def play_hand(hand, wordlist):
Allows the user to play the given hand, as follows:
* The hand is displayed.
* The user may input a word.
* An invalid word is rejected, and a message is displayed asking
the user to choose another word.
* When a valid word is entered, it uses up letters from the hand.
* After every valid word: the score for that word is displayed,
the remaining letters in the hand are displayed, and the user
is asked to input another word.
* The sum of the word scores is displayed when the hand finishes.
* The hand finishes when there are no more unused letters.
The user can also finish playing the hand by inputing a single
period (the string '.') instead of a word.
hand: dictionary (string -> int)
word_list: list of lowercase strings
print "Current Hand:", display_hand(hand)
word = raw_input('Enter word, or a "." to indicate that you are finished:')
handScore = 0
while list(word) != ['.']:
if is_valid_word(word, hand, wordlist) == True:
score = get_word_score(word,n)
handScore = handScore + score
print word, "earned", score, "points. Total:", handScore, "points"
hand = update_hand(hand, word)
if calculate_handlen(hand) == 0:
print "Your hand has finished."
print "Your final score is", handScore
print "Current hand:", display_hand(hand)
word = raw_input('Enter word, or a "." to indicate that you are finished:')
print "Invalid word, please try again."
word = raw_input('Enter word, or a "." to indicate that you are finished:')
if list(word) == ['.']:
print "Total score: %d points" %(handScore)
n = 7
hand = deal_hand(n)
play_hand(hand, load_words())
def load_words():
Returns a list of valid words. Words are strings of lowercase letters.
Depending on the size of the word list, this function may
take a while to finish.
print "Loading word list from file..."
# inFile: file
inFile = open(WORDLIST_FILENAME, 'r', 0)
# wordlist: list of strings
wordlist = []
for line in inFile:
print " ", len(wordlist), "words loaded."
return wordlist
Loading word list from file...
83667 words loaded.
Current Hand: a i j m n w v
Enter word, or a "." to indicate that you are finished:jam
jam earned 36 points. Total: 36 points
Current hand: i n w v
Enter word, or a "." to indicate that you are finished:win
win earned 18 points. Total: 54 points
Current hand: v
Enter word, or a "." to indicate that you are finished:v
Invalid word, please try again.
Enter word, or a "." to indicate that you are finished:.
Total score: 54 points
Loading word list from file...
83667 words loaded.
非常感谢! 安德烈
答案 0 :(得分:1)