
时间:2014-03-18 04:09:34

标签: scheme racket


例如,让我们说set1 = ((1 3) (5 13) (25 110) (199 300))

set2 = ((2 4) (17 26) (97 100) (110 200) (288 500))

所以Scheme函数(intersect set1 set2)应该给出结果

((2 3) (25 26) (97 100) (110 110) (199 200) (288 300))



(define (intersect a b)
    ((or(null? a)(null? b))(quote ()))
    ((and(>=(cadr(car a))(car(car b)))(>=(cadr(car a))(cadr(car b))))
       (cons(cons (car(car b))(cdr(car b)))
         (intersect (cdr a)(cdr b))))
    ((>=(cadr(car a))(car(car b)))
       (cons(cons (car(car b))(cdr(car a)))
         (intersect (cdr a)(cdr b))))
    ((>=(cadr(car a))(car(car(cdr b))))
       (cons(cons (car(car(cdr b)))(cdr(car a)))
         (intersect (cdr a)(cdr b))))
    ((>=(cadr(car b))(car(car(cdr a))))
       (cons(cons (car(car(cdr a)))(cdr(car b)))
         (intersect (cdr a)(cdr b))))
    (else(intersect (cdr a) (cdr b)))))

但是我输出的结果为((2 3) (25 26) (97 100) (110 200))这是不正确的,因为我应该得到((2 3) (25 26) (97 100) (110 110) (199 200) (288 300))


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

;; Function to compute the intersection of two intervals.
;; If the intersection is empty, the function returns #f as the lower limit
;; of the intersection.
(define (intersect-interval a b)

  ;; Assume that (car a) <= (cadr a) and (car b) <= (cadr b)

  ;; Get the lower limit of the intersection.
  ;; If there isn't one, return #f
  (define (lower-limit)
    (if (< (cadr a) (car b))
      (car b)))

  ;; Get the upper limit of the intersection.
  (define (upper-limit)
    (min (cadr a) (cadr b)))

  ;; Let's make our life simpler.
  ;; Make sure that (car a) is less than (car b)
  ;; for the core computation.

  (if (> (car a) (car b))
    (intersect-interval b a)

;; Function that computes the valid intersections of two sets of intervals.
(define (intersect-interval-sets seta setb)

  ;; Helper function that takes one item from the first set and iterates over the
  ;; items of the second set. It computes the intersection of the item from the first set
  ;; and each item of the second set. If there is a valid intesection, it adds it to the output.
  (define (make-intersections-2 item lst2 out)
    (if (null? lst2)
        (let ((ints (intersect-interval item (car lst2))))
          (if (eq? #f (car ints))
            (make-intersections-2 item (cdr lst2) out)
            (make-intersections-2 item (cdr lst2) (append out (list ints))))))))

  ;; Helper function that iterates over the items of the first list and calls the previous
  ;; function using each item of the first list and the second list.
  (define (make-intersections-1 lst1 lst2 out)
    (if (null? lst1)
      (make-intersections-1 (cdr lst1) lst2 (make-intersections-2 (car lst1) lst2 out))))

  ;; Start the recursion and return the result.
  (make-intersections-1 seta setb '())

   (define seta '((2 3) (100 200)))
   (define setb '((5 10) (90 120) (110 300)))
   (intersect-interval-sets seta setb)
=> ((100 120) (110 200))

答案 1 :(得分:1)


(define (intersect xs ys)
  (define (intersect-regions x y)   ; x=(a b) y=(c d), a <= c is assumed NB!
    (let ((b (cadr x)) (c (car y)) (d (cadr y)))  
        ( (< b c)            ; 1st region ends before 2nd begins
            (list '()        ; no intersection
                   y))       ; the left-over region
        ( (< b d)            ; thus b >= c, and so, if b < d,
            (list (list c b)      ; b already included: this will
                  (list b d)))    ;  only work for sorted range-lists
        (else                     ; b >= d
            (list y               ; includes d -- will only work for
                  (list d b))))))     ; sorted, 
  (define (loop a b acc)              ;   non-overlapping range-lists
    (if (or (null? a) (null? b))   
      (reverse acc)
      (let ((r (if (<= (caar a) (caar b))
                 (intersect-regions (car a) (car b))
                 (intersect-regions (car b) (car a)))))
          (if (not (null? (car r))) 
             (set! acc (cons (car r) acc)))
          (if (or (null? (cdr a)) (< (cadadr r) (caadr a)))
             (loop (cons (cadr r) (cdr a))  (cdr b)  acc)
             (loop (cdr a)  (cons (cadr r) (cdr b))  acc)))))
  (loop xs ys '()))


(intersect '((1 3) (5 13) (25 110) (199 300)) 
           '((2 4) (17 26) (97 100) (110 200) (288 500)))
;Value 18: ((2 3) (25 26) (97 100) (110 110) (199 200) (288 300))