为什么random()* random()与random()** 2不同?

时间:2014-06-29 19:09:43

标签: python random random-sample

random() * random()random() ** 2之间是否存在差异? random()从统一分布返回介于0和1之间的值。



我为random() * random()生成两个随机分箱分配,为random() ** 2生成一个,如下所示:

from random import random

lst = [0 for i in range(100)]
lst2, lst3 = list(lst), list(lst)

#create two random distributions for random() * random()
for i in range(100000):
    lst[int(100 * random() * random())] += 1

for i in range(100000):
    lst2[int(100 * random() * random())] += 1

for i in range(100000):
    lst3[int(100 * random() ** 2)] += 1


>>> lst
    5626, 4139, 3705, 3348, 3085, 2933, 2725, 2539, 2449, 2413,
    2259, 2179, 2116, 2062, 1961, 1827, 1754, 1743, 1719, 1753,
    1522, 1543, 1513, 1361, 1372, 1290, 1336, 1274, 1219, 1178,
    1139, 1147, 1109, 1163, 1060, 1022, 1007,  952,  984,  957,
     906,  900,  843,  883,  802,  801,  710,  752,  705,  729,
     654,  668,  628,  633,  615,  600,  566,  551,  532,  541,
     511,  493,  465,  503,  450,  394,  405,  405,  404,  332,
     369,  369,  332,  316,  272,  284,  315,  257,  224,  230,
     221,  175,  209,  188,  162,  156,  159,  114,  131,  124,
     96,   94,   80,   73,   54,   45,   43,   23,   18,     3

>>> lst2
    5548, 4218, 3604, 3237, 3082, 2921, 2872, 2570, 2479, 2392,
    2296, 2205, 2113, 1990, 1901, 1814, 1801, 1714, 1660, 1591,
    1631, 1523, 1491, 1505, 1385, 1329, 1275, 1308, 1324, 1207,
    1209, 1208, 1117, 1136, 1015, 1080, 1001,  993,  958,  948,
     903,  843,  843,  849,  801,  799,  748,  729,  705,  660,
     701,  689,  676,  656,  632,  581,  564,  537,  517,  525,
     483,  478,  473,  494,  457,  422,  412,  390,  384,  352,
     350,  323,  322,  308,  304,  275,  272,  256,  246,  265,
     227,  204,  171,  191,  191,  136,  145,  136,  108,  117,
      93,   83,   74,   77,   55,   38,   32,   25,   21,    1

>>> lst3
    10047, 4198, 3214, 2696, 2369, 2117, 2010, 1869, 1752, 1653,
     1552, 1416, 1405, 1377, 1328, 1293, 1252, 1245, 1121, 1146,
     1047, 1051, 1123, 1100,  951,  948,  967,  933,  939,  925,
      940,  893,  929,  874,  824,  843,  868,  800,  844,  822,
      746,  733,  808,  734,  740,  682,  713,  681,  675,  686,
      689,  730,  707,  677,  645,  661,  645,  651,  649,  672,
      679,  593,  585,  622,  611,  636,  543,  571,  594,  593,
      629,  624,  593,  567,  584,  585,  610,  549,  553,  574,
      547,  583,  582,  553,  536,  512,  498,  562,  536,  523,
      553,  485,  503,  502,  518,  554,  485,  482,  470,  516


    78,  79, 101, 111,   3,  12, 147,  31,  30,  21,
    37,  26,   3,  72,  60,  13,  47,  29,  59, 162,
   109,  20,  22, 144,  13,  39,  61,  34, 105,  29,
    70,  61,   8,  27,  45,  58,   6,  41,  26,   9,
     3,  57,   0,  34,   1,   2,  38,  23,   0,  69,
    47,  21,  48,  23,  17,  19,   2,  14,  15,  16,
    28,  15,   8,   9,   7,  28,   7,  15,  20,  20,
    19,  46,  10,   8,  32,   9,  43,   1,  22,  35,
     6,  29,  38,   3,  29,  20,  14,  22,  23,   7,
     3,  11,   6,   4,   1,   7,  11,   2,   3,   2


    4421,   59,  491,  652,  716,  816,  715,  670,  697,  760,
     707,  763,  711,  685,  633,  534,  502,  498,  598,  607,
     475,  492,  390,  261,  421,  342,  369,  341,  280,  253,
     199,  254,  180,  289,  236,  179,  139,  152,  140,  135,
     160,  167,   35,  149,   62,  119,    3,   71,   30,   43,
      35,   62,   79,   44,   30,   61,   79,  100,  117,  131,
     168,  100,  120,  119,  161,  242,  138,  166,  190,  261,
     260,  255,  261,  251,  312,  301,  295,  292,  329,  344,
     326,  408,  373,  365,  374,  356,  339,  448,  405,  399,
     457,  391,  423,  429,  464,  509,  442,  459,  452,  513

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)


random() * random()的所有可能性:

A 2D heatmap with most intensity in the top-right.



当唯一的决策者是单轴时,就像在random() ** 2情况下一样,你得到

A 2D heatmap that increases quadratically from bottom to top, and is invariant in the x-axis


当你同时进行线性化时,random() * random()位于顶部:

A linearization of the first graph A linearization of the second graph



import numpy
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot
import matplotlib.cm

def make_fig(name, data):
    figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
    figure.set_size_inches(data.shape[1]//100, data.shape[0]//100)

    axes = matplotlib.pyplot.Axes(figure, [0, 0, 1, 1])

    axes.imshow(data, origin="lower", cmap=matplotlib.cm.Greys, aspect="auto")
    figure.savefig(name, dpi=200)

xs, ys = numpy.mgrid[:1000, :1000]
two_random = xs * ys

make_fig("two_random.png", two_random)

two_random_flat = two_random.flatten()
two_random_flat = two_random_flat[::1000]

make_fig("two_random_1D.png", numpy.tile(two_random_flat, (100, 1)))

one_random = xs * xs

make_fig("one_random.png", one_random)

one_random_flat = one_random.flatten()
one_random_flat = one_random_flat[::1000]

make_fig("one_random_1D.png", numpy.tile(one_random_flat, (100, 1)))

你也可以用数学方法解决这个问题。使用x获得小于0 ≤ x ≤ 1的值的概率为



随机值低于x的概率是random()² < x的概率。

对于random() · random()

鉴于第一个随机变量是r而第二个是R,我们可以找到Rr < x具有固定R的概率:

P(Rr < x)
= P(r < x/R)
= 1 if x > R (and so x/R > 1)
= x/R otherwise


∫ P(Rr < x) dR from R=0 to R=1

= ∫ 1   dR from R=0 to R=x
+ ∫ x/R dR from R=x to R=1

= x(1 - ln R)

我们可以看到,√x ≠ x(1 - ln R)


Probability that the function is less than a given value

y轴给出了线(random()²random() · random())小于x轴的概率。

我们看到,对于random() · random(),大数字的可能性要小得多。


我想最明显的是区分(½x ^ -½- ln x)并绘制概率密度函数:

Probabilities of each number's occurring

这显示了相对而言每个x的概率。因此,x变量的概率> 0.5大约为random()²变异的两倍。

答案 1 :(得分:13)

