我不知道如何在我的计算器应用程序中使用方法。我的方法有什么问题? 我单独写了这个4计算器,但不知道如何使用方法将它们组合在一起。
方法'LengthCalculator'的重载不带0参数 方法'WaistToHeightCalculator'没有重载需要0参数
static void LengthCalculator(string[] args) {
double Centimetres = 0.0, Feet = 0.0, Inches = 0.0;
string AnotherConversion = null;
string LengthCalculatorMenu;
int LengthCalculatorOption;
do {
LengthCalculatorMenu = ("Enter 1) Convert centimetres to feet and inches:"
+ "\nEnter 2) Convert feet and inches to centimetres:");
LengthCalculatorOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (LengthCalculatorOption == 1) {
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the Centimetres(cm) that you wish to convert to feet and inches");
Centimetres = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Feet = (Centimetres / 2.54) / 12;
int iFeet = (int)Feet;
Inches = (Feet - (double)iFeet) * 12;
Console.WriteLine("\nThe equivalent in feet and inches is {0:G1} ft {1:G1} ins", Feet, Inches);
Console.Write("\nWould you like to make an another conversion? \n\n(Enter Y to make an another conversion/Enter any other key to exit):");
AnotherConversion = Console.ReadLine();
} else if (LengthCalculatorOption == 2) {
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the Feet");
Feet = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter the Inches");
Inches = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Centimetres = ((Feet * 12) + Inches) * 2.54;
Console.WriteLine("\nThe equivalent in centimetres is {0:G}cm", Centimetres);
Console.Write("\nWould you like to make an another conversion? \n\n(Enter Y to make an another conversion/Enter any other key to exit):");
AnotherConversion = Console.ReadLine();
} while (AnotherConversion == "y" || AnotherConversion == "Y");
static void BMICalculator(string[] args) {
double WeightKg = 0.0, HeightCm = 0.0, Weightlbs = 0.0, WeightOz = 0.0, BMI = 0.0, Feet = 0.0, Inches = 0.0;
int BMIOption;
string again = null;
do {
string BMIMenu = ("Which Measurement You Want to use to enter the weight and height?"
+ "\n1)Enter 1 for Metric"
+ "\n2)Enter 2 for British Imperial:");
BMIOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (BMIOption == 1) {
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter your Weight in Kilogram (kg):");
WeightKg = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter your Height in in centimetres (cm):");
HeightCm = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
BMI = WeightKg / (HeightCm / 100 * HeightCm / 100);
if (BMI >= 35.0) {
Console.WriteLine("\nYour BMI is {0:G},Severe Obesity", BMI);
} else if (BMI >= 30.0) {
Console.WriteLine("\nYour BMI is {0:G},Obese", BMI);
} else if (BMI >= 25.0) {
Console.WriteLine("\nYour BMI is {0:G},OverWeight", BMI);
} else if (BMI >= 18.5) {
Console.WriteLine("\nYour BMI is {0:G},Healthy BodyWeight", BMI);
} else if (BMI <= 18.5) {
Console.WriteLine("\nYour BMI is {0:G},UnderWeight", BMI);
}//End if
Console.Write("\nWould you like to make an another conversion? \n\n(Enter Y to make an another conversion/Enter any other key to exit):");
again = Console.ReadLine();
} else if (BMIOption == 2) {
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter your Weight in Pounds (lbs):");
Weightlbs = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter your Weight in Ounces (oz):");
WeightOz = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter your Height in Feet (ft):");
Feet = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Please Enter your Height in Inches (ins):");
Inches = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
WeightKg = ((Weightlbs * 16) + WeightOz) / 35.2;
HeightCm = ((Feet * 12) + Inches) * 2.54;
BMI = WeightKg / (HeightCm / 100 * HeightCm / 100);
if (BMI >= 35) {
Console.WriteLine("Your BMI is {0:G},Severe Obesity", BMI);
} else if (BMI >= 30) {
Console.WriteLine("Your BMI is {0:G},Obese", BMI);
} else if (BMI >= 25) {
Console.WriteLine("Your BMI is {0:G},OverWeight", BMI);
} else if (BMI >= 18.5) {
Console.WriteLine("Your BMI is {0:G},Healthy BodyWeight", BMI);
} else if (BMI <= 18.5) {
Console.WriteLine("Your BMI is {0:G},UnderWeight", BMI);
}//End if
Console.Write("\nWould you like to make an another conversion? \n\n(Enter Y to make an another conversion/Enter any other key to exit):");
again = Console.ReadLine();
} while (again == "y" || again == "Y");
static void WaistToHeightCalculator(string[] args) {
int WaistToHeightCalculatorOption;
int GenderOption;
string AnotherConversion = null;
double HeightCm = 0.0, WaistCm = 0.0;
double WaistToHeightRatio = 0.0;
double WaistIns = 0.0, HeightFeet = 0.0, HeightIns = 0.0, HeightTotalInIns = 0.0;
do {
string WaistToHeightCalculatorMenu = ("\nWhich Measurement You Want to use to enter the weight and height?"
+ "\n1)Enter 1 for Metric"
+ "\n2)Enter 2 for British Imperial:");
WaistToHeightCalculatorOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (WaistToHeightCalculatorOption == 1) {
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter your Height in cm:");
HeightCm = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter your Waist in centimetres (cm):");
WaistCm = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
WaistToHeightRatio = WaistCm / HeightCm;
Console.Write("\n1)Enter 1 If you are Male"
+ "\n2)Enter 2 If you are Female:");
GenderOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (GenderOption == 1 && WaistToHeightRatio >= 0.536) {
Console.Write("\nYour Waist to Height Ration is {0}, Your Risk of Obesity Related Cardiovascular Diseases is at High Risk", WaistToHeightRatio);
} else if (GenderOption == 1 && WaistToHeightRatio < 0.536) {
Console.Write("\nYour Waist to Height Ration is {0}, Your Risk of Obesity Related Cardiovascular Diseases is at low Risk", WaistToHeightRatio);
} else if (GenderOption == 2 && WaistToHeightRatio >= 0.492) {
Console.Write("\nYour Waist to Height Ration is {0}, Your Risk of Obesity Related Cardiovascular Diseases is at High Risk", WaistToHeightRatio);
} else if (GenderOption == 2 && WaistToHeightRatio < 0.492) {
Console.Write("\nYour Waist to Height Ration is {0}, Your Risk of Obesity Related Cardiovascular Diseases is at low Risk", WaistToHeightRatio);
} //End if
Console.Write("\n\nWhould you like to make an anothe conversion? /n/n Enter Y to make an another conversion/Ener any other key to exit:");
AnotherConversion = Console.ReadLine();
} else if (WaistToHeightCalculatorOption == 2) {
Console.Write("\nPlase Enter your Waist in inches:");
WaistIns = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter the Height in feet:");
HeightFeet = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter the Heigt in inches:");
HeightIns = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
WaistToHeightRatio = WaistIns / HeightTotalInIns;
HeightTotalInIns = (HeightFeet * 12) + HeightIns;
Console.Write("\nMale Enter 1 , Female Enter 2:");
GenderOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (GenderOption == 1 && WaistToHeightRatio >= 0.536) {
Console.Write("Your Waist to Height Ration is {0}, Your Risk of Obesity Related Cardiovascular Diseases is at High Risk", WaistToHeightRatio);
} else if (GenderOption == 1 && WaistToHeightRatio < 0.536) {
Console.Write("Your Waist to Height Ration is {0}, Your Risk of Obesity Related Cardiovascular Diseases is at low Risk", WaistToHeightRatio);
} else if (GenderOption == 2 && WaistToHeightRatio >= 0.492) {
Console.Write("Your Waist to Height Ration is {0}, Your Risk of Obesity Related Cardiovascular Diseases is at High Risk", WaistToHeightRatio);
} else if (GenderOption == 2 && WaistToHeightRatio < 0.492) {
Console.Write("Your Waist to Height Ration is {0}, Your Risk of Obesity Related Cardiovascular Diseases is at low Risk", WaistToHeightRatio);
} //End if
Console.Write("\n\nWhould you like to make an anothe conversion? /n/n Enter Y to make an another conversion/Ener any other key to exit:");
AnotherConversion = Console.ReadLine();
} while (AnotherConversion == "Y" || AnotherConversion == "y");
static void FuelConsumptionCalculator(string[] args) {
int FuelConsumptionMenuOption;
double Litre = 0.0, Kilometre = 0.0, Gallon = 0.0, Mile = 0.0;
double ComsumptionPer100Km = 0.0, ComsumptionPer100KmInMPG = 0.0, ComsumptionPer100KmInKm = 0.0, ComsumptionPerGal = 0.0;
ComsumptionPer100KmInMPG = ((Kilometre / 1.609) / (Litre / 4.546)) * 100;
string ToSeeMPerGalOption, ToSeelPerKmOption;
string AnotherConversion;
do {
string FuelConsumptionMenu = ("\nWhich Measurement You Want to use to enter the weight and height?"
+ "\n1)Enter 1 for Metric"
+ "\n2)Enter 2 for British Imperial:");
FuelConsumptionMenuOption = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (FuelConsumptionMenuOption == 1) {
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter Litres(l) of Fuel used over distance travelled:");
Litre = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter Kilometres driven:");
Kilometre = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
ComsumptionPer100Km = Litre / (Kilometre / 100);
Console.WriteLine("\nYour Consumption in Litres per 100 Kilometres is {0}", ComsumptionPer100Km);
Console.Write("\nWould you like to see the equivalent result in miles per gallon (mpg)?"
+ "\n(Press Y For yes or Press other key to cancel this option):");
ToSeeMPerGalOption = Console.ReadLine();
ComsumptionPer100KmInMPG = ((Kilometre / 1.609) / (Litre / 4.546) * 100);
if (ToSeeMPerGalOption == "Y" || ToSeeMPerGalOption == "y") {
Console.Write("\nThe equivalent result in miles per gallon (mpg) is {0}", ComsumptionPer100KmInMPG);
Console.Write("\n\nWhould you like to make an anothe conversion? /n/n Enter Y to make an another conversion/Ener any other key to exit:");
AnotherConversion = Console.ReadLine();
} else if (FuelConsumptionMenuOption == 2) {
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter Gallons (gal) of Fuel used over distance travelled:");
Gallon = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("\nPlease Enter Miles (m)driven:");
Mile = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
ComsumptionPerGal = Gallon / Mile;
Console.WriteLine("\nYour Consumption in Miles per Gallon is {0}", ComsumptionPerGal);
Console.Write("\nWould you like to see the equivalent result in litres per 100 kilometres(km)?"
+ "\n(Press Y For yes or Press other key to cancel this option):");
ToSeelPerKmOption = Console.ReadLine();
ComsumptionPer100KmInKm = ((Mile * 1.609) / (Gallon * 4.546)) * 100;
if (ToSeelPerKmOption == "Y" || ToSeelPerKmOption == "y") {
Console.Write("\nThe equivalent result in litres per 100 kilometres(km) is {0}", ComsumptionPer100KmInKm);
}//End if
Console.Write("\n\nWhould you like to make an anothe conversion? /n/n Enter Y to make an another conversion/Ener any other key to exit:");
AnotherConversion = Console.ReadLine();
} while (AnotherConversion == "Y" || AnotherConversion == "y");
static int ReadOption() {
int option =0 ;
bool ValidMainMenuOption = false;
option = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if ((1 <=option) & (option <= 5)) {
ValidMainMenuOption = true ;
} else {
ValidMainMenuOption = false;
} // end if
if (!ValidMainMenuOption){
Console.WriteLine("\n\t\a Option must be 1,2,3,4,5");
} //end if
} while (!ValidMainMenuOption);
return option;
} //end ReadOption
/* Displays Main Menu
* Precondition:true
* postcondition: mainMenu displayed
static void DisplayMenu() {
string mainMenu = "\n1)Length Calculator"
+ "\n2)Body Mass Index Calculator"
+ "\n3)Waist to Height Calculator"
+ "\n4)Fuel Consumption Calculator"
+ "\n5)Exit the Calculator"
+ "\n\n Enter your option(1,2,3,4 or 5 to exit):";
} //end mainMenu
static void Main(string[] args) {
const int Exit = 5;
int menuOption = ReadOption();
do {
if (menuOption == 1) {
} else if (menuOption == 2) {
} else if (menuOption == 3) {
} else if (menuOption == 4) {
} else if (menuOption == 5) {
Console.Write("Thank you for using this Calculator, See you next time");
Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to Exit");
} while (menuOption != Exit);
// need to output terminating message
} //end Main
答案 0 :(得分:2)
static void WaistToHeightCalculator(string[] args)
您必须传递定义函数的所有参数。我假设你把这些中的每一个写成主要的,然后试图将它们全部拉到一起。错误No overload for method 'BMICalculator' takes 0 arguments
正如@jdpenix所说,您也不会在任何函数中使用args,因此您可以将函数定义更改为static void WaistToHeightCalculator()
答案 1 :(得分:0)
My Current Code:
static void LengthCalculator(string[] args) {
// snip for brevity
static void BMICalculator(string[] args) {
// snip for brevity
static void WaistToHeightCalculator(string[] args) {
// snip for brevity
static void FuelConsumptionCalculator(string[] args) {
// snip for brevity
static void Main(string[] args) {
const int Exit = 5;
int menuOption = ReadOption();
do {
if (menuOption == 1) {///////////////////////////////////////////////////
LengthCalculator(args); // <------HERE
} else if (menuOption == 2) {
BMICalculator(args); // <------HERE
} else if (menuOption == 3) {
WaistToHeightCalculator(args); // <------HERE
} else if (menuOption == 4) {
FuelConsumptionCalculator(args); // <------HERE
} else if (menuOption == 5) {
Console.Write("Thank you for using this Calculator, See you next time");
Console.WriteLine("Press any Key to Exit");
} while (menuOption != Exit);
// need to output terminating message
} //end Main