if (isset($_GET['result']) && $_GET['result']) {
if($result === "true"){
echo "<br/>";
echo "<p>Thank you for playing fair";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<p>This Computer is not Licensed to run this software, please visit bridgesmsrs.com for more informaiton. Thank you ";
system('ipconfig /all');
$mycom=ob_get_contents(); // Capture the output into a variable
$findme = "Physical";
$pos = strpos($mycom, $findme);
//echo "The mac id of this system is :".$macp;
// encrpt the max address
$key_value = pack('H*', "bc");
$plain_text = $mac;
$encrypted_text = mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_DES, $key_value, $plain_text, MCRYPT_ENCRYPT);
echo ("<p><b> Text after encryption : </b>");
echo ( $encrypted_text );
// send encrypted mac address to bridge for verification
$response = file_get_contents('http://localhost/scale/check.php?mac='.$mac);
print_r( $response );
// Recived data from Client PC for verfication
if (isset($_GET['mac']) && $_GET['mac']) {
$mac = $_GET['mac'];
//echo "<br/>";
//echo $mac;
//decrypted recieve data
// $key_value = pack('H*', "bcb04b7e103a0c");
/* @var $encrypted_text type */
// $encrypted_text = $mac;
// $decrypted_text = mcrypt_ecb(MCRYPT_DES, $key_value, $encrypted_text, MCRYPT_DECRYPT);
//echo ("<p><b> Text after decryption : </b>");
//echo ( $decrypted_text );
// check see if clinet mac address verify with our list
if ($mac === "B8-AC-6F-2D-5C-23") {
echo "<br/>";
echo $mac . "<p>Thank you playing fare";
} else {
echo "<br/>";
echo "<p>This Computer is not Licensed to run this software, please visit bridgesmsrs.com for more informaiton. Thank you ";