data RI a = Union (RI a) (RI a) | Kleene (RI a) |
Concat (RI a) (RI a) | Const a | Empty | EmptySet deriving (Show)
instance Monoid (RI a) where
mempty = EmptySet
mappend = Union
instance IsString (RI Char) where
fromString s = either (error "Incorrect Parse") (id) (getRE s)
instance IsString (RI Char -> RI Char) where
fromString s = (\r -> mappend (fromString s) r)
runR :: RI Char -> String -> Bool
runR r s = True
chain :: String -> Bool
chain = runR ("a" "b")
No instance for (IsString (a0 -> RI Char))
arising from the literal ‘"a"’
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
Note: there is a potential instance available:
instance IsString (RI Char -> RI Char) -- Defined at re.hs:39:10
In the expression: "a"
In the first argument of ‘runR’, namely ‘("a" "b")’
In the expression: runR ("a" "b")
No instance for (IsString a0) arising from the literal ‘"b"’
The type variable ‘a0’ is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance IsString (RI Char -> RI Char) -- Defined at re.hs:39:10
instance IsString (RI Char) -- Defined at re.hs:36:10
instance IsString [Char] -- Defined in ‘Data.String’
...plus two others
In the first argument of ‘"a"’, namely ‘"b"’
In the first argument of ‘runR’, namely ‘("a" "b")’
In the expression: runR ("a" "b")
Failed, modules loaded: none.
chain = runR ("a" ("b" :: RI Char))
问题是,为什么编译器不能自己解决这个问题? runR
的第一个参数的类型为RI Char
,因此我们必须以某种方式评估此类型的"a" "b"
。从我定义的实例中,唯一的方法是使用RI Char -> RI Char
的{{1}}实例和{" b"的"a"