return Session.CreateCriteria<Person>()
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("FirstName", firstName))
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("LastName", lastName))
.CreateAlias("ContactMechanism", "c")
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("c.ElectronicAddressString", emailAddress))
修改 我能够使用以下QueryOver返回所需的结果。我以为我会发布解决方案,以防其他人帮忙。任何有关改进此代码的建议也是受欢迎的。
Person personAlias = null;
ElectronicAddress emailAlias = null;
PartyContactMechanism partyContactMechAlias = null;
return Session.QueryOver(() => personAlias)
.Where(p => p.FirstName == firstName)
.And(p => p.LastName == lastName)
.JoinQueryOver(() => personAlias.PartyContactMechanisms, () => partyContactMechAlias)
.JoinAlias(() => partyContactMechAlias.ContactMechanism, () => emailAlias)
.Where(() => emailAlias.ElectronicAddressString == emailAddress)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
// these are aliases, which we can/will use later,
// to have a fully-type access to all properties
Person person = null;
PartyContactMechanism partyContactMechanisms = null;
ContactMechanism contactMechanism = null;
// search params
var firstName = ..;
var lastName = ..;
var emailAddress = ..;
var query = session.QueryOver<Person>(() => person)
// the WHERE
.Where(() => person.FirstName == firstName)
// the And() is just more fluent eq of Where()
.And(() => person.LastName == lastName)
// this collection we will join as criteria
.JoinQueryOver(() => person.PartyContactMechanism, () => partyContactMechanisms)
// its property as alias
.JoinAlias(() => partyContactMechanisms.ContactMechanism, () => contactMechanism )
// final filter
.Where(() => contactMechanism.Code == emailAddress)
// just one result
var uniqueResult = query
注意:还要检查子查询,因为查询“集合”时这些要好得多。只需搜索它们......并将其用作子选择WHERE parentId IN (SELECT parentId FROM ChildTable...