今天我正在对我的代码进行自我审查,代码对我来说并不好看(尽管它按预期工作)。所以我想要一个更好的方法来做同样的事情。 以下是这种情况:
get me all the staff whose name contains A and who has designation Teacher
private String getSearchQuery(Staff staffEntity) {
boolean hasAnySearchParam = false;
String query = null;
StringBuilder querybuilder = new StringBuilder("select * from " + DBConstants.StaffBasicInfo.tableName + " left outer join " + DBConstants.StaffAdvInfo.tableName + " on "
+ DBConstants.StaffBasicInfo.staffId + " = " + DBConstants.StaffAdvInfo.staff_adv_info_staffId + " where");
if (staffEntity.getName() != null && (!staffEntity.getName().isEmpty())) {
querybuilder.append(" " + DBConstants.StaffBasicInfo.staffname + " Like '%" + staffEntity.getName() + "%'");
querybuilder.append(" and");
hasAnySearchParam = true;
if (staffEntity.getDesignation() != null && (!staffEntity.getDesignation().isEmpty())) {
querybuilder.append(" " + DBConstants.StaffBasicInfo.designation + " Like '%" + staffEntity.getDesignation() + "%'");
querybuilder.append(" and");
hasAnySearchParam = true;
if (staffEntity.getAge() != null) {
querybuilder.append(" " + DBConstants.StaffBasicInfo.age + " = " + staffEntity.getAge());
querybuilder.append(" and");
hasAnySearchParam = true;
if (staffEntity.getUsername() != null && (!staffEntity.getUsername().isEmpty())) {
querybuilder.append(" " + DBConstants.StaffAdvInfo.username + " Like '%" + staffEntity.getUsername() + "%'");
querybuilder.append(" and");
hasAnySearchParam = true;
if (staffEntity.getRole() != null && (!staffEntity.getRole().isEmpty())) {
querybuilder.append(" " + DBConstants.StaffAdvInfo.role + " Like '%" + staffEntity.getRole() + "%'");
querybuilder.append(" and");
hasAnySearchParam = true;
if (false == hasAnySearchParam) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Check Json: No parameter to search");
} else {
// need to clean query.
query = querybuilder.substring(0, querybuilder.length() - 3);
return query;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
and (:userNameParam is null or staffname like concat('%',:staffnameParam,'%'))
and (:userNameParam is null or username like concat('%',:userNameParam ,'%'))