
时间:2014-03-26 15:52:15

标签: silverlight xaml silverlight-5.0 resourcedictionary visualstatemanager


<!-- As a resource -->
<Storyboard x:Key="RepetitiveAnimation">
   <DoubleAnimation .../>

<!-- In the templates -->
   <VisualState x:Name="blah" Storyboard="{StaticResource RepetitiveAnimation}"/>


   <VisualState x:Name="blah">
      <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource RepetitiveAnimation}"/>




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我也尝试在VisualStates中重复使用Storyboard,但无济于事。 但是你有可以做的事情可以缓解这个问题: 为常用的Storyboard任务定义您自己的AttachedProperties(可附加到VisualState的实例),例如:

  • 在指定元素
  • 上设置Visibility
  • Opacity值应用于命名元素
  • 甚至通过故事板设置Focus。


<VisualStateGroup x:Name="TravelPlanningSteps">
    <VisualState x:Name="DateSelection"
    <VisualState x:Name="HotelSelection"
        utils:VisualStateUtils.VisibleElements="HotelSelector, BreakfastSelector"


public static class VisualStateUtils
    #region FocusedElement

    public static string GetFocusedElement( VisualState obj )
        return (string) obj.GetValue( FocusedElementProperty );

    public static void SetFocusedElement( VisualState obj, string value )
        obj.SetValue( FocusedElementProperty, value );

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FocusedElementProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "FocusedElement", typeof( string ), typeof( VisualStateUtils ), new PropertyMetadata( HandleFocusedElementChanged ) );

    private static void HandleFocusedElementChanged( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e )
        var state = d as VisualState;
        if (state == null) return;

        string elementName = e.NewValue as string;
        if (elementName == null) return;

        var storyBoard = state.Storyboard;
        if (storyBoard == null)
            storyBoard = new Storyboard();
            state.Storyboard = storyBoard;

        ClearAutoDefinedFocusClaim( storyBoard );

        var ani = new ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
        Storyboard.SetTargetName( ani, elementName );
        Storyboard.SetTargetProperty( ani, new PropertyPath( VisualStateUtils.FocusClaimProperty ) );
        VisualStateUtils.SetIsAutoDefinedFocusClaim( ani, true );
        ani.KeyFrames.Add( new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame { Value = true, KeyTime = KeyTime.FromTimeSpan( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( 0 ) ) } );
        storyBoard.Children.Add( ani );

    public static bool GetFocusClaim( Control focusTarget )
        return (bool) focusTarget.GetValue( FocusClaimProperty );

    public static void SetFocusClaim( Control focusTarget, bool value )
        focusTarget.SetValue( FocusClaimProperty, value );

    public static readonly DependencyProperty FocusClaimProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "FocusClaim", typeof( bool ), typeof( VisualStateUtils ), new PropertyMetadata( false, HandleFocusClaimChanged ) );

    private static void HandleFocusClaimChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var focusTarget = d as Control;
        if(focusTarget==null) return;

        var shouldReceiveFocusNow = (bool) e.NewValue;

        if (shouldReceiveFocusNow)
            if (!focusTarget.Focus()) CheckFocusability( focusTarget );

    private static void CheckFocusability(Control focusTarget)
        //so the focus() call was not successful, what's the problem? lets see...
        //the control may still be collapsed
        //(and another animation will turn it visible anytime soon, remember: we are part of ongoing VisualState switching)
        if (!focusTarget.IsLoaded())
            focusTarget.Loaded += HandleFocusTargetLoaded;

        //it may be disabled (and another animation will enable it)
        else if (!focusTarget.IsEnabled)
            focusTarget.IsEnabledChanged += HandleFocusTargetEnabled;

    private static void HandleFocusTargetLoaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs )
        var focusTarget = (Control) sender;
        focusTarget.Loaded -= HandleFocusTargetLoaded;

    private static void HandleFocusTargetEnabled(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var focusTarget = (Control) sender;
        focusTarget.IsEnabledChanged -= HandleFocusTargetEnabled;

    public static bool GetIsAutoDefinedFocusClaim( DependencyObject obj )
        return (bool) obj.GetValue( IsAutoDefinedFocusClaimProperty );

    public static void SetIsAutoDefinedFocusClaim( DependencyObject obj, bool value )
        obj.SetValue( IsAutoDefinedFocusClaimProperty, value );

    public static readonly DependencyProperty IsAutoDefinedFocusClaimProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "IsAutoDefinedFocusClaim", typeof( bool ), typeof( VisualStateUtils ), new PropertyMetadata( false ) );

    private static void ClearAutoDefinedFocusClaim( Storyboard storyBoard )
        var toDelete = storyBoard.Children.Where( VisualStateUtils.GetIsAutoDefinedFocusClaim ).ToList();
        toDelete.ForEach( animation => storyBoard.Children.Remove( animation ) );


    #region CollapsedElements

    public static readonly DependencyProperty IsAutoCreatedCollapsedElementProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "IsAutoCreatedCollapsedElement", typeof( bool ), typeof( VisualStateUtils ), new PropertyMetadata( default( bool ) ) );

    private static void SetIsAutoCreatedCollapsedElement( DependencyObject element, bool value )
        element.SetValue( IsAutoCreatedCollapsedElementProperty, value );

    private static bool GetIsAutoCreatedCollapsedElement( DependencyObject element )
        return (bool) element.GetValue( IsAutoCreatedCollapsedElementProperty );

    public static readonly DependencyProperty CollapsedElementsProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "CollapsedElements", typeof( string ), typeof( VisualStateUtils ), new PropertyMetadata( default( string ), HandleCollapsedElementsChanged ) );

    private static void HandleCollapsedElementsChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        var state = d as VisualState;
        if (state == null) return;

        string elementNames = e.NewValue as string;
        if (elementNames == null) return;

        CreateAutoDefinedAnimationsForVisibility( Visibility.Collapsed, state, elementNames );

    public static void SetCollapsedElements( VisualState state, string value )
        state.SetValue( CollapsedElementsProperty, value );

    public static string GetCollapsedElements( VisualState state )
        return (string) state.GetValue( CollapsedElementsProperty );


    #region VisibleElements

    public static readonly DependencyProperty VisibleElementsProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "VisibleElements", typeof( string ), typeof( VisualStateUtils ), new PropertyMetadata( default( string ), HandleVisibleElementsChanged ) );

    private static void HandleVisibleElementsChanged( DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e )
        var state = d as VisualState;
        if (state == null) return;

        string elementNames = e.NewValue as string;
        if (elementNames == null) return;

        CreateAutoDefinedAnimationsForVisibility( Visibility.Visible, state, elementNames );

    public static void SetVisibleElements( VisualState state, string value )
        state.SetValue( VisibleElementsProperty, value );

    public static string GetVisibleElements( VisualState state )
        return (string) state.GetValue( VisibleElementsProperty );

    public static readonly DependencyProperty IsAutoCreatedVisibleElementProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached( "IsAutoCreatedVisibleElement", typeof( bool ), typeof( VisualStateUtils ), new PropertyMetadata( default( bool ) ) );

    private static void SetIsAutoCreatedVisibleElement( DependencyObject element, bool value )
        element.SetValue( IsAutoCreatedVisibleElementProperty, value );

    private static bool GetIsAutoCreatedVisibleElement( DependencyObject element )
        return (bool) element.GetValue( IsAutoCreatedVisibleElementProperty );


    private static void CreateAutoDefinedAnimationsForVisibility( Visibility visibility, VisualState state, string elementNames )
        var storyBoard = state.Storyboard;
        if (storyBoard == null)
            storyBoard = new Storyboard();
            state.Storyboard = storyBoard;

        ClearAutoDefinedElementAnimations( visibility, storyBoard );

        string[] namesOfManipulatedElements = (elementNames ?? string.Empty).Split( ',' );
        namesOfManipulatedElements = namesOfManipulatedElements.Select( name => name.Trim() ).ToArray();
        foreach (var elementName in namesOfManipulatedElements)
            var ani = new ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames();
            Storyboard.SetTargetName( ani, elementName );
            Storyboard.SetTargetProperty( ani, new PropertyPath( "Visibility" ) );
            MarkAutoDefinedElementAnimation( visibility, ani );
            ani.KeyFrames.Add( new DiscreteObjectKeyFrame { Value = visibility, KeyTime = KeyTime.FromTimeSpan( TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( 0 ) ) } );
            storyBoard.Children.Add( ani );

    private static void ClearAutoDefinedElementAnimations( Visibility visibility, Storyboard storyBoard )
        if (visibility == Visibility.Visible)
            var toDelete = storyBoard.Children.Where( VisualStateUtils.GetIsAutoCreatedVisibleElement ).ToList();
            toDelete.ForEach( ani => storyBoard.Children.Remove( ani ) );
            var toDelete = storyBoard.Children.Where( VisualStateUtils.GetIsAutoCreatedCollapsedElement ).ToList();
            toDelete.ForEach( ani => storyBoard.Children.Remove( ani ) );

    private static void MarkAutoDefinedElementAnimation( Visibility visibility, ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames animation )
        if (visibility == Visibility.Visible)
            VisualStateUtils.SetIsAutoCreatedVisibleElement( animation, true );
            VisualStateUtils.SetIsAutoCreatedCollapsedElement( animation, true );


public static class ControlExtensions
    public static bool IsLoaded(this FrameworkElement element)
        return element.GetVisualChildren().Any();
        //or just check the parent ...not sure what's better
        //return System.Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(element) != null;