我正在尝试使用SURF和Naive Bayesian创建分类器/预测器。我几乎遵循Dance,Csurka的“视觉分类与袋子的关键点”的技术......我使用的是SURF而不是SIFT。
我的结果非常可怕,我不确定我的错误在哪里。我正在使用来自CalTec套装的20个汽车样品(火腿)和20个摩托车样品(垃圾邮件)。我怀疑这是我创造词汇的方式。我可以看到,给定相同的SURF描述符输入,EMGU / OpenCV kmeans2分类器返回不同的结果。这让我很怀疑。到目前为止,这是我的代码。
public Matrix<float> Extract<TColor, TDepth>(Image<TColor, TDepth> image)
where TColor : struct, Emgu.CV.IColor
where TDepth : new()
ImageFeature[] modelDescriptors;
using (var imgGray = image.Convert<Gray, byte>())
var modelKeyPoints = surfCPU.DetectKeyPoints(imgGray, null);
//the surf descriptor is a size 64 vector describing the intensity pattern surrounding
//the corresponding modelKeyPoint
modelDescriptors = surfCPU.ComputeDescriptors(imgGray, null, modelKeyPoints);
var samples = new Matrix<float>(modelDescriptors.Length, DESCRIPTOR_COUNT);//SURF Descriptors have 64 samples
for (int k = 0; k < modelDescriptors.Length; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < modelDescriptors[k].Descriptor.Length; i++)
samples.Data[k, i] = modelDescriptors[k].Descriptor[i];
//group descriptors into clusters using K-means to form the feature vectors
//create "vocabulary" based on square-error partitioning K-means
var centers = new Matrix<float>(CLUSTER_COUNT, samples.Cols, 1);
var term = new MCvTermCriteria();
var labelVector = new Matrix<int>(modelDescriptors.Length, 1);
var cluster = CvInvoke.cvKMeans2(samples, CLUSTER_COUNT, labelVector, term, 3, IntPtr.Zero, 0, centers, IntPtr.Zero);
//this is the quantized feature vector as described in Dance, Csurska Bag of Keypoints (2004)
var keyPoints = new Matrix<float>(1, CLUSTER_COUNT);
//quantize the vector into a feature vector
//making a histogram of the result counts
for (int i = 0; i < labelVector.Rows; i++)
var value = labelVector.Data[i, 0];
keyPoints.Data[0, value]++;
//normalize the histogram since it will have different amounts of points
keyPoints = keyPoints / keyPoints.Norm;
return keyPoints;
Parallel.For(0, hamCount, i =>
using (var img = new Image<Gray, byte>(_hams[i].FullName))
var features = _extractor.Extract(img);
trainingClass.Data[i, 0] = 1;
Parallel.For(0, spamCount, j =>
using (var img = new Image<Gray, byte>(_spams[j].FullName))
var features = img.ClassifyFeatures(_extractor);
trainingClass.Data[j + hamCount, 0] = 0;
using (var classifier = new NormalBayesClassifier())
if (classifier.Train(trainingData, trainingClass, null, null, false))
当我使用NormalBayesClassifier调用Predict时,它会为所有训练样本返回1(匹配)... ham和spam。
编辑。 另一个注意事项是我选择了5到500的CLUSTER_COUNT,结果相同。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
问题更具概念性而非技术性。我不明白K Means集群正在构建“整个”数据集的词汇表。正确执行此操作的方法是为CvInvoke.cvKMeans2调用一个包含每个图像的所有功能的训练矩阵。我每次都是根据单个图像构建词汇。