例如,在第一个工作簿中,每个工作表都包含来自不同品牌的数据;让我的allbrandsmasterlist excel文件调用此文件。我还有一个perbrandbreakdown文件,这是我希望每个品牌都粘贴到的模板,但每个品牌都有不同的文件。
#import excel writing and reading modules
import xlwt
import xlrd
file = 'i:/My Client Data/CLASSHOG FINAL TEMPLATES AND FILES/item master new august.xlsx'
workbook1 = xlrd.open_workbook(file)
print ('There are %s sheets in %s'% (workbook1.nsheets,file))
"""for i in range(workbook.nsheets):
for i in range(workbook1.nsheets):
if workbook1.nsheets > 1:
workbookwt = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet1 = workbookwt.add_sheet('ITEM DETAILS')
#open template file to copy from
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('I:\My Client Data\CLASSHOG FINAL TEMPLATES AND FILES/PERFORMANCE MACHINE.xlsx')
#set current sheet to first one in workbook
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)
#declare contents of rows individually - manual
datarow0 = [sheet.cell_value(0, col) for col in range(sheet.ncols)]
datarow1 = [sheet.cell_value(1, col) for col in range(sheet.ncols)]
datarow2 = [sheet.cell_value(2, col) for col in range(sheet.ncols)]
datarow3 = [sheet.cell_value(3, col) for col in range(sheet.ncols)]
datarow4 = [sheet.cell_value(4, col) for col in range(sheet.ncols)]
#declare contents of columns individually - manual
datacolA = [sheet.cell_value(row,0) for row in range(sheet.nrows)]
datacolB = [sheet.cell_value(row,1) for row in range(sheet.nrows)]
#number of worksheets, columns and rows respectively
print("The number of worksheets is %s:" % (workbook.nsheets))
print("The number of columns is %s:" % (sheet.ncols))
print("The number of rows is %s:" % (sheet.nrows))
#add first sheet and paste columns-manual
for index, value in enumerate(datarow0):
sheet1.write(0, index, value)
for index, value in enumerate(datarow1):
sheet1.write(1, index, value)
for index, value in enumerate(datarow2):
sheet1.write(2, index, value)
for index, value in enumerate(datarow3):
sheet1.write(3, index, value)
sheet = workbookwt.add_sheet('CLEAN FILE')
sheetswb1 = workbook1.sheet_by_index(i)
datarow0 = [sheetswb1.cell_value(0, col) for col in range(sheetswb1.ncols)]
datarow1 = [sheetswb1.cell_value(1, col) for col in range(sheetswb1.ncols)]
for r in range(sheetswb1.nrows):
for c in range(sheetswb1.ncols):
sheet.write(r, c, sheetswb1.cell_value(r, c))
#for index, value in enumerate(datarow0):
#sheet.write(0, index, value)
#for index, value in enumerate(datarow1):
#sheet.write(1, index, value)
sheet = workbookwt.add_sheet('SC FILE')
sheet3 = workbook.sheet_by_index(2)
sheet = workbookwt.add_sheet('EBAY FILE')
sheet4 = workbook.sheet_by_index(3)
sheet = workbookwt.add_sheet('PRICING STRATEGY')
sheet5 = workbook.sheet_by_index(4)
datarow0 = [sheet5.cell_value(0, col) for col in range(sheet5.ncols)]
datarow1 = [sheet5.cell_value(1, col) for col in range(sheet5.ncols)]
datarow2 = [sheet5.cell_value(2, col) for col in range(sheet5.ncols)]
for index, value in enumerate(datarow0):
sheet.write(0, index, value)
for index, value in enumerate(datarow1):
sheet.write(1, index, value)
for index, value in enumerate(datarow2):
sheet.write(2, index, value)
workbookwt.save('i:/pythonvirioutput/output%s.xls' % ("brand" + str(i)))
print('Operation run and file saved for brand' + str(i))
else: print('The workbook has less than 2 sheets')
There are 441 sheets in i:/My Client Data/CLASSHOG FINAL TEMPLATES AND FILES/item master new august.xlsx
The number of worksheets is 5:
The number of columns is 2:
The number of rows is 5:
Operation run and file saved for brand0
答案 0 :(得分:1)
是的,这似乎只是起作用,因为你得到当前的表格 -
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(0)
来分别获取每张纸。代码 -
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(i)