
时间:2014-03-16 20:46:53

标签: ios iphone sprite

嗨我需要随机地在屏幕上沿x轴底部生成我的精灵气球。我使用了Ray Wenderliches网站上的代码,但当我点击开始产卵的按钮时,他们不会产卵?

 @implementation MyScene2

 - (void)addMonster {

// Create sprite
SKSpriteNode * monster = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"balloon11.png"];

// Determine where to spawn the monster along the X axis
int minX = monster.size.height / 2;
int maxX = self.frame.size.height - monster.size.height / 2;
int rangeX = maxX - minX;
int actualX = (arc4random() % rangeX) + minX;

// Create the monster slightly off-screen along the right edge,
// and along a random position along the X axis as calculated above
monster.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width + monster.size.width/2, actualX);
[self addChild:monster];

// Determine speed of the monster
int minDuration = 2.0;
int maxDuration = 4.0;
int rangeDuration = maxDuration - minDuration;
int actualDuration = (arc4random() % rangeDuration) + minDuration;

   // Create the actions
SKAction * actionMove = [SKAction moveTo:CGPointMake(-monster.size.width/2, actualX)   
SKAction * actionMoveDone = [SKAction removeFromParent];
[monster runAction:[SKAction sequence:@[actionMove, actionMoveDone]]];


  - (void)updateWithTimeSinceLastUpdate:(CFTimeInterval)timeSinceLast {

  self.lastSpawnTimeInterval += timeSinceLast;
  if (self.lastSpawnTimeInterval > 1) {
    self.lastSpawnTimeInterval = 0;
     [self addMonster];

  - (void)update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime {
 // Handle time delta.
 // If we drop below 60fps, we still want everything to move the same distance.
 CFTimeInterval timeSinceLast = currentTime - self.lastUpdateTimeInterval;
 self.lastUpdateTimeInterval = currentTime;
 if (timeSinceLast > 1) { // more than a second since last update
    timeSinceLast = 1.0 / 60.0;
    self.lastUpdateTimeInterval = currentTime;

  [self updateWithTimeSinceLastUpdate:timeSinceLast];


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


monster.position = CGPointMake(self.frame.size.width + monster.size.width/2 , actualX);

该方法的工作方式如下:CGPointMake( x_coord , y_coord );


CGPointMake(actualX , self.frame.size.height);


monster.position = [CGPointMake(actualX , self.frame.size.height); locationInNode: self];
