Global Const MAX_MSGS = 150 ' Max number of messages per set
Global Const MAX_SETS = 100 ' Max number of message sets
Global Const MAX_HGI = 96 ' Max number of HowGozIt messages per set
Global Const MAX_WPS = 96 ' Max number of way points per message set
Global Const MAX_FLS = 15 ' Max number of flight levels per waypoint
Type MessageRec
MessType As Integer 'Message Type
MessIndex As Integer 'Message Index (not used currently)
MessNextBit As Integer 'last bit for Mops messages
MessTotal As Integer 'Mess total
MultMessBit As Integer 'Multiple message bit position
MessTitle As String * 25 'Message title
MessNo As String 'Message Numbers and data for mops edit
MessText As String 'I/F displayable text
MessStr As String 'message bits for mops msgs, can be file for acars,aoc
MessLabel As String * 4 'Label and sublabel
TimeDelay As Integer 'Delayed time in seconds before message is delivered
Active As Boolean 'Flag determines active/deactive
AutoInit As Boolean 'Flag if part of auto init bundle
AIDelay As Integer 'Auto Init time delay (secs)
End Type
Type WayPointRec
Name As String * 7
DeltaTime As String * 5
FltLevel As String * 5
DeltaFuel As String * 5
Lat As String * 6 ' Latitude of waypoint
Long As String * 7 ' Longitude of waypoint
SAT As String * 3 ' Standard Air temp (no need to save in database)
Via As String
NumAlts As String * 2 ' Numer of altitudes for following weather data
FL(0 To MAX_FLS) As String * 3 ' Flight level for this weather
WindDir(0 To MAX_FLS) As String * 3 ' Wind direction
WindSpd(0 To MAX_FLS) As String * 3 ' Wind speed
Temp(0 To MAX_FLS) As String * 3 ' Temperature
End Type
Type MessageStore
Nmsgs As Integer 'Number of messages in the message set
Fltno As Integer 'Flight Number
SubFltNo As String * 1 'For multiple messages with same flight number
CityPair As String * 7 'City Pair
Descr As String * 12 'Message Set Description
Hot As Integer 'Hot/Cold flag (true => hot, use second weather message set)
DWndFL(0 To 3) As Integer 'Descent wind flight level (4 altitudes)
DWndDir(0 To 3) As Integer 'Descent wind direction (4 altitudes)
DWndSpd(0 To 3) As Integer 'Descent wind speed (4 altitudes)
WndSpd(0 To 9) As Integer 'Start/end wind speed (5 altitudes)
WndDir(0 To 9) As Integer 'Start/end wind direction (5 altitudes)
TempDev(0 To 1) As Integer 'Start/end Temperature deviation from standard
altn(0 To 1) As String * 3 'Alternate airports for area weather information
nHGIwpts As Integer 'Number of waypoints for howgozit info
HGIinfo(1 To MAX_HGI, 0 To 3) As String * 5 'Howgozit information
MsgData(1 To MAX_MSGS) As MessageRec 'Message data mlw 7/12/02 changed 30 to 60
nwpts As Integer 'Number of waypoints for winds/temp info
WayPoints(1 To MAX_WPS) As WayPointRec 'For canned messages
Index As Integer
Active As Boolean 'Flag determines active/deactive
DeltaArrivalTime As Integer 'add or subtract to get actual arrival time
TimeToGate As Integer 'Time to gate from T/D for HOWGOZIT
End Type
遗漏了一个细节 - 顶级
Public MsgArray() As MessageStore
redim preserve MsgArray(x)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Public Class MessageStore
Public MsgData As MessageRec
Public WayPoints As WayPointRec
Public DWndFL(3) As Integer
Public HGIinfo(MAX_HGI, 3)() As String
End Class
Public Class WayPointRec
Public FL(MAX_FLS)() As String
End Class
Private _HGIinfo(MAX_HGI, 3, 5) As String
你可以使用getter / setter属性来解决它们(但这很难看):
Private _HGIinfo(MAX_HGI, 3)() As String
Public Property HGIinfo(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer) As String()
' perform some checks on value or MAX_HGI
Return _HGIinfo(a, b)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String())
' perform some checks on value or MAX_HGI
_HGIinfo(a, b) = value
End Set
End Property
HGIinfo(0, 1)(3).SubString(0, 4) ' would get the first 4 chars of the 3rd string, at position 0,1 in the _HGIinfo array
Private _HGIinfoStr(5) As String
Private _HGIinfo(MAX_HGI, 3)() As String
Public Sub New()
_HGIinfo(0, 0) = _HGIinfoStr ' would need to loop through 0 to MAX_HGI, and also 0-3 to init all the members of the _HGIinfo array with bounds.
End Sub
Public Class HGIinfoClass
Public _HGIinfoStr(5) As String
End Class
Private _HGIinfo(MAX_HGI, 3) As HGIinfoClass
Public Sub test()
_HGIinfo(3, 3)._HGIinfoStr(3) = "test"
End Sub
Array.CreateInstance(GetType(String), New Integer(){5}, New Integer(){1}).