现在我用openCV在Python2.7中编写实时人体检测程序。 我写的代码非常慢,指的是[sample code]
from cv import *
def inside(r, q):
(rx, ry), (rw, rh) = r
(qx, qy), (qw, qh) = q
return rx > qx and ry > qy and rx + rw < qx + qw and ry + rh < qy + qh
NamedWindow("people detection demo", 1)
storage = CreateMemStorage(0)
capture = CaptureFromCAM(0)
SetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 600)
SetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 450)
while True:
img = QueryFrame(capture)
found = list(HOGDetectMultiScale(img, storage, win_stride=(8,8),
padding=(32,32), scale=1.05, group_threshold=2))
found_filtered = []
for r in found:
insidef = False
for q in found:
if inside(r, q):
insidef = True
if not insidef:
for r in found_filtered:
(rx, ry), (rw, rh) = r
tl = (rx + int(rw*0.1), ry + int(rh*0.07))
br = (rx + int(rw*0.9), ry + int(rh*0.87))
Rectangle(img, tl, br, (0, 255, 0), 3)
ShowImage("people detection demo", img)
if WaitKey(10) == ord('q'):
只有一个图像处理得很好,但我想实现一个实时图像。 有谁知道如何加速实时人体检测程序?