
时间:2014-07-24 10:07:41

标签: json go


{"articles": [{"title": "This is an awesome post.", "content": "How amazing is this article actually?"}, {"title": "Asking a question on StackOerflow", "content": "It's very easy."}]}


{"articles": [{"title": "New Post", "content": "Content"},{"title": "This is an awesome post.", "content": "How amazing is this article actually?"}, {"title": "Asking a question on StackOerflow", "content": "It's very easy."}]}


{"articles": [{"title": "New Post", "content": "Content of new post"},{"title": "This is an awesome post.", "content": "How amazing is this article actually?"}, {"title": "Asking a question on StackOerflow", "content": "It's very easy."}]}



type Articles struct {
    Article []Article

type Article struct {
    Title   string
    Content string

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



package main

import (

type JsonDoc struct {
    Articles []Article

type Article struct {
    Title   string
    Content string

func main() {
    s := `{"articles": [
    {"title": "This is an awesome post.", 
     "content": "How amazing is this article actually?"}, 
    {"title": "Asking a question on StackOverflow",
     "content": "It's very easy."}]}`

    doc := JsonDoc{}
    // Toy example.  In a real application, we should not ignore
    // the possibility of an error here.
    json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &doc)

    fmt.Printf("Before: %#v\n", doc)

    // Note: adding to the front of a slice is a bit expensive.
    // Consider adding to the back, or use a data representation
    // that's more appropriate.
    frontArticle := Article{Title: "Another article",
        Content: "Here's its content."}
    doc.Articles = append([]Article{frontArticle},

    fmt.Printf("After: %#v\n", doc)

    // Toy example: in a real application, we should not ignore
    // the possibility of an error here.
    marshalled, _ := json.Marshal(&doc)
    fmt.Printf("%s\n", marshalled)

您会注意到,关键名称的编组输出与输入略有不同。输入使用了小写键,但我们的输出正在生成大写键!你需要告诉JSON编码器更多关于外部表示的信息,这样它才能在编组时做正确的事情。这是使用struct field标签的一种方法:http://play.golang.org/p/HHeMQUcCDV

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    s := `{"articles": [{"title": "This is an awesome post.", "content": "How amazing is this article actually?"}, {"title": "Asking a question on StackOverflow", "content": "It's very easy."}]}`
    items := &Articles{}
    json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), items)
    theLength := len(items.Article) + 1
    newArray := make([]Article, theLength)
    newArray[0] = Article{"My New Title", "My New Content"}
    for i := 1; i < theLength; i++ {
        newArray[i] = items.Article[i-1]
    newItems := &Articles{}
    newItems.Article = newArray
    //now newItems is the new interface