
时间:2010-03-18 16:04:58

标签: php drupal sorting drupal-views

我正在尝试使用函数views_get_view_result()获取视图的结果 - 并以一种我在Views界面中无法做到的方式对数组进行排序。到现在为止还挺好。我有一个$ rows变量,包含我需要的所有东西。

现在......我怎么把它还掉? :)在我需要这种之前,我使用了views_embed_view(),但我不能再这样做了。


$important_var = important_function();
$result = views_get_view_result($view, $display, $args);
$result = sorting_function($result, $important_var);

//TODO: Put the result back into the view

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:18)

视图模块provides some hooks用于“外部”操作,就像Drupal核心一样。


 * Implementation of hook_views_pre_render()
 * @param view $view
function YourModuleName_views_pre_render(&$view) {
  // Check if this is the view and display you want to manipulate
  // NOTE: Adjust/Remove the display check, if you want to manipulate some/all displays of the view
  if ('YourViewName' == $view->name && 'YourDisplayName' == $view->current_display) {
    // EXAMPLE: Just reverse result order
    // TODO: Replace with your desired (re)ordering logic
    $view->result = array_reverse($view->result);



function yourModule_get_custom_sorted_view($display_id = NULL) {
  // As the custom sorting probably only works for a specific view,
  // we 'demote' the former $name function parameter of 'views_get_view_result()'
  // and set it within the function:
  $name = 'yourViewName';
  // Prepare a default output in case the view definition can not be found
  // TODO: Decide what to return in that case (using empty string for now)
  $output = '';

  // Then we create the result just as 'views_get_view_result()' would do it:
  $args = func_get_args();
  if (count($args)) {
    array_shift($args); // remove $display_id

  $view = views_get_view($name);
  if (is_object($view)) {
    if (is_array($args)) {
    if (is_string($display_id)) {
    else {
    // 'views_get_view_result()' would just return $view->result here,
    // but we need to go on, reordering the result:
    $important_var = important_function();
    $view->result = sorting_function($result, $important_var);
    // Now we continue the view processing and generate the rendered output
    // NOTE: $view->render will call $view->execute again,
    // but the execute method will detect that it ran already and not redo it.
    $output = $view->render();
    // Clean up after processing

  return $output;

注意:这是很多代码重复,因而容易出错 - 我不建议这样做,宁愿选择上面的钩子实现,试图找到一种方法来访问你的' $ important_var'来自那个。

答案 1 :(得分:10)




 * Implementation of hook_views_query_alter(). 
function yourmodule_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) { 
  if ($view->name == 'view_projects' && $view->current_display == 'panel_pane_4') { 
    if (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(1))) { 
      $node = node_load(arg(1)); 
      if ($client_nid = $node->field_ref_client[0]['nid']) { 
        $query->table_queue['node_node_data_field_ref_client']['join']->extra = "field_ref_client_nid = " . $client_nid;
        $query->add_orderby('node', NULL, 'DESC', 'node_node_data_field_ref_client_nid'); 
        $query->add_orderby('node', 'created', 'DESC'); 


答案 2 :(得分:3)


 * Implementation of hook_views_post_execute()
 * @param view $view
function YourModuleName_views_post_execute(&$view) {
  // Check if this is the view and display you want to manipulate
  // NOTE: Adjust/Remove the display check, if you want to manipulate some/all displays of the view
  if ('YourViewName' == $view->name && 'YourDisplayName' == $view->current_display) {
    // EXAMPLE: Just reverse result order
    // TODO: Replace with your desired (re)ordering logic
    $view->result = array_reverse($view->result);


答案 3 :(得分:0)



 * Implementation of hook_views_query_alter(). 
function yourmodule_views_query_alter(&$view, &$query) { 
  if ($view->name == 'your_view_name' && $view->current_display == 'your_pane_name') {
    if ($query->orderby[0]['field'] == 'my_order_field') {
      $query->orderby[0]['field'] = "FIELD(my_order_field, 'ord3','ord1','ord2')";