
时间:2010-02-19 21:23:43

标签: python django math



sorted_scores = [
    ('Apolo Ohno', 0),
    ('Shanie Davis', -1),
    ('Bodie Miller', -2),
    ('Lindsay Vohn', -3),  
    ('Shawn White', -3),
    ('Bryan Veloso', -4)


positions = {}

i = 1
for key, value in sorted_list:
    # Since in my codebase the strings are IDs, I use the key to fetch the object.
    if value is not None:
        positions[key] = i
        i += 1


positions = {
    'Apolo Ohno': 1,
    'Shanie Davis': 2,
    'Bodie Miller': 3,
    'Lindsay Vohn': 4,        
    'Shawn White': 5,
    'Bryan Veloso': 6


positions = {
    'Apolo Ohno': 1,
    'Shanie Davis': 2,
    'Bodie Miller': 3,
    'Lindsay Vohn': 4, # Same value.
    'Shawn White': 4, # Same value.
    'Bryan Veloso': 6

我如何编辑上面的函数来做到这一点,记住我可以在任何给定的时间内拥有任意数量的关系,具体取决于我的成员排名所述对象的数量?最高等级应为1,因此可以显示为:<rank>/<total # of people>

提前致谢。 :)

10 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

>>> sorted_scores = [
...     ('Apolo Ohno', 0),
...     ('Shanie Davis', -1),
...     ('Bodie Miller', -2),
...     ('Lindsay Vohn', -3),  
...     ('Shawn White', -3),
...     ('Bryan Veloso',-4)
... ]
>>> res = {}
>>> prev = None
>>> for i,(k,v) in enumerate(sorted_scores):
...     if v!=prev:
...         place,prev = i+1,v
...     res[k] = place
>>> print res
{'Apolo Ohno': 1, 'Bryan Veloso': 6, 'Shanie Davis': 2, 'Lindsay Vohn': 4, 'Bodie Miller': 3, 'Shawn White': 4}


>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> print sorted(res.items(),key=itemgetter(1))
[('Apolo Ohno', 1), ('Shanie Davis', 2), ('Bodie Miller', 3), ('Lindsay Vohn', 4), ('Shawn White', 4), ('Bryan Veloso', 6)]

答案 1 :(得分:3)




positions = {}
cur_score = None # Score we're examining
cur_count = 0 # Number of others that we've seen with this score

for ix, (name, score) in enumerate(sorted_scores):
  if score == cur_score: # Same score for this player as previous
    cur_count += 1
  else: # Different score from before
    cur_score = score
    cur_count = 0
  positions[name] = ix - cur_count + 1 # Add 1 because ix is 0-based

print positions

答案 2 :(得分:3)


# coding: ascii

def ranks_from_scores(sorted_scores):
    """sorted_scores: a list of tuples (object_id, score), sorted by score DESCENDING
       return a mapping of object IDs to ranks
    ranks = {}
    previous_score = object()
    for index, (obj_id, score) in enumerate(sorted_scores):
        if score != previous_score:
            previous_score = score
            rank = index + 1
        ranks[obj_id] = rank
    return ranks

from operator import itemgetter
import pprint

scores0 = dict([
    ('Apolo Ohno', 0),
    ('Shanie Davis', -1),
    ('Bodie Miller', -2),
    ('Lindsay Vohn', -3),
    ('Shawn White', -3)

scores1 = {
    'lorem': 100,
    'ipsum': 200,
    'dolor': 300,
    'sit': 300,
    'amet': 300,
    'quia': 400,
    'consectetur': 500,
    'adipiscing': 500,
    'elit': 600,

scores2 = {
    'lorem': 100,
    'ipsum': 200,
    'dolor': 300,
    'sit': 300,
    'amet': 300,
    'quia': 400,
    'consectetur': 500,
    'adipiscing': 500,
    'elit': 6000,

import pprint
funcs = (ranks_from_scores, ) # Watch this space!
tests = (scores0, scores1, scores2)

for test in tests:
    test_list = sorted(test.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
    print "Input:", test_list
    for func in funcs:
        result = func(test_list)
        print "%s ->" % func.__name__


Input: [('Apolo Ohno', 0), ('Shanie Davis', -1), ('Bodie Miller', -2), ('Lindsay
 Vohn', -3), ('Shawn White', -3)]
ranks_from_scores ->
{'Apolo Ohno': 1,
 'Bodie Miller': 3,
 'Lindsay Vohn': 4,
 'Shanie Davis': 2,
 'Shawn White': 4}

Input: [('elit', 600), ('consectetur', 500), ('adipiscing', 500), ('quia', 400),
 ('dolor', 300), ('sit', 300), ('amet', 300), ('ipsum', 200), ('lorem', 100)]
ranks_from_scores ->
{'adipiscing': 2,
 'amet': 5,
 'consectetur': 2,
 'dolor': 5,
 'elit': 1,
 'ipsum': 8,
 'lorem': 9,
 'quia': 4,
 'sit': 5}

Input: [('elit', 6000), ('consectetur', 500), ('adipiscing', 500), ('quia', 400)
, ('dolor', 300), ('sit', 300), ('amet', 300), ('ipsum', 200), ('lorem', 100)]
ranks_from_scores ->
{'adipiscing': 2,
 'amet': 5,
 'consectetur': 2,
 'dolor': 5,
 'elit': 1,
 'ipsum': 8,
 'lorem': 9,
 'quia': 4,
 'sit': 5}



# coding: ascii

def ranks_from_scores(scores, debug=False):
    """scores (a mapping of object IDs to scores)
       return a mapping of object IDs to ranks
    alist = [(v, k) for k, v in scores.items()]
    if debug: print 'alist:', alist
    bdict = {}
    previous_score = object()
    for posn, (score, obj_id) in enumerate(alist):
        if score != previous_score:
            previous_score = score
            rank = posn + 1
        bdict[obj_id] = rank
    if debug:
        print 'bdict:', bdict
        blist = [(v, k) for k, v in bdict.items()]
        print 'blist:', sorted(blist)
    return bdict

    {'q': 10, 'w': 20, 'e': 20, 'r': 20, 't': 30},


alist: [(30, 't'), (20, 'w'), (20, 'r'), (20, 'e'), (10, 'q')]
bdict: {'q': 5, 'r': 2, 'e': 2, 't': 1, 'w': 2}
blist: [(1, 't'), (2, 'e'), (2, 'r'), (2, 'w'), (5, 'q')]

答案 3 :(得分:1)

您似乎可以使用sortedenumerate内置,groupby itertools方法和itemgetter operator方法。假设分数越高越好......(如果分数越低越好,将reverse=True更改为reverse=False

>>> from itertools import groupby
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> scores = {
...     'lorem': 100,
...     'ipsum': 200,
...     'dolor': 300,
...     'sit': 300,
...     'amet': 300,
...     'quia': 400,
...     'consectetur': 500,
...     'adipiscing': 500,
...     'elit': 600,
...     }
>>> sorted_items = sorted(scores.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
>>> groups = groupby(sorted_items, itemgetter(1))
>>> for rank, (score, items) in enumerate(groups):
...     print rank+1, map(itemgetter(0), items)
1 ['elit']
2 ['consectetur', 'adipiscing']
3 ['quia']
4 ['dolor', 'sit', 'amet']
5 ['ipsum']
6 ['lorem']

答案 4 :(得分:1)



prev = None
rank = 0
incr = 1
positions = {}
for key, value in sorted_list:
    if value is not None:
        if value != prev:
            rank += incr
            incr = 1
            incr += 1
        positions[key] = rank
        prev = value



sorted_list = [
    ('Apolo Ohno', 0),
    ('Shanie Davis', -1),
    ('Bodie Miller', -2),
    ('Lindsay Vohn', -3),  
    ('Shawn White', -3),
    ('Bryan Veloso',-4)


{'Apolo Ohno': 1, 
'Shanie Davis': 2,
 'Bodie Miller': 3,
 'Lindsay Vohn': 4,
 'Shawn White': 4,
 'Bryan Veloso': 6}


答案 5 :(得分:1)


def rank_sorted(sequence, start=1, key=None, reverse=True):
    """A combination of `enumerate` and `sorted` iterators that deals
    with tied ranks.

    previous_value = object()  # won't compare equal to anything
    sorted_iterator = sorted(sequence, key=key, reverse=reverse)
    for index, item in enumerate(sorted_iterator, start=start):

        # use key function to choose value if given
        if key is None:
            value = item
            value = key(item)

        # only update rank when sort value changes
        if value != previous_value:
            previous_value = value
            rank = index

        yield rank, item



答案 6 :(得分:1)

与最佳答案相同,只是保留常规内容而不是跳到排名的下一个位置: 即:排名= [1,2,3,4,4,5]而不是排名= [1,2,3,4,4,6]

    sorted_scores = [
     ('Apolo Ohno', 0),
     ('Shanie Davis', -1),
     ('Bodie Miller', -2),
     ('Lindsay Vohn', -3),  
     ('Shawn White', -3),
     ('Bryan Veloso',-4)

res = {}
prev = None
n = 0 
for k,v in sorted_scores:
    if v!=prev:
        n +=1 
        place,prev = n,v
    res[k] = place

print (res)
{'Apolo Ohno': 1, 'Shanie Davis': 2, 'Bodie Miller': 3, 'Lindsay Vohn': 4, 'Shawn White': 4, 'Bryan Veloso': 5}

答案 7 :(得分:0)


scores = {
    'lorem': 100,
    'ipsum': 200,
    'dolor': 300,
    'sit': 300,
    'amet': 300,
    'quia': 400,
    'consectetur': 500,
    'adipiscing': 500,
    'elit': 600,

groups = {}
for (member, score) in scores.items():
    if score not in groups:
        groups[score] = [member]

positions = {}
for (rank, (score, members)) in enumerate(groups.items()):
    for member in members:
        positions[member] = rank


>>> import pprint
>>> scores = {
...     'lorem': 100,
...     'ipsum': 200,
...     'dolor': 300,
...     'sit': 300,
...     'amet': 300,
...     'quia': 400,
...     'consectetur': 500,
...     'adipiscing': 500,
...     'elit': 600,
... }
>>> groups = {}
>>> for (member, score) in scores.items():
...     if score not in groups:
...         groups[score] = [member]
...     else:
...         groups[score].append(member)
>>> pprint.pprint(groups)
{100: ['lorem'],
 200: ['ipsum'],
 300: ['sit', 'dolor', 'amet'],
 400: ['quia'],
 500: ['consectetur', 'adipiscing'],
 600: ['elit']}
>>> positions = {}
>>> for (rank, (score, members)) in enumerate(groups.items()):
...     for member in members:
...         positions[member] = rank
>>> pprint.pprint(positions)
{'adipiscing': 4,
 'amet': 2,
 'consectetur': 4,
 'dolor': 2,
 'elit': 5,
 'ipsum': 1,
 'lorem': 0,
 'quia': 3,
 'sit': 2}
>>> pprint.pprint(sorted(positions.items(), key=lambda i: i[1]))
[('lorem', 0),
 ('ipsum', 1),
 ('sit', 2),
 ('dolor', 2),
 ('amet', 2),
 ('quia', 3),
 ('consectetur', 4),
 ('adipiscing', 4),
 ('elit', 5)]

答案 8 :(得分:0)


last = None
position = 0
delta = 1
for key, value in sorted_list:
    if value is not None:
        if value != last:
            position += delta
            delta = 1
            delta += 1
        # i believe this is supposed to be [key] not [value] in OP's code
        positions[key] = position
        last = value

答案 9 :(得分:0)

>>> sorted_scores = [
...     ('Apolo Ohno', 0),
...     ('Shanie Davis', -1),
...     ('Bodie Miller', -2),
...     ('Lindsay Vohn', -3),  
...     ('Shawn White', -3),
...     ('Bryan Veloso',-4)
... ]
>>> from itertools import groupby
>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> place=1
>>> res={}
>>> for _,items in groupby(sorted_scores,key=itemgetter(1)):
...     for i,item in enumerate(items):
...         res[item[0]]= place
...     place+=i+1
>>> print res
{'Apolo Ohno': 1, 'Bryan Veloso': 6, 'Shanie Davis': 2, 'Lindsay Vohn': 4, 'Bodie Miller': 3, 'Shawn White': 4}


>>> print sorted(res.items(),key=itemgetter(1))
[('Apolo Ohno', 1), ('Shanie Davis', 2), ('Bodie Miller', 3), ('Lindsay Vohn', 4), ('Shawn White', 4), ('Bryan Veloso', 6)]