import pygame #provides Pygame framework.
import sys #provides sys.exit function
from pygame import *
from pygame.locals import * # Import constants used by PyGame
# game classes
class OAndX:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize Pygame
# Create the clock to manage the game loop
self.clock = time.Clock()
display.set_caption("Noughts and Crosses")
# Create a windows with a resolution of 640 x 480
# will either be 0 or X
# The background class
class Background:
def __init__(self,displaySize):
# Draw a title
# Create the font we'll use
self.text = self.font.render("Noughts and crosses",True,(Color("White")))
# Work out where to place the text
self.textRect = self.text.get_rect()
self.textRect.centerx=displaySize[0] / 2
# Add a little margin
self.textRect.top = displaySize[1] * 0.02
# Blit the text to the background image
self.image.blit(self.text, self.textRect)
def draw(self, display):
display.blit(self.image, (0, 0))
# A class for an individual grid square
class GridSquare(sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, position, gridSize):
# Initialise the sprite base class
super(GridSquare, self).__init__()
# We want to know which row and column we are in
self.position = position
# State can be “X”, “O” or “”
self.state = ""
self.permanentState = False
self.newState = ""
# Work out the position and size of the square
width = gridSize[0] / 3
height = gridSize[1] / 3
# Get the x and y co ordinate of the top left corner
x = (position[0] * width) - width
y = (position[1] * height) - height
# Create the image, the rect and then position the rect
self.image = Surface((width,height))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.topleft = (x, y)
# The rect we have is white, which is the parent rect
# We will draw another rect in the middle so that we have
# a white border but a blue center
self.childImage = Surface(((self.rect.w * 0.9), (self.rect.h * 0.9)))
self.childRect = self.childImage.get_rect()
self.childRect.center = ((width /2), (height / 2))
# Create the font we’ll use to display O and X
self.font = font.Font(None, (self.childRect.w))
class Grid:
def __init__(self, displaySize):
# Make a number of grid squares
gridSize = (displaySize[0] * 0.75,displaySize[1] * 0.75)
# Work out the co-ordinate of the top left corner of the grid so that it can be centered on the screen
self.position = ((displaySize[0] /2) - (gridSize[0] / 2),(displaySize[1] / 2) - (gridSize[1] / 2))
# An empty array to hold our grid squares in
self.squares = []
for row in range(1,4):
# Loop to make 3 rows
for column in range(1,4):
# Loop to make 3 columns
squarePosition = (column,row)
self.squares.append(GridSquare(squarePosition, gridSize))
# Get the squares in a sprite group
self.sprites = sprite.Group()
for square in self.squares:
def draw(self, display):
display.blit(self.image, self.position)
def update(self):
# Need to update if we need to set a new state
if (self.state != self.newState):
# Refill the childImage blue
text = self.font.render(self.newState, True, (Color("white")))
textRect = text.get_rect()
textRect.center = ((self.childRect.w / 2),(self.childRect.h / 2))
# We need to blit twice because the new child image needs to be blitted to the parent image
self.image.blit(self.childImage, self.childRect)
# Reset the newState variable
self.state = self.newState
self.newState = ""
def setState(self, newState,permanent=False):
if not self.permanentState:
self.newState = newState
if permanent:
self.permanentState = True
def reset(self):
# Create an instance of our background and grid class
self.background =Background(self.displaySize)
self.grid = Grid(self.displaySize)
def getSquareState(self, column, row):
# Get the square with the requested position
for square in self.squares:
if square.position == (column,row):
return square.state
def full(self):
# Finds out if the grid is full
count = 0
for square in self.squares:
if square.permanentState ==True:
count += 1
if count == 9:
return True
return False
def getWinner(self):
players = ["X", "O"]
for player in players:
# check horizontal spaces
for column in range (1, 4):
for row in range (1, 4):
square1 = self.grid.getSquareState(column, row)
square2 = self.grid.getSquareState((column + 1),row)
square3 = self.grid.getSquareState((column + 2), row)
# Get the player of the square (either O or X)
if (square1 == player) and (square2 == player) and (square3 == player):
return player
# check vertical spaces
for column in range (1, 4):
for row in range (1, 4):
square1 = self.grid.getSquareState(column, row)
square2 = self.grid.getSquareState(column, (row + 1))
square3 = self.grid.getSquareState(column, (row + 2))
# Get the player of the square (either O or X)
if (square1 == player) and (square2 == player) and (square3 == player):
return player
# check forwards diagonal spaces
for column in range (1, 4):
for row in range (1, 4):
square1 = self.grid.getSquareState(column, row)
square2 = self.grid.getSquareState((column + 1), (row - 1))
square3 = self.grid.getSquareState((column + 2), (row - 2))
# Get the player of the square (either O or X)
if (square1 == player) and (square2 == player) and (square3 == player):
return player
# check backwards diagonal spaces
for column in range (1, 4):
for row in range (1, 4):
square1 = self.grid.getSquareState(column, row)
square2 = self.grid.getSquareState((column + 1), (row + 1))
square3 = self.grid.getSquareState((column + 2), (row + 2))
# Get the player of the square (either O or X)
if (square1 == player) and (square2 == player) and (square3 == player):
return player
# Check if grid is full if someone hasn’t won already
if self.grid.full():
return "draw"
def winMessage(self, winner):
# Display message then reset the game to its initial state
# Blank out the screen
# Create the font we’ll use
textFont = font.Font(None, (self.displaySize[0] / 6))
textString = ""
if winner == "draw":
textString = "It was a draw!"
textString = winner + " Wins!"
# Create the text surface
text = textFont.render(textString,True,(Color("white")))
textRect = text.get_rect()
textRect.centerx = self.displaySize[0] / 2
textRect.centery = self.displaySize[1] / 2
# Blit changes and update the display before we sleep
self.screen.blit(text, textRect)
# time.wait comes from pygame libs
# Set game to its initial state
def run(self):
while True:
# Our Game loop,Handle events
# Draw our background and grid
self.background.draw(self. screen)
# Update our display
# Limit the game to 10 fps
def handleEvents(self):
# We need to know if the mouse has been clicked later on
mouseClicked = False
# Handle events, starting with quit
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
mouseClicked = True
# Get the co ordinate of the mouse mousex, mousey = mouse.get_pos() ,These are relative to the top left of the screen,and we need to make them relative to the top left of the grid
mousex -= self.grid.position[0]
mousey -= self.grid.position[1]
# Find which rect the mouse is in
for square in self.grid.squares:
if square.rect.collidepoint((mousex, mousey)):
if mouseClicked:
square.setState(self.player, True)
# Change to next player
if self.player == "O":
self.player = "X"
self.player = "O"
# Check for a winner
winner = self.getWinner()
if winner:
# Set it to blank, only if
permanentState == False
if __name__ == "__main__":
game = OAndX()
我是python语言的新手,但我需要了解导致错误的原因" AttributeError:' OAndX'对象没有属性' run'"当我使用python3解释器来运行它时。感谢任何人都可以提供帮助。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
class OAndX:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize Pygame
# Create the clock to manage the game loop
self.clock = time.Clock()
display.set_caption("Noughts and Crosses")
# Create a windows with a resolution of 640 x 480
# will either be 0 or X
def run(self):
while True:
# Our Game loop,Handle events
# Draw our background and grid
self.background.draw(self. screen)
# Update our display
# Limit the game to 10 fps