
时间:2014-04-23 12:49:47

标签: python numpy scipy mathematical-optimization


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很明显,为所有参数添加常量不会改变函数的值。因此,我让\ theta_1 = 0.这里是目标函数和python中的渐变的实现(theta在这里成为x):

def objective(x):
    x = np.insert(x, 0, 0.0)
    tiles = np.tile(x, (len(x), 1))
    combs = tiles.T - tiles
    exps = np.dstack((zeros, combs))
    return np.sum(cijs * scipy.misc.logsumexp(exps, axis=2))

def gradient(x):
    zeros = np.zeros(cijs.shape)
    x = np.insert(x, 0, 0.0)
    tiles = np.tile(x, (len(x), 1))
    combs = tiles - tiles.T
    one = 1.0 / (np.exp(combs) + 1)
    two = 1.0 / (np.exp(combs.T) + 1)
    mat = (cijs * one) + (cijs.T * two)
    grad = np.sum(mat, axis=0)
    return grad[1:]  # Don't return the first element


[[ 0  5  1  4  6]
 [ 4  0  2  2  0]
 [ 6  4  0  9  3]
 [ 6  8  3  0  5]
 [10  7 11  4  0]]


x0 = numpy.random.random(nb_items - 1)
# Let's try one algorithm...
xopt1 = scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs(objective, x0, fprime=gradient, disp=True)
# And another one...
xopt2 = scipy.optimize.fmin_cg(objective, x0, fprime=gradient, disp=True)


Warning: Desired error not necessarily achieved due to precision loss.
         Current function value: 73.290610
         Iterations: 0
         Function evaluations: 38
         Gradient evaluations: 27

我无法弄清楚它失败的原因。由于此行显示错误: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/scipy/optimize/optimize.py#L853


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


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def gradient(x):
    nb_comparisons = cijs + cijs.T
    x = np.insert(x, 0, 0.0)
    tiles = np.tile(x, (len(x), 1))
    combs = tiles - tiles.T
    probs = 1.0 / (np.exp(combs) + 1)
    mat = (nb_comparisons * probs) - cijs
    grad = np.sum(mat, axis=1)
    return grad[1:]  # Don't return the first element.


  • scipy.optimize.check_grad:表明我的渐变函数产生的结果离近似(有限差分)梯度很远。
  • scipy.optimize.approx_fprime了解值应该是什么样的。
  • 一些精心挑选的简单示例,如果需要可以手工分析,还有一些Wolfram Alpha查询进行健全性检查。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from numpy import exp, linspace, zeros, ones

n = 4
npts = 1000
xs = [linspace(0, 1, npts) for _ in range(n)]

c = ones(n**2)

a = zeros((n*npts, n**2))
def residual(c):
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            for k in range(npts):
                a[i+k*n, i*n+j] = 1/(exp(xs[i][k] - xs[j][k]) + 1)
                a[i+k*n, j*n+i] = 1/(exp(xs[j][k] - xs[i][k]) + 1)

    return a.dot(c)

popt, pconv = leastsq(residual, x0=c)
print(popt.reshape(n, n))
#[[ -1.24886411   1.07854552  -2.67212118   1.86334625]
# [ -7.43330057   2.0935734   37.85989442   1.37005925]
# [ -3.51761322 -37.49627917  24.90538136  -4.23103535]
# [ 11.93000731   2.52750715 -14.84822686   1.38834225]]


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