R:缺少需要TRUE / FALSE的值

时间:2014-04-06 00:06:13

标签: r error-handling comparison knn

所以我在线上收到错误:(testDistance< distance){

错误:缺少需要TRUE / FALSE的值 知道为什么会这样吗?从我用Google搜索的内容来看,这个错误在某种程度上与testDistance或某个点上不存在的距离有关?我不明白,因为它们都应该在代码运行之前进行初始化。

one.nn <- function(training.data,sample){
  #training.data is expected to be a dataframe

  #distance function
  dist <- function(x1,x2) {
      sum = 0
      for (i in 1:length(x1)) {
         num = (x1[i] - x2[i])^2
         sum = sum + num
     distance = sqrt(sum)

  #get the dataframe and seperate the data from the classes (omit first row of each)
  labels <- as.matrix(training.data[-1,ncol(training.data)])
  features <- as.matrix(training.data[-1,1:(ncol(training.data)-1)])

  #initial neighbor is the first one
  nearestNeighbor = features[1,]
  distance = dist(strtoi(features[1,]),sample)

  #loop through data to find nearest neighbor by calculating distance and storing its class
  for (i in 1:nrow(features)){
    testDistance = dist(strtoi(features[i,]),sample)
    if (testDistance < distance){
      distance = testDistance
      nearestNeighbor = features[i,]
      #We found the current nearest neighbor, lets save the class of it for later
      class = labels[i,]

  #return class of the sample to be classified
   return (class)

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