这些C ++结构的C#等价物是什么

时间:2010-02-25 10:39:20

标签: c# c++ struct marshalling

typedef union _Value {
    signed char    c; 
    unsigned char  b; 
    signed short   s; 
    unsigned short w; 
    signed long    l; 
    unsigned long  u; 
    float          f; 
    double        *d; 
    char          *p; 
} Value;

typedef struct _Field {
 WORD    nFieldId;
 BYTE    bValueType;
 Value Value;
} Field;

typedef struct _Packet {
 WORD    nMessageType;
 WORD    nSecurityType;
 BYTE    bExchangeId;
 BYTE    bMarketCenter;
 int     iFieldCount;
 char    cSymbol[20];
    Field FieldArr[1];

} Packet;

这些C ++结构的C#等价物是什么?

我正在将一些代码从C ++迁移到C#,并且在迁移这些结构时遇到问题。我曾尝试过一些东西,但我总是遇到编组问题。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:13)


signed char    c; -> SByte    c; 
unsigned char  b; -> Byte     b;
signed short   s; -> Int16    s;
unsigned short w; -> UInt16   w;
signed long    l; -> Int32    l;
unsigned long  u; -> UInt32   u;
float          f; -> Single   f; (though 'float' still works)
double        *d; -> Double   d; (was this meant to be a pointer???)
char          *p; -> String   s; (assuming its a string here, in the marshaling you can tell it whether it is ASCII or wide char format)

使用此信息,翻译这些结构应该相对容易(只需确保将它们保留为结构并赋予其属性“[System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayout(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)) ]“,这将确保编组器以相同的顺序保存所有数据。

另外,我建议查看System.Runtime.InteropServices中的类和属性,因为它们提供了很多方法来自动将数据封送到c / c ++代码(并且它不需要“不安全”的c#代码任一)。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

使用PInvoke查看关于编组结构的this MSDN article


答案 2 :(得分:0)


答案 3 :(得分:-1)

回到.Net 2.0天,我还有一个网络套接字,并将字节流转换为有意义的结构。目前,唯一的解决方案是BitConverterBuffer类手动完成。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace VehicleSpeedTracer
    public class Datagram
        //Offsets im ByteArray
        private const int SizeOffset = 0;
        private const int TimeOffset = SizeOffset + sizeof(uint);
        private const int SpeedOffset = TimeOffset + sizeof(double);
        private const int UnitOffset = SpeedOffset + sizeof(char);
        private const int UnitMaxSize = (int)MaxSize - UnitOffset;

        //Daten Current
        public const uint MaxSize = 128;
        public TimeSpan CurrentTime;
        public double CurrentSpeed;
        public string Unit;

        public uint Size
            get { return MaxSize - (uint)UnitMaxSize + (uint)Unit.Length; }

        public Datagram()

        public Datagram(Datagram Data)
            CurrentTime = Data.CurrentTime;
            CurrentSpeed = Data.CurrentSpeed;
            Unit = Data.Unit;

        public Datagram(byte[] RawData)
            CurrentTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(GetDouble(RawData, TimeOffset));
            CurrentSpeed = GetDouble(RawData, SpeedOffset);
            Unit = GetString(RawData, UnitOffset, (int)(GetUInt(RawData, SizeOffset) - UnitOffset));

        public override string ToString()
            return this.CurrentTime.Hours.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" +
                    this.CurrentTime.Minutes.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" +
                    this.CurrentTime.Seconds.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "." +
                    this.CurrentTime.Milliseconds.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0') + "  " +

        public static implicit operator byte[](Datagram Data)
            byte[] RawData;
            RawData = new byte[Data.Size];
            SetUInt(RawData, SizeOffset, Data.Size);
            SetDouble(RawData, TimeOffset, Data.CurrentTime.TotalDays);
            SetDouble(RawData, SpeedOffset, Data.CurrentSpeed);
            SetString(RawData, UnitOffset, Data.Unit);

            return RawData;

        #region Utility Functions
        // utility:  get a uint from the byte array
        private static uint GetUInt(byte[] aData, int Offset)
            return BitConverter.ToUInt32(aData, Offset);

        // utility:  set a uint into the byte array
        private static void SetUInt(byte[] aData, int Offset, uint Value)
            byte[] buint = BitConverter.GetBytes(Value);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(buint, 0, aData, Offset, buint.Length);

        // utility:  get a ushort from the byte array
        private static ushort GetUShort(byte[] aData, int Offset)
            return BitConverter.ToUInt16(aData, Offset);

        // utility:  set a ushort into the byte array
        private static void SetUShort(byte[] aData, int Offset, int Value)
            byte[] bushort = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)Value);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bushort, 0, aData, Offset, bushort.Length);

        // utility:  get a double from the byte array
        private static double GetDouble(byte[] aData, int Offset)
            return BitConverter.ToDouble(aData, Offset);

        // utility:  set a double into the byte array
        private static void SetDouble(byte[] aData, int Offset, double Value)
            byte[] bushort = BitConverter.GetBytes(Value);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bushort, 0, aData, Offset, bushort.Length);

        // utility:  get a unicode string from the byte array
        private static string GetString(byte[] aData, int Offset, int Length)
            String sReturn = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(aData, Offset, Length);
            return sReturn;

        // utility:  set a unicode string in the byte array
        private static void SetString(byte[] aData, int Offset, string Value)
            byte[] arr = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Value);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(arr, 0, aData, Offset, arr.Length);

    public delegate void DatagramEventHandler(object sender, DatagramEventArgs e);

    public class DatagramEventArgs : EventArgs
        public Datagram Data;

        public DatagramEventArgs(Datagram Data)
            this.Data = Data;