
时间:2014-05-31 01:33:51

标签: java methods constructor global-variables do-while






import javax.swing.JOptionPane;     // Library for dialog boxes

public class VendingMachineDriver       // Start of VendingMachineDriver class with main method
    public static void main (String [] args) {

        // Creating an object of VendingMachine class
        VendingMachine objVendingMachine = new VendingMachine();

        // Start of program repeat loop with constructors from VendingMachine class
        }       // End of main method do loop

    // Condition for ending program loop
    while (objVendingMachine.again == JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);       
}       // End of VendingMachineDriver class

VendingMachine Class

    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;     // Importing library for dialog boxes
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;     // Importing library for decimal number formatting

    public class VendingMachine         // Start of VendingMachine class with constructors
            String spaymentSum;         // Money inserted by user for parsing into Integer value

            String productName;         // Name of product

            int paymentSum;             // Money inserted by customer parsed into Integer value as pence

            int coke, pepsi, sevenUp, mars, snickers, twix;         // variables for products sold

            int price;              // Value holding the price of product selected
            int changeLeft;         // Change left from inserted money after selection

            int again;              // variable for descerning program repeat

            DecimalFormat pence = new DecimalFormat("#p");      // Format display output for pence

             * SelectionMenu constructor to display welcome message, money insertion and select item options.

            public void InsertMoney()
                String soption;         // Variable for machine operation
                boolean correctOption = false;  // boolean variable for confirming input validation with default value

                paymentSum = 0;         // Intialising inserted money variable paymentSum

                do      // Start of loop valid option selection loop

                    // Vending machine welcome dialog
                    soption = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        + "\nWelcome to the College Vending Machine!" 
                        + "\n============================================"
                        + "\n\nOptions: i for insert money, s for select item, q for quit."
                        + "\n\n============================================");

                    // input validation for only i, s or q user input
                    if (soption.matches("isq"))
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid input! Please try again.");    

                    // start of switch condition to catch specific characters (i, s and q) for machine operation
                    switch (soption) 
                        case "q":       // user chooses q to quit
                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Have a Nice Day!");
                            System.exit(0);     // terminate application
                        case "i":       // if user chooses i: insert money;
                                spaymentSum = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                                            + "\nPlease enter some money (in pence)" 
                                            + "\n=============================");   // Inserting money

                                // Validation against string and decimal numbers
                                if (spaymentSum.matches("[a-zA-Z]+(\\.[0-9]+)?$"))  // Validation against string
                                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Must be a positive number! Try again.");
                                    spaymentSum = null;
                                    paymentSum = Integer.parseInt(spaymentSum); // Parsing for calculations
                                if (paymentSum <= 0)        // Validation against negative numbers
                                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Must be a positive number! Try again.");
                            while (paymentSum <=0);
                            correctOption = true;
                        case "s":       // if user chooses s: select item
                            correctOption = true;
                            correctOption = false;
                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Incorrect choice entered. Try again.");


                while (correctOption != true);

             * Start of SelectItem constructor for selection of product

            public void SelectItem()
                String sproductSelection;       // Variable to detect which product is selected

                productName = " Nothing";   // Default name of product when none is selected

                coke = 60;          // Price for Coke
                pepsi = 75;         // Price for Pepsi
                sevenUp = 70;       // Price for 7Up
                mars = 65;          // Price for Mars
                snickers = 80;      // Price for Snickers
                twix = 55;          // Price for Twix

                    // Product selection screen

                sproductSelection = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                            + "\nCredit: " + pence.format(paymentSum)  
                            + "\n======================"
                            + "\nWhat would you like to buy?" 
                            + "\n\n========"
                            + "\nDRINKS"
                            + "\n========"
                            + "\nC = Coke: " + pence.format(coke)       // Drinks
                            + "\nP = Pepsi: " + pence.format(pepsi) 
                            + "\n7 = 7UP: " + pence.format(sevenUp)
                            + "\n========"
                            + "\nCHOCOLATES"
                            + "\n========"
                            + "\nM = Mars: " + pence.format(mars)       // Chocolates
                            + "\nS = Snickers: " + pence.format(snickers) 
                            + "\nT = Twix: " + pence.format(twix)
                            + "\n======================"
                            + "\n\n");

            do      // Start of do loop to ensure valid product selection
                // Start of validation loop to repeat if sproductSelection = null (as in incorrect value entered)
                if (null != sproductSelection)

                // Using switch to capture input by user to match selected products
                switch (sproductSelection) 
                    case "C":
                        price = coke;
                        productName = "Coke";
                    case "P":
                        price = pepsi;
                        productName = "Pepsi";
                    case "7":
                        price = sevenUp;
                        productName = "7UP";
                    case "M":
                        price = mars;
                        productName = "Mars";
                    case "S":
                        price = snickers;
                        productName = "Snickers";
                    case "T":
                        price = twix;
                        productName = "Twix";
                    default:        // If invalid options in case are selected
                        productName = null;
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Incorrect choice entered. Try again.");
                        sproductSelection = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                        + "\nCredit: " + pence.format(paymentSum)  
                        + "\n======================"
                        + "\nWhat would you like to buy?" 
                        + "\n\n========"
                        + "\nDRINKS"
                        + "\n========"
                        + "\nC = Coke: " + pence.format(coke)       // Drinks
                        + "\nP = Pepsi: " + pence.format(pepsi) 
                        + "\n7 = 7UP: " + pence.format(sevenUp)
                        + "\n========"
                        + "\nCHOCOLATES"
                        + "\n========"
                        + "\nM = Mars: " + pence.format(mars)       // Chocolates
                        + "\nS = Snickers: " + pence.format(snickers) 
                        + "\nT = Twix: " + pence.format(twix)
                        + "\n======================"
                        + "\n\n");

            while (productName == null);        // End of validation loop when product selection is valid

            }               // End of class SelectItem

             * NotEnoughMoney method for when not enough money is inserted to purchase product
            public void NotEnoughMoney()
                String spaymentSum2;        // Money inserted by user for parsing into Integer value
                int paymentSum2;        // Money inserted by customer parsed into Integer value as pence

                if (paymentSum == 0)        // Continuing s: select item operation
                        spaymentSum = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                            + "\nTo buy " + productName 
                            + " you need to enter at least " + pence.format(price)
                            + "\n======================================"
                            + "\n\n"));         // Inserting money
                        paymentSum = Integer.parseInt(spaymentSum); // Parsing for calculations

                if (paymentSum < price) // If not enough money has been inserted
                    do      // start of not enough money entered loop
                        spaymentSum2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
                            + "\nYou have not entered enough to buy: " 
                            + productName + " at " + pence.format(price)
                            + "\n\nBalance: " + pence.format(paymentSum) 
                            + "\nRemaining: " + pence.format((price-paymentSum))
                            + "\n\nPlease insert more money (in pence) or q to quit: "
                            + "\n=========================================="
                            + "\n");
                        if ("q".equals(spaymentSum2))                   // If user quits
                                + "\n" + pence.format(paymentSum) 
                                + " has been returned to you." 
                                + "\nThank you for your custom."
                                + "\n======================");
                                paymentSum2 = Integer.parseInt(spaymentSum2);   // Parsing additional funds added
                                paymentSum = paymentSum + paymentSum2;  // new total including additional funds

                    while (paymentSum < price);     // End of loop when enough money inserted

                changeLeft = paymentSum - price;        // Calculate change left after product purchase;

            }       // End of NotEnoughMoney method

         * GiveChange constructor to output change left after product purchase in various denominations

        public void GiveChange()
            int fiver;      //variable for £5 note
            int £2pound;    //variable for £2 coin
            int £1pound;    //variable for £1 coin
            int p50;        //variable for 50p coin
            int p20;        //variable for 20p coin
            int p10;        //variable for 10p coin
            int p5;     //variable for 5p coin
            int p2;     //variable for 2p coin
            int p1;     //variable for 1p coin

            int changeCoins = changeLeft;       // new variable used for calculating change in demoninations

            // Calculating change for output in various denominations

            fiver = changeCoins/500;
            changeCoins = changeCoins%500;
            if (fiver < 0)                  
                fiver = 0;
            £2pound = changeCoins/200;
            changeCoins = changeCoins%200;
            if (£2pound < 0)
                £2pound = 0;
            £1pound = changeCoins/100;
            changeCoins = changeCoins%100;
            if (£1pound < 0)
                £1pound = 0;
            p50 = changeCoins/50;
            changeCoins = changeCoins%50;
            if (p50 < 0)
                p50 = 0;            
            p20 = changeCoins/20;
            changeCoins = changeCoins%20;
            if (p20 < 0)
                p20 = 0;            
            p10 = changeCoins/10;
            changeCoins = changeCoins%10;
            if (p10 < 0)
                p10 = 0;            
            p5 = changeCoins/5;
            changeCoins = changeCoins%5;
            if (p5 < 0)
                p5 = 0;         
            p2 = changeCoins/2;
            changeCoins = changeCoins%2;
            if (p2 < 0)
                p2 = 0;         
            p1 = changeCoins/1;

            // Output screen for displaying the change in various denominations
                + "\nYou have bought " + productName + " for " + pence.format(price)
                +"\n\nYour change is: " + pence.format(changeLeft) 
                + "\n\n£5 note(s):  \t\t" + fiver       //printing the number of £5 notes given as change
                + "\n£2 coin(s):  \t\t" + £2pound   //printing the number of £2 coins given as change
                + "\n£1 coin(s):  \t\t" + £1pound   //printing the number of £1 coins given as change
                + "\n50p coin(s): \t\t" + p50       //printing the number of 50p coins given as change
                + "\n20p coin(s):  \t\t" + p20      //printing the number of 20p coins given as change
                + "\n10p coin(s):  \t\t" + p10      //printing the number of 10p coins given as change
                + "\n5p coin(s):   \t\t" + p5       //printing the number of 5p coins given as change
                + "\n2p coin(s):   \t\t" + p2       //printing the number of 2p coins given as change
                + "\n1p coin:   \t\t" + p1
                + "\n======================");  //printing the number of 1p coins given as change

        }       // End of GiveChange constructor

         * Repeat constructor used to ask if user wishes to buy another item
        public void Repeat()

            // User request to repeat operation

            again = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog (null, 
                + "\nWould you like to make another purchase?"
                + "\n================================");

        }       // End of Repeat constructor

}       // End of VendingMachine class

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在NotEnoughMoney方法中,&#34; if(this.paymentSum == 0)&#34;应该在&#34; if(this.paymentSum&lt; this.price)&#34;之前关闭,但相反,前者包含后者。当我修复它时,它工作