data Tree = Empty | Node Integer [Tree] deriving Show
arrin :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer {-this function takes an array -}
arrin (x:xs) i {- and indexs and return the element-}
| i == 0 = x {-of that array which on that index -}
| otherwise = arrin xs (i-1)
listToTree :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Tree
listToTree _ [] = Empty {-First Input will be zero initially-}
listToTree 11 _ = Empty {-Lets assume that the lenght of my list is 10-}
listToTree 0 a = Node ( arrin a 0 ) [listToTree 1 a]
listToTree num a {-I need your help in this part what should i do-}
| arrin a num > arrin a (num+1) = Node ( arrin a num ) [listToTree (num+1) a]
| otherwise = Node ( arrin a num ) [Empty]
答案 0 :(得分:1)
为什么你的函数将整数作为第一个参数?此外,还不清楚树是否应以“Node int []”或“Node int empty”结尾。如果您准备接受[Tree]作为输出,您甚至不需要空,这可能只对空列表真正需要。在这种情况下,功能可以如下。
listToTree :: [Integer] -> [Tree]
listToTree [] = []
listToTree [x] = [Node x []]
listToTree (x1:x2:xs)
| x2 < x1 = [Node x1 (listToTree (x2:xs))] -- subtree
| otherwise = Node x1 [] : listToTree (x2:xs) -- sibling