
时间:2014-03-31 13:06:35

标签: java scala stanford-nlp

我正在尝试使用斯坦福主题建模工具箱。我从这里下载了“tmt-0.4.0.jar”-File:http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/tmt/tmt-0.4/,我尝试了一些示例。 示例0和1工作正常,但尝试示例2(无代码更改),我收到以下异常:


[cell] loading pubmed-oa-subset.csv.term-counts.cache.70108071.gz   [Concurrent] 32允许线程“Thread-3”中的异常   java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:-1 at   scalanlp.stage.text.TermCounts $ class.getDF(TermFilters.scala:64)at at   scalanlp.stage.text.TermCounts $$ anon $ 2.getDF(TermFilters.scala:84)at at   scalanlp.stage.text.TermMinimumDocumentCountFilter $$ anonfun $所适用$ $$ 4 $ anonfun申请$ 5 $$ anonfun $ $申请7.适用(TermFilters.scala:172)     在   scalanlp.stage.text.TermMinimumDocumentCountFilter $$ anonfun $所适用$ $$ 4 $ anonfun申请$ 5 $$ anonfun $ $申请7.适用(TermFilters.scala:172)     在scala.collection.Iterator $$ anon $ 22.hasNext(Iterator.scala:390)at   scala.collection.Iterator $$ anon $ 22.hasNext(Iterator.scala:388)at   scala.collection.Iterator $ class.foreach(Iterator.scala:660)at   scala.collection.Iterator $$ anon $ 22.foreach(Iterator.scala:382)at   scala.collection.IterableViewLike $ $转化class.foreach(IterableViewLike.scala:41)     在   scala.collection.IterableViewLike $$匿名$ 5.foreach(IterableViewLike.scala:82)     在   scala.collection.TraversableOnce $ class.size(TraversableOnce.scala:104)     在   scala.collection.IterableViewLike $$匿名$ 5.size(IterableViewLike.scala:82)     在   scalanlp.stage.text.DocumentMinimumLengthFilter.filter(DocumentFilters.scala:31)     在   scalanlp.stage.text.DocumentMinimumLengthFilter.filter(DocumentFilters.scala:28)     在   scalanlp.stage.generic.Filter $$ anonfun $ $适用1.适用(Filter.scala:38)     在   scalanlp.stage.generic.Filter $$ anonfun $ $适用1.适用(Filter.scala:38)     在scala.collection.Iterator $$ anon $ 22.hasNext(Iterator.scala:390)at   edu.stanford.nlp.tmt.data.concurrent.Concurrent $$ anonfun $表$ 2.适用(Concurrent.scala:100)     在   edu.stanford.nlp.tmt.data.concurrent.Concurrent $$ anonfun $表$ 2.适用(Concurrent.scala:88)     在   edu.stanford.nlp.tmt.data.concurrent.Concurrent $$匿名$ 4.run(Concurrent.scala:45)

为什么我会收到此异常,以及如何解决此问题? 非常感谢你的帮助!


// Stanford TMT Example 2 - Learning an LDA model
// http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/tmt/0.4/

// tells Scala where to find the TMT classes
import scalanlp.io._;
import scalanlp.stage._;
import scalanlp.stage.text._;
import scalanlp.text.tokenize._;
import scalanlp.pipes.Pipes.global._;

import edu.stanford.nlp.tmt.stage._;
import edu.stanford.nlp.tmt.model.lda._;
import edu.stanford.nlp.tmt.model.llda._;

val source = CSVFile("pubmed-oa-subset.csv") ~> IDColumn(1);

val tokenizer = {
  SimpleEnglishTokenizer() ~>            // tokenize on space and punctuation
  CaseFolder() ~>                        // lowercase everything
  WordsAndNumbersOnlyFilter() ~>         // ignore non-words and non-numbers
  MinimumLengthFilter(3)                 // take terms with >=3 characters

val text = {
  source ~>                              // read from the source file
  Column(4) ~>                           // select column containing text
  TokenizeWith(tokenizer) ~>             // tokenize with tokenizer above
  TermCounter() ~>                       // collect counts (needed below)
  TermMinimumDocumentCountFilter(4) ~>   // filter terms in <4 docs
  TermDynamicStopListFilter(30) ~>       // filter out 30 most common terms
  DocumentMinimumLengthFilter(5)         // take only docs with >=5 terms

// turn the text into a dataset ready to be used with LDA
val dataset = LDADataset(text);

// define the model parameters
val params = LDAModelParams(numTopics = 30, dataset = dataset,
  topicSmoothing = 0.01, termSmoothing = 0.01);

// Name of the output model folder to generate
val modelPath = file("lda-"+dataset.signature+"-"+params.signature);

// Trains the model: the model (and intermediate models) are written to the
// output folder.  If a partially trained model with the same dataset and
// parameters exists in that folder, training will be resumed.
TrainCVB0LDA(params, dataset, output=modelPath, maxIterations=1000);

// To use the Gibbs sampler for inference, instead use
// TrainGibbsLDA(params, dataset, output=modelPath, maxIterations=1500);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


这通常发生在你有一个过时的.cache文件时 - 不幸的是 错误消息不是特别有用。尝试在运行中删除缓存 文件夹并再次运行。
