
时间:2014-04-27 11:58:20

标签: file-upload dropbox dropbox-api


如果您认为这可能与Using iOS Dropbox SDK to do a Chunked Upload of Core Data重复,那么我不得不让您失望 - 我的问题不在于如何进行上传。相反,我的问题是比较两种上传方法的优缺点。其他问题没有涉及,所以我的问题不重复。



以下是iOS DropboxSDK中的两种方法:

1。 uploadFile:

/* Uploads a file that will be named filename to the given path on the server. sourcePath is the`
   full path of the file you want to upload. If you are modifying a file, parentRev represents the
   rev of the file before you modified it as returned from the server. If you are uploading a new
   file set parentRev to nil. */
- (void)uploadFile:(NSString *)filename toPath:(NSString *)path withParentRev:(NSString *)parentRev
    fromPath:(NSString *)sourcePath;

2。 uploadFileChunk:

/* These calls allow you to upload files in chunks, which is better for file larger than a few megabytes.
   You can append bytes to the file using -[DBRestClient uploadFileChunk:offset:uploadId:] and then call
   -[DBRestClient uploadFile:toPath:withParentRev:fromUploadId:] to turn the bytes appended at that uploadId
   into an actual file in the user's Dropbox.
   Use a nil uploadId to start uploading a new file. */
- (void)uploadFileChunk:(NSString *)uploadId offset:(unsigned long long)offset fromPath:(NSString *)localPath;

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