pymongo空光标与count()> 0

时间:2014-05-21 18:32:37

标签: python mongodb pymongo


while True:

  s= db.queue.find_and_modify({'service':'lock'},{'$set':{'locked':True}},upsert=True,new=False) # serves as a lock over the whole collection

  if s and s['locked']: # already locked by another process
    time.sleep(random.randint(2,10)) # sleep and try again
  else: # the lock was put by this process (atomic find_and_modify)
    db.queue.update({'service':'lock'},{'$set':{'pid':process_id}}, upsert=True) # register the process who put the lock

  res = db.queue.find({'when':{'$lte':last},'locked':False}).limit(1).sort('when',1) #select an available item

  to_return = None #initialize with None

  if res.count():  # 1 or more
     to_return = res[0]  #get the first item 
     to_return['locked'] = True      # lock it
     to_return['pid'] = process_id   # register the process locking it

  db.queue.update({'service':'lock'},{'$set':{'locked':False}}) # remove the global lock

  return to_return

有时候我会看到一个进程DEFUNCT 在日志中我看到了例外:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 22, in getUserFromQueue
    to_return = res[0]

IndexError("no such item for Cursor instance")

这意味着光标res为空, 但是由于存在全局锁定,它怎么可能是空的:只有一个进程查询项目,它已经通过了条件if res.count(),即。光标中至少有一个项目


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