#include "xmmintrin.h"
#include "immintrin.h"
int main(){
const int num_elements_in_array = 16;
__declspec(align(32)) float x[num_elements_in_array];
__declspec(align(32)) float y[num_elements_in_array];
x[0] = 2; x[1] = 2; x[2] = 2; x[3] = 2;
x[4] = 2; x[5] = 2; x[6] = 2; x[7] = 2;
x[8] = 2; x[9] = 2; x[10] = 2; x[11] = 2;
x[12] = 2; x[13] = 2; x[14] = 2; x[15] = 2;
y[0] = 3; y[1] = 3; y[2] = 3; y[3] = 3;
y[4] = 3; y[5] = 3; y[6] = 3; y[7] = 3;
y[8] = 3; y[9] = 3; y[10] = 3; y[11] = 3;
y[12] = 3; y[13] = 3; y[14] = 3; y[15] = 3;
__m256 a;
__m256 b;
__m256 temp_products;
__m256 temp_sum = _mm256_setzero_ps();
unsigned short j = 0;
const int sse_data_size = 32;
int num_values_to_process = sse_data_size/sizeof(float);
while(j < num_elements_in_array){
a = _mm256_load_ps(x+j);
b = _mm256_load_ps(y+j);
temp_products = _mm256_mul_ps(b, a);
temp_sum = _mm256_add_ps(temp_sum, temp_products);
j = j + num_values_to_process;
//Need to "process" temp_sum as a final value here
我担心我需要的256位内在函数在AVX 1之前是不可用的。
答案 0 :(得分:4)
我建议尽可能使用128位AVX指令。它将减少一个跨域shuffle的延迟(Intel Sandy / Ivy Bridge上的2个周期),并提高在128位执行单元(目前为AMD Bulldozer,Piledriver,Steamroller和Jaguar)上运行AVX指令的CPU的效率:< / p>
static inline float _mm256_reduce_add_ps(__m256 x) {
/* ( x3+x7, x2+x6, x1+x5, x0+x4 ) */
const __m128 x128 = _mm_add_ps(_mm256_extractf128_ps(x, 1), _mm256_castps256_ps128(x));
/* ( -, -, x1+x3+x5+x7, x0+x2+x4+x6 ) */
const __m128 x64 = _mm_add_ps(x128, _mm_movehl_ps(x128, x128));
/* ( -, -, -, x0+x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7 ) */
const __m128 x32 = _mm_add_ss(x64, _mm_shuffle_ps(x64, x64, 0x55));
/* Conversion to float is a no-op on x86-64 */
return _mm_cvtss_f32(x32);
答案 1 :(得分:3)
#define _mm256_full_hadd_ps(v0, v1) \
_mm256_hadd_ps(_mm256_permute2f128_ps(v0, v1, 0x20), \
_mm256_permute2f128_ps(v0, v1, 0x31))