import random
score = 0
score2 = 0
guess = 0 #Defining Variables
quiz = 0
lives = 3
print('''Would you like to play a 'Guess the number' or a '3 round quiz'?
For Guess the number enter '1', for 3 round quiz enter '2' ''')
game = input()
if game == ("1"):
guess = guess + 1
print("Ok, time to start") #Asking what game you want to play
elif game == ("2"):
quiz = quiz + 1
print("Please answer with 'Guess the number game' or a '3 round quiz'")
if quiz == 1:
print("Would you like to play 'Easy' or 'Hard'?")
difi = input()
if difi == ("Easy"):
print("Ok, let's go!") #Choosing difficulty
score = score + 1
elif difi == ("Hard"):
print("Ok,let's go")
score2 = score2 + 1
print("Please answer with 'Easy' or 'Hard'")
if score == 1:
num1 = (random.randint(1, 50))
num2 = (random.randint(1, 50))
print("First question")
print("What is ",num1,"+",num2) # Question 1 easy
ans1 = input()
ans1 = int(ans1)
if ans1 == num1+num2:
print("Well done")
score = score + 1
print("Unlucky, it was ",num1+num2)
if score == 2:
num3 = (random.randint(1, 10))
num4 = (random.randint(1, 10))
print("Next question")
print("What is ",num3,"*",num4) # Question 2 easy
ans2 = input()
ans2 = int(ans2)
if ans2 == num3*num4:
print("Congratualtions, on to the last question")
score = score + 1
print("Unlucky, it was ",num3*num4)
if score == 3:
num5 = (random.randint(1, 5))
num6 = (random.randint(1, 2))
print("What is ",num5,"**(To the power of)",num6) # Question 3 easy
ans3 = input()
ans3 = int(ans3)
if ans3 == num5**num6:
print("Congratualtions, you beat the game on easy")
print("Now try hard!")
score = score + 1
print("Unlucky, it was ",num5**num6)
if score == 4:
print("Would you like to try hard?")
hard2 = input()
print("Ok, come back later") # If you beat easy you can choose to play hard here
if hard2 == ("Yes"):
print("This is the hard game, good luck!")
score2 = score2 + 1
elif hard2 == ("No"):
print("Ok, see you soon")
print("Please answer with 'Yes' or 'No'")
if score2 == 1:
num12 = (random.randint(1, 500))
num22 = (random.randint(1, 500))
print("First question")
print("What is ",num12,"+",num22) # Question 1 hard
ans12 = input()
ans12 = int(ans12)
if ans12 == num12+num22:
print("Well done")
score2 = score2 + 1
print("Unlucky, it was ",num1+num2) #2s in front of all hard variables so it differentiates the variables #From Easy and Hard
if score2 == 2:
num32 = (random.randint(1, 25))
num42 = (random.randint(1, 25))
print("Next question")
print("What is ",num32,"*",num42) # Question 2 hard
ans22 = input()
ans22 = int(ans22)
if ans22 == num32*num42:
print("Congratulations, on to the last question")
score2 = score2 + 1
print("Unlucky, it was ",num32*num42)
if score2 == 3:
num52 = (random.randint(1, 15))
num62 = (random.randint(1, 3))
print("What is ",num52,"**(To the power of)",num62) # Question 3 hard
ans32 = input()
ans32 = int(ans32)
if ans32 == num52**num62:
print("Congratualtions, you beat the game on hard")
print("Unlucky, it was ",num52**num62)
if guess == 1:
print("Time to play") #Guess the number game
guess = guess + 1
if guess == 2:
print("Pick a number between 1 an 10")
comp_num = (random.randint(1,10))
user_guess1 = input()
user_guess1 = int(user_guess1)
if user_guess1 == comp_num:
print("Well done, you beat the game on your first turn!")
print("Unlucky you still have 2 more goes")
lives = lives - 1
if lives == 2:
print("Guess again")
user_guess2 = input()
user_guess2 = int(user_guess2)
if user_guess2 == comp_num:
print("Congrats, you beat it on your second guess!")
lives = lives - 1
if lives == 1:
print("Guess again")
user_guess3 = input()
user_guess3 = int(user_guess3)
if user_guess3 == comp_num:
print("Congrats, you beat it on your last life!")
lives = lives - 1
print("Unlucky, care to try again")
if lives == 0:
retry = input()
if retry == ("Yes"):
lives = lives + 3
elif retry == ("No"):
print("Ok, come back soon")
print("Please answer with 'Yes' or 'No'")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Boys\Desktop\3 Round Quiz.py", line 24, in <module>
if difi == ("Easy"):
NameError: name 'difi' is not defined
当我输入&#39; 1&#39;上面的错误出现了。玩游戏&#39;猜数字&#39;它提出了这一点,即使变量difi用于测验。我不确定为什么会这样,所以任何帮助都将不胜感激! 感谢
答案 0 :(得分:2)
if quiz == 1:
print("Would you like to play 'Easy' or 'Hard'?")
difi = input()
elif game == ("2"):
quiz = quiz + 1
答案 1 :(得分:0)
控制流在定义if difi == ("Easy"):
在顶部仍为0。我怀疑您希望代码的if difi == ("Easy"):
和相关部分缩进更多,以便它们出现在if quiz == 1: