我有以下两个文件: task2.s:
section .data
answer1: DB "the number is divisible by 3",10,0
answer2: DB "the number is not divisible by 3",10,0
sum_even: DD 0
sum_odd: DD 0
res: DD 0
number: DD 0
stack: DD 0
section .text
global isDivisibleBy3
extern check
extern printf
push ebp ; Save caller state
mov ebp, esp
mov [stack],esp ; save the pointer the to stack head pointer when called to function
pushad ; Save some more caller state
mov ecx, [ebp+8] ; Copy function args to registers ecx
mov [number],ecx
mov edx, 0
mov eax, [number]
mov ebx, 2
div ebx
mov [number],eax
add [sum_even],edx
cmp byte [number],0
jz _return
mov edx, 0
mov eax, [number]
mov ebx, 2
div ebx
mov [number],eax
add [sum_odd],edx
cmp byte [number],0
jnz _division
mov edx,[sum_odd]
mov eax,[sum_even]
push edx
push eax
and byte [sum_even],0
and byte [sum_odd],0
add ebp,4
call check
mov [res],eax
cmp byte[res],1
jz _return1
cmp byte[res],-1
jz _return2
ret ; Back to caller
push answer1
call printf
popad ; Restore caller state (registers)
mov esp,[stack]
pop ebp ; Restore caller state
ret ; Back to caller
push answer2
call printf
popad ; Restore caller state (registers)
mov esp,[stack]
pop ebp ; Restore caller state
ret ; Back to caller
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE(1024)
extern void isDivisibleBy3(int x);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
printf("Enter string: ");
fgets(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, stdin);
int number=atoi(buf);
printf("Got Number: %d\n", number);
return 0;
int check(int evenBits, int oddBits){
int res=abs(evenBits-oddBits);
switch (res){
case 0:{return 1;}
case 1:{return -1;}
case 2:{return -1;}
default: {isDivisibleBy3(res);}
return 0;
我正在编译该文件并在Linux x86上运行它们 当我在运行时插入小数字,如1234 程序运行良好,返回正确的值,没有错误 但如果我将在运行时插入数字976431我会得到正确的答案,但
the number is divisible by 3
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000005 in ?? ()
(gdb) where
#0 0x00000005 in ?? ()
#1 0x00000008 in ?? ()
#2 0x00000000 in ?? ()
我认为筹码中的5和8是 sum_even 和 sum_odd