
时间:2014-07-03 20:14:36

标签: excel vba excel-vba



我希望L列定义工作表。 L列中只有五个不同的值。

在源文件中,列G,K和L是确定记录的关键列。如果行和行+ 1具有相同的G,K和L值,则行+ 1,列N应转到行,列O.然后,如果行和行+ 2具有相同的G,K和L值,则行+ 2,列N应该到行,列P.等等。

如果G,K和L不匹配,则行完成,行+ n成为新行。


Open c:\xml\vac\values00.xls
First_Row = 3
Last_Row = Last_Row

For First_Row to Last_Row
    Read First_Row
        Get Column_A
        Get Column_B
        Get Column_C
        Get Column_D
        Get Column_E
        Get Column_F
        Get Column_G 'critical
        Get Column_H
        Get Column_I
        Get Column_J
        Get Column_K 'critical
        Get Column_L 'critical
        Get Column_M
        Get Column_N

    'build row          
    New_First_Row = Column_A, Column_B, Column_C, Column_D, Column_E, Column_F, Column_G, Column_H, Column_I, Column_J, Column_K, Column_L, Column_M, Column_N

    'write row to worksheet defined by value in Column L
    Write New_First_Row to Column_L_worksheet

    'read next row and check L, K, and G, if they match previous L, K, and G then same record, move N to New_First_Row O
    Next_Row = First_Row + 1
    Next_Column = Column N
    For Next_Row to Last_Row
        Next_Column = Next_Column + 1
            Read Next_Row
                Get Column_Ln
                Get Column_Kn
                Get Column_Gn
            If (Column_L = Column_Ln) AND (Column_K = Column_Kn) AND (Column_G = Column_Gn)
                Then 'grow horizontally
                Get Column_N
                Write Column_N to Next_Column
            End IF
    Next 'new row

Next First_Row

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VBSCRIPT - Loop through all files in a directory

VBSCRIPT - Loop through all rows in an excel sheet


'Declare variables to be used  
Dim oFSO  
Dim myFolder  
Dim myDirectoryName
Dim myConnectionString
Dim myConnection
Dim myRS

'Define variables  
'Access a Scripting.FileSystemObject  
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  

'Get the current directory of the script file  
myDirectoryName = get_Current_Directory  

'Set the current directory to a folder object  
Set myFolder = oFSO.GetFolder( myDirectoryName )  

'Loop through each of the files in the folder  
For each myFile in myFolder.Files  

    'Check if its an excel file
    If LCase(oFSO.GetExtensionName( myFile.Path )) = "xlsx" Then

        Set myConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        Set myRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

        'Open the excel file
        myConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & myFile.Path & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES"";"
        myConnection.Open myConnectionString

        myRS.Open "SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", myConnection

        Do While Not myRS.eof

            Set myFields = myRS.Fields

            For each myField in myFields

                wscript.echo myField.Name & ": " & myField.Value




        Set myRS = Nothing
        Set myConnection = Nothing      

    End If


Function get_Current_Directory()  
    Dim oFSO  
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  
    get_Current_Directory = oFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(".")  
End Function

将此脚本保存为.VBS文件,位于您拥有这些文件的同一目录中,然后进入命令提示符。将目录更改为保存此vbs文件的位置,然后在命令提示符下执行cscript myscript.vbs,脚本将遍历目录中的所有excel文件并将内容输出到控制台。这将至少向您展示如何遍历文件中的所有文件和所有数据。其余的由您决定如何处理它们。


Sean W。