将Visual Basic 6.0类型转换为VB.NET'结构'

时间:2012-11-13 01:46:41

标签: vb.net vb6-migration

编辑:在32位下工作后,我现在正试图让它适用于64位。我已经获得了DLL的源代码,并且DLL和应用程序都被编译为64位。我每次都会遇到访问冲突。这是DLL代码(Visual Studio 2005中的C ++):

#pragma pack( push, 2 )
// Output Results Structure
typedef struct tagTVA_RESULTS {
    int   iID;             /* Difference ID 1 .. n */
    int   iLeft;           /* Bounding rectangle */
    int   iRight;
    int   iTop;
    int   iBottom;
    double dCx;            /* Center of gravity */
    double dCy;
    double dMajor;         /* Shape information */
    double dMinor;
    double dAngle;         /* Rotational information */
    int    lArea;          /* Number of pixels */
    int    iEdge;          /* Set if difference is at the edge of the image */
    double dNormalDensity;
    int    iNormalCount;
    double dDifferenceDensity;
#pragma pack ( pop )



int WINAPI MNtvaAnalyzeVB (TVA_RESULTS *pResults, int iMaxCount)

我的老板认为这可能是一个big/little endian问题,但如果它们都是在同一环境中编译的话,这似乎不太可能。





我正在将Visual Basic 6.0应用程序转换为VB.NET。我有几个结构传递给外部DLL文件。这不起作用,我觉得这是由于结构没有正确传递。


    iStandardFilterOnOff As Long
    iSampleFilterOnOff As Long
    iDifferenceFilterOnOff As Long
    iRotationCorrectionOnOff As Long
    iLocalCorrectionOnOff As Long
    iStandardAOIx As Long
    iStandardAOIy As Long
    iStandardAOIdx As Long
    iStandardAOIdy As Long
    iSampleAOIx As Long
    iSampleAOIy As Long
    iSampleAOIdx As Long
    iSampleAOIdy As Long
    iRepeatHorizontal As Long
    iRepeatVertical As Long
    dSensitivity As Double
    iMergeWidth As Long
    iMergeHeight As Long
    iMinimumDifferenceArea As Long
    iMaximumDifferenceArea As Long
End Type

如果我在Visual Basic 6.0中对该类型的变量执行LenB,则得到84个字节。 (N.B。:我不确定这是否是确定其大小的有效方法。)


Public Structure TVA_PARAMETERS
    Public iStandardFilterOnOff As Integer
    Public iSampleFilterOnOff As Integer
    Public iDifferenceFilterOnOff As Integer
    Public iRotationCorrectionOnOff As Integer
    Public iLocalCorrectionOnOff As Integer
    Public iStandardAOIx As Integer
    Public iStandardAOIy As Integer
    Public iStandardAOIdx As Integer
    Public iStandardAOIdy As Integer
    Public iSampleAOIx As Integer
    Public iSampleAOIy As Integer
    Public iSampleAOIdx As Integer
    Public iSampleAOIdy As Integer
    Public iRepeatHorizontal As Integer
    Public iRepeatVertical As Integer
    Public dSensitivity As Double
    Public iMergeWidth As Integer
    Public iMergeHeight As Integer
    Public iMinimumDifferenceArea As Integer
    Public iMaximumDifferenceArea As Integer
End Structure


Declare Function MNtvaParameters Lib "MNTva.dll" (ByRef pParameters As TVA_PARAMETERS) As Integer




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


<Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayout(Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack:=1)> _
Public Structure TVA_PARAMETERS
  Public iStandardFilterOnOff As Integer


答案 1 :(得分:2)


您的转换看起来不错,Visual Basic 6.0中的long是4个字节,这是32位,这是VB.NET中的整数。在VB.NET和Visual Basic 6.0中,双打是8个字节(根据上面的文章)。我在VB.NET中也得到了84个字节。

Option Strict On

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim A As New TVA_PARAMETERS
    End Sub

    Public Structure TVA_PARAMETERS
        Public iStandardFilterOnOff As Int32
        Public iSampleFilterOnOff As Int32
        Public iDifferenceFilterOnOff As Int32
        Public iRotationCorrectionOnOff As Int32
        Public iLocalCorrectionOnOff As Int32
        Public iStandardAOIx As Int32
        Public iStandardAOIy As Int32
        Public iStandardAOIdx As Int32
        Public iStandardAOIdy As Int32
        Public iSampleAOIx As Int32
        Public iSampleAOIy As Int32
        Public iSampleAOIdx As Int32
        Public iSampleAOIdy As Int32
        Public iRepeatHorizontal As Int32
        Public iRepeatVertical As Int32
        Public dSensitivity As Double
        Public iMergeWidth As Int32
        Public iMergeHeight As Int32
        Public iMinimumDifferenceArea As Int32
        Public iMaximumDifferenceArea As Int32

        Function ByteCount() As Integer
            Dim Results As New List(Of Byte)
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iStandardFilterOnOff))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iSampleFilterOnOff))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iDifferenceFilterOnOff))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iRotationCorrectionOnOff))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iLocalCorrectionOnOff))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iStandardAOIx))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iStandardAOIy))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iStandardAOIdx))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iStandardAOIdy))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iSampleAOIx))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iSampleAOIy))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iSampleAOIdx))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iSampleAOIdy))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iRepeatHorizontal))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iRepeatVertical))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(dSensitivity))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iMergeWidth))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iMergeHeight))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iMinimumDifferenceArea))
            AddBytesToList(Results, BitConverter.GetBytes(iMaximumDifferenceArea))
            Return Results.Count
        End Function

        Sub AddBytesToList(ByRef List As List(Of Byte), addBytes As Byte())
            For Each B As Byte In addBytes

        End Sub
    End Structure

End Class