C ++算术推广标题的使用

时间:2010-03-11 15:41:24

标签: c++ math templates boost

我一直在玩一套模板,用于在C ++中给出两种原始类型来确定正确的促销类型。这个想法是,如果你定义一个自定义数字模板,你可以使用它们来确定,例如,基于传递给模板的类的操作符+函数的返回类型。例如:

// Custom numeric class
template <class T>
struct Complex {
    Complex(T real, T imag) : r(real), i(imag) {}
    T r, i;
// Other implementation stuff

// Generic arithmetic promotion template
template <class T, class U>
struct ArithmeticPromotion {
    typedef typename X type;  // I realize this is incorrect, but the point is it would
                              // figure out what X would be via trait testing, etc

// Specialization of arithmetic promotion template
template <>
class ArithmeticPromotion<long long, unsigned long> {
    typedef typename unsigned long long type;

// Arithmetic promotion template actually being used
template <class T, class U>
Complex<typename ArithmeticPromotion<T, U>::type>
operator+ (Complex<T>& lhs, Complex<U>& rhs) {
    return Complex<typename ArithmeticPromotion<T, U>::type>(lhs.r + rhs.r, lhs.i + rhs.i);



TL; DR:您希望在推广本身的机制之外的算术推广标题中找到哪种辅助模板?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)



// typedef eiher to A or B, depending on what integer is passed
template<int, typename A, typename B>
struct cond;

#define CCASE(N, typed) \
  template<typename A, typename B> \
  struct cond<N, A, B> { \
    typedef typed type; \

CCASE(1, A); CCASE(2, B);
CCASE(3, int); CCASE(4, unsigned int);
CCASE(5, long); CCASE(6, unsigned long);
CCASE(7, float); CCASE(8, double);
CCASE(9, long double);

#undef CCASE

// for a better syntax...
template<typename T> struct identity { typedef T type; };

// different type => figure out common type
template<typename A, typename B>
struct promote {
  static A a;
  static B b;

  // in case A or B is a promoted arithmetic type, the template
  // will make it less preferred than the nontemplates below
  template<typename T>
  static identity<char[1]>::type &check(A, T);
  template<typename T>
  static identity<char[2]>::type &check(B, T);

  // "promoted arithmetic types"
  static identity<char[3]>::type &check(int, int);
  static identity<char[4]>::type &check(unsigned int, int);
  static identity<char[5]>::type &check(long, int);
  static identity<char[6]>::type &check(unsigned long, int);
  static identity<char[7]>::type &check(float, int);
  static identity<char[8]>::type &check(double, int);
  static identity<char[9]>::type &check(long double, int);

  typedef typename cond<sizeof check(0 ? a : b, 0), A, B>::type

// same type => finished
template<typename A>
struct promote<A, A> {
  typedef A type;


template<typename T, typename U>
struct promote<Complex<T>, Complex<U>> {
  typedef Complex<typename promote<T, U>::type> type;


int main() {
  promote<char, short>::type a;
  int *p0 = &a;

  promote<float, double>::type b;
  double *p1 = &b;

  promote<char*, string>::type c;
  string *p2 = &c;

请注意,对于实际使用情况,您应该最好地捕捉一些我为了简单起见而遗漏的案例,例如<const int, int>应该与<T, T>类似地处理(您最好首先剥离const }和volatile并将T[N]转换为T*T&转换为T,然后委托给实际的promote模板 - 即{{1}在委派之前,{} {}和boost::remove_cv<boost::decay<T>>::type都可以使用}。如果您不这样做,对A的调用将最终导致这些情况模糊不清。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

这绝对是有用的 - 我们在数学库中使用这些类型的东西来处理正确的表达式中的中间值。例如,您可能有一个模板化的加法运算符:

template<typename Atype, typename Btype>
type_promote<Atype, Btype>::type operator+(Atype A, Btype B);


关于应该采用什么的问题:我只是检查了我们定义它们的源代码,我们所拥有的只是你描述的简单的ArithmeticPromotion声明 - 三个通用版本来解决复杂问题 - 复杂的,复杂的,真实的,复杂的变体使用特定的真实变体,然后是真实的变体 - 大约50行代码。我们没有任何其他帮助模板,它们(从我们的用法)看起来没有任何我们使用的自然模板。
