Mandelbrot Fractal不工作

时间:2014-03-20 00:26:12

标签: c# .net fractals

我尝试制作这个Mandelbrot分形生成器,但是当我运行它时,我得到一个像圆圈的输出。 不确定为什么会发生这种情况。我认为我的着色可能有问题,但即使如此,形状也是不正确的。

public static Bitmap Generate(
        int width,
        int height,
        double realMin,
        double realMax,
        double imaginaryMin,
        double imaginaryMax,
        int maxIterations,
        int bound)
        var bitmap = new FastBitmap(width, height);
        var planeWidth = Math.Abs(realMin) + Math.Abs(realMax); // Total width of the plane.
        var planeHeight = Math.Abs(imaginaryMin) + Math.Abs(imaginaryMax); // Total height of the plane.
        var realStep = planeWidth / width; // Amount to step by on the real axis per pixel.
        var imaginaryStep = planeHeight / height; // Amount to step by on the imaginary axis per pixel.
        var realScaling = width / planeWidth;
        var imaginaryScaling = height / planeHeight;
        var boundSquared = bound ^ 2;
        for (var real = realMin; real <= realMax; real += realStep) // Loop through the real axis.
            for (var imaginary = imaginaryMin; imaginary <= imaginaryMax; imaginary += imaginaryStep) // Loop through the imaginary axis.
                var z = Complex.Zero;
                var c = new Complex(real, imaginary);
                var iterations = 0;
                for (; iterations < maxIterations; iterations++)
                    z = z * z + c;
                    if (z.Real * z.Real + z.Imaginary * z.Imaginary > boundSquared)
                if (iterations == maxIterations)
                        (int)((real + Math.Abs(realMin)) * realScaling),
                        (int)((imaginary + Math.Abs(imaginaryMin)) * imaginaryScaling),
                    var nsmooth = iterations + 1 - Math.Log(Math.Log(Complex.Abs(z))) / Math.Log(2);
                    var color = MathHelper.HsvToRgb(0.95f + 10 * nsmooth, 0.6, 1.0);
                        (int)((real + Math.Abs(realMin)) * realScaling),
                        (int)((imaginary + Math.Abs(imaginaryMin)) * imaginaryScaling),
        return bitmap.Bitmap;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


var boundSquared = bound ^ 2;


var boundSquared = bound * bound;
