Your program timed out. Check for very slow code or infinite loops.
We couldn't run your solution (l376).
class RectangularRoom(object):
A RectangularRoom represents a rectangular region containing clean or dirty
A room has a width and a height and contains (width * height) tiles. At any
particular time, each of these tiles is either clean or dirty.
def __init__(self, width, height):
Initializes a rectangular room with the specified width and height.
Initially, no tiles in the room have been cleaned.
width: an integer > 0
height: an integer > 0
self.width = width; self.height = height
self.room = {}
for x in range(self.width):
for y in range(self.height):
self.room[(x,y)] = False
def cleanTileAtPosition(self, pos):
Mark the tile under the position POS as cleaned.
Assumes that POS represents a valid position inside this room.
pos: a Position
self.room[(int(math.floor(pos.getX())),int(math.floor(pos.getY())))] = True
def isTileCleaned(self, m, n):
Return True if the tile (m, n) has been cleaned.
Assumes that (m, n) represents a valid tile inside the room.
m: an integer
n: an integer
returns: True if (m, n) is cleaned, False otherwise
return self.room[(m,n)]
def getNumTiles(self):
Return the total number of tiles in the room.
returns: an integer
return len(self.room)
def getNumCleanedTiles(self):
Return the total number of clean tiles in the room.
returns: an integer
nct = 0
for e in self.room :
nct += self.room[e]
return nct
def getPct(self):
Returns the percentage of clean tiles in the room.
return: a float between 0 and 1
return float(self.getNumCleanedTiles())/self.getNumTiles()
def getRandomPosition(self):
Return a random position inside the room.
returns: a Position object.
return Position(self.width*random.random(),self.height*random.random())
def isPositionInRoom(self, pos):
Return True if pos is inside the room.
pos: a Position object.
returns: True if pos is in the room, False otherwise.
return int(math.floor(pos.getX())) >= 0 and int(math.floor(pos.getX())) < self.width\
and int(math.floor(pos.getY())) >= 0 and int(math.floor(pos.getY())) < self.height
class Robot(object):
Represents a robot cleaning a particular room.
At all times the robot has a particular position and direction in the room.
The robot also has a fixed speed.
Subclasses of Robot should provide movement strategies by implementing
updatePositionAndClean(), which simulates a single time-step.
def __init__(self, room, speed):
Initializes a Robot with the given speed in the specified room. The
robot initially has a random direction and a random position in the
room. The robot cleans the tile it is on.
room: a RectangularRoom object.
speed: a float (speed > 0)
self.room = room; self.speed = speed
self.position = self.room.getRandomPosition()
self.direction = random.randrange(360)
def getRobotPosition(self):
Return the position of the robot.
returns: a Position object giving the robot's position.
return self.position
def getRobotDirection(self):
Return the direction of the robot.
returns: an integer d giving the direction of the robot as an angle in
degrees, 0 <= d < 360.
return self.direction
def setRobotPosition(self, position):
Set the position of the robot to POSITION.
position: a Position object.
self.position = position
def setRobotDirection(self, direction):
Set the direction of the robot to DIRECTION.
direction: integer representing an angle in degrees
self.direction = direction
def updatePositionAndClean(self):
Simulate the raise passage of a single time-step.
Move the robot to a new position and mark the tile it is on as having
been cleaned.
raise NotImplementedError # don't change this!
## === Problem 2
class StandardRobot(Robot):
A StandardRobot is a Robot with the standard movement strategy.
At each time-step, a StandardRobot attempts to move in its current
direction; when it would hit a wall, it *instead* chooses a new direction
time_unit = 0
def updatePositionAndClean(self):
Simulate the raise passage of a single time-step.
Move the robot to a new position and mark the tile it is on as having
been cleaned.
while self.room.isPositionInRoom(self.getRobotPosition()) == False:
direction = random.randrange(360)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
At each time-step, a StandardRobot attempts to move in its current direction; when it would hit a wall, it *instead* chooses a new direction randomly.
Your program timed out.