
时间:2014-06-25 01:25:50

标签: python numpy prediction kalman-filter

我一直在努力实现卡尔曼滤波器来搜索二维数据集中的异常。非常类似于我在这里找到的优秀帖子。作为下一步,我想预测下一个值将落入的置信区间(例如,对于最低值和最高值的95%置信度)。所以除了下面的行之外,我还要预测。 d希望能够生成两条额外的线,这些线代表95%的信心,即下一个值将高于底线或低于天花板。


kalman 2d filter in python


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def kalman_xy(x, P, measurement, R,
              motion = np.matrix('0. 0. 0. 0.').T,
              Q = np.matrix(np.eye(4))):
x: initial state 4-tuple of location and velocity: (x0, x1, x0_dot, x1_dot)
P: initial uncertainty convariance matrix
measurement: observed position
R: measurement noise 
motion: external motion added to state vector x
Q: motion noise (same shape as P)
return kalman(x, P, measurement, R, motion, Q,
              F = np.matrix('''
                  1. 0. 1. 0.;
                  0. 1. 0. 1.;
                  0. 0. 1. 0.;
                  0. 0. 0. 1.
              H = np.matrix('''
                  1. 0. 0. 0.;
                  0. 1. 0. 0.'''))

def kalman(x, P, measurement, R, motion, Q, F, H):
    x: initial state
    P: initial uncertainty convariance matrix
    measurement: observed position (same shape as H*x)
    R: measurement noise (same shape as H)
    motion: external motion added to state vector x
    Q: motion noise (same shape as P)
    F: next state function: x_prime = F*x
    H: measurement function: position = H*x

    Return: the updated and predicted new values for (x, P)

    See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalman_filter

    This version of kalman can be applied to many different situations by
    appropriately defining F and H 
    # UPDATE x, P based on measurement m    
    # distance between measured and current position-belief
    y = np.matrix(measurement).T - H * x
    S = H * P * H.T + R  # residual convariance
    K = P * H.T * S.I    # Kalman gain
    x = x + K*y
    I = np.matrix(np.eye(F.shape[0])) # identity matrix
    P = (I - K*H)*P

    # PREDICT x, P based on motion
    x = F*x + motion
    P = F*P*F.T + Q

    return x, P

def demo_kalman_xy():
    x = np.matrix('0. 0. 0. 0.').T 
    P = np.matrix(np.eye(4))*1000 # initial uncertainty

    N = 20
    true_x = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, N)
    true_y = true_x**2
    observed_x = true_x + 0.05*np.random.random(N)*true_x
    observed_y = true_y + 0.05*np.random.random(N)*true_y
    plt.plot(observed_x, observed_y, 'ro')
    result = []
    R = 0.01**2
    for meas in zip(observed_x, observed_y):
        x, P = kalman_xy(x, P, meas, R)
    kalman_x, kalman_y = zip(*result)
    plt.plot(kalman_x, kalman_y, 'g-')


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

1-sigma interval的2D泛化是置信椭圆,其由等式(x-mx).T P^{-1}.(x-mx)==1表征,其中x是参数2D-Vector,mx 2D均值或椭圆中心和P^{-1}逆协方差矩阵。请参阅此answer了解如何绘制一个。与sigma间隔一样,椭圆区域对应于真值位于其中的固定概率。通过使用因子n(缩放间隔长度或椭圆半径)进行缩放,可以达到更高的置信度。请注意,因素n在一维和二维中具有不同的概率:

|`n` | 1D-Intverval | 2D Ellipse |
  1  |  68.27%      |  39.35%    
  2  |  95.5%       |  86.47%
  3  |  99.73%      |  98.89%


答案 1 :(得分:1)



请参阅Prediction ellipse and prediction ellipsoid获取Python代码以计算95%预测椭圆或椭圆体。 这可能有助于您计算数据的预测椭圆。

答案 2 :(得分:0)
