我正在尝试为一个简单的游戏生成地形,我正在使用中点位移,并且它到目前为止运作良好,但我一直在制作我在大多数时候都看不到的怪异文物我在网上看到的例子,我真的不知道是什么导致了他们。它们看起来像这样: http://i.imgur.com/uuhfHPg.png
package util;
import java.util.Random;
public class HeightmapGen {
private HeightmapGen(){}
//The size of the map will be 2^iterations + 1
public static int[][] genMap(int iterations, double roughness){
Random rand = new Random();
return genMap(iterations, roughness, rand.nextLong());
public static int[][] genMap(int iterations, double roughness, long seed){
Random r = new Random(seed);
double rConstant = Math.pow(2,-roughness);
double currRoughVal = 1.0;
int size = (int)Math.pow(2,iterations); //size needs to be a power of 2 + 1 - this size includes 0
int subSize = size; //the "working" size of the squares
int stride = subSize/2;
boolean oddline = false; //not entirely sure what this does either...
int[][] map = new int[size + 1][size + 1];
//initalize corners
//int init = r.nextInt();
//int init = 0;
//map[0][0] = map[0][size] = map[size][0] = map[size][size] = init;
map[0][0] = r.nextInt();
map[0][size] = r.nextInt();
map[size][0] = r.nextInt();
map[size][size] = r.nextInt();
while(stride != 0){
//the square part
for(int x = stride; x < subSize; x += stride){
for(int y = stride; y < subSize; y += stride){
map[x][y] = (int)(r.nextInt() * currRoughVal) + avgSquareVals(x, y, stride, map);
y += stride;
x += stride;
//the diamond part
//not entirely sure what oddline is for, but it seems nessicary
oddline = false;
for (int x = 0; x < subSize; x += stride){
oddline = (oddline == false);
for (int y = 0; y < subSize; y += stride){
if (oddline && y == 0){y += stride;}
map[x][y] = (int)(r.nextInt() * currRoughVal) + avgDiamondVals(x, y, stride, size, subSize, map);
//this wraps the map - i'm ignoring this for now
//if(x == 0){}
//if(y == 0){}
y += stride;
//not sure x doesn't need to be incremented, but it doesn't?
//reduce range and halve stride
currRoughVal *= rConstant;
stride /= 2;
return map;
private static int avgSquareVals(int x, int y, int stride, int[][] map){
return (map[x + stride][y + stride] +
map[x + stride][y - stride] +
map[x - stride][y + stride] +
map[x - stride][y - stride])/4;
private static int avgDiamondVals(int x, int y, int stride, int size, int subSize, int[][] map){
if(x == 0){
return (map[x + stride][y] +
map[x][y + stride] +
map[x][y - stride])/3;
else if(x == size){
return (map[x - stride][y] +
map[x][y + stride] +
map[x][y - stride])/3;
else if(y == 0){
return (map[x + stride][y] +
map[x - stride][y] +
map[x][y + stride])/3;
else if( y == size){
return (map[x + stride][y] +
map[x - stride][y] +
map[x][y - stride])/3;
return (map[x + stride][y] +
map[x - stride][y] +
map[x][y + stride] +
map[x][y - stride])/4;
它并不完美,部分内容我不明白 - 它基于我在此处找到的代码:http://www.gameprogrammer.com/fractal.html