:
game_status.tie += 1
elif outcome == 1:
game_status.playerWon += 1
game_status.pcWon += 1
# If user input is invalid, let them know.
def invalidChoice(menuSelect):
print menuSelect, "is not a valid option. Please use 1-3"
# Print the scores before terminating the program.
def displayScoreBoard(game_status):
print ""
print "Statistics:"
print "Ties: %d" % game_status.tie
print "Player Wins: %d" % game_status.playerWon
print "Computer Wins: %d" % game_status.pcWon
if game_status.pcWon > 0:
#if you don't use float, '10 / 4' will be '2', not '2.5'.
print "Win/Loss Ratio: %f" % (float(game_status.playerWon) / game_status.pcWon)
print "Win/Loss Ratio: Always Win."
print "Rounds: %d" % game_status.get_round()
def endGameSelect(game_status):
print ""
print "[1]: Play again"
print "[2]: Show Statistics"
print "[3]: Save Game"
print "[4]: Quit"
print ""
while True:
menuselect = input("Enter choice: ")
if menuselect in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
print "Wrong input."
if menuselect == 2:
elif menuselect == 3:
f = open("%s.rsp" % game_status.name, 'w')
pickle.dump(game_status, f)
print "Saved."
elif menuselect == 4:
print "Bye~!"
答案 3 :(得分:0)
def rps(a, b):
game = { "rp" : 1, "rr" : 0, "rs" : -1,
"ps" : 1, "pp" : 0, "pr" : -1,
"sr" : 1, "ss" : 0, "sp" : -1}
return (game[a + b])
# For example:
print (rps("r", "p"))