
时间:2014-05-19 13:37:30

标签: java exception-handling try-catch code-cleanup


// rebuild session state for test, need the current phase first
String phaseName = testtaker.getPhase();
TestPhase phase = null;

try {
    phase = objFactory.getPhase(testtaker.getTestengine(), phaseName);
} catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("Exception when getting phase for testtaker.", e);
    CaslsUtils.outputLoggingData(log_, request);
    // Toss the exception back to the engine, add a message
    throw new Exception("Cannot create phase: " + phaseName);

try {
    // Adding this code to improve the performance of the application during student login
    Testtaker newTestTaker = objFactory.getDataAccessor().getTesttakerByTestTakerId(testtaker.getTesttakerid());// This will populate testtaker object with all its child table records
    if(newTestTaker != null) {
        session.setAttribute(ConstantLibrary.SESSION_TESTTAKER, newTestTaker);
} catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("Exception when calling rebuildTest.", e);
    CaslsUtils.outputLoggingData(log_, request);
    // Toss the exception back to the engine, add a message
    throw new Exception("Cannot Rebuild Test");


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