重构乐趣 - 素数

时间:2010-02-08 00:38:47

标签: c# refactoring



这里有4个版本:UglyVersion :-),BobVersion,PeteVersion,PeteVersionClassMember。我这样做很有趣,也希望你也喜欢: - )

class ProgramBad
    static void Main()
        int[] result = GeneratePrimes.generatePrimes(30);
        foreach (var i in result)
            Console.Write(i.ToString() + ", ");

/// <summary>
/// Given an array of integers starting at 2, cross out the multiples of 2.  Fine the next
/// uncrossed integer, and cross out all of its multiples.
/// Repeat until you have passed the square root of the maximum value
/// </summary>
public class GeneratePrimes
    public static int[] generatePrimes(int maxValue)
        if (maxValue >= 2) // the only valid case
            // declarations
            int s = maxValue + 1; // size of the array
            bool[] f = new bool[s];
            int i;

            // initialize array to be true
            for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
                f[i] = true;

            // get rid of non-primes
            f[0] = f[1] = false;

            int j;
            for (i = 2; i < Math.Sqrt(s) + 1; i++)
                if (f[i]) // if i is uncrossed, cross its multiples
                    for (j = 2 * i; j < s; j += i)
                        f[j] = false; // multiple is not a prime

            // how many primes are there?
            int count = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
                if (f[i])
                    count++; // bump count

            int[] primes = new int[count];

            //move the primes into the result
            for (i = 0, j=0;i<s ; i++)
                if (f[i])
                    primes[j++] = i;

            return primes; // return the primes
        } else // maxvalue < 2
            return new int[0]; // return null array if bad input


class ProgramBob
        static void Main()
            int[] result = PrimeGeneratorBob.generatePrimes(30);
            foreach (var i in result)
                Console.Write(i + ", ");

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates prime number up to a user specified maximum
    /// The algorithm used is the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
    /// Given an array of integers starting at 2:
    /// Find the first uncrossed (eg 3 ) integer, and cross out all its multiples (eg 6,9,12,14)
    /// Repeat until there are no more multipes in the array
    /// </summary>
    class PrimeGeneratorBob
        static bool[] crossedOut;
        static int[] result;

        static public int[] generatePrimes(int maxValue)
            if (maxValue < 2)
                return new int[0];
                return result;

        static void uncrossIntegersUpTo(int maxValue)
            crossedOut = new bool[maxValue + 1]; // as bool array starts at 0, and if maxvalue = 10, we need an array of length 11
            for (int i = 2; i < crossedOut.Length; i++) // less than as we don't want to reference crossedOut[4] which doesn't exist
                crossedOut[i] = false;

        static void crossOutMultiples()
            int limit = determineIterationLimit();
            for (int i = 2; i <= limit; i++)
                if (notCrossed(i))

        static int determineIterationLimit()
            // Every multiple in the array has a prime factor that
            // is less than or equal to the square root of the array size, 
            // which is the largest number we are trying to find primes in.
            // So we don't have to cross out numbers
            // larger than that square root of the maxnumber, as they will have been crossed out already
            double iterationLimit = Math.Sqrt(crossedOut.Length);
            return (int) iterationLimit;

        static void crossOutMultiplesOf(int i)
            for (int multiple = 2*i; multiple < crossedOut.Length; multiple += i)
                crossedOut[multiple] = true;

        static bool notCrossed(int i)
            return crossedOut[i] == false;

        static void putUncrossedIntegersIntoResult()
            result = new int[numberOfUncrossedIntegers()];
            for (int j = 0, i = 2; i < crossedOut.Length; i++)
                if (notCrossed(i))
                    result[j++] = i;

        static int numberOfUncrossedIntegers()
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 2; i < crossedOut.Length; i++)
                if (notCrossed(i))
            return count;


  • 如何轻松地了解程序的工作原理,例如: uncrossIntegersUpTo(包括maxValue); crossOutMultiples(); putUncrossedIntegersIntoResult();


class PetesRefactored
    static void MainPete()
        PrimeGeneratorPete pg = new PrimeGeneratorPete();
        int[] arrayOfPrimes = pg.generatePrimes(30);
        foreach (int prime in arrayOfPrimes)
            Console.Write(prime + ", ");

/// <summary>
/// Generates prime number up to a user specified maximum
/// The algorithm used is the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
/// Given an array of integers starting at 2:
/// Find the first uncrossed (eg 3 ) integer, and cross out all its multiples (eg 6,9,12,14)
/// Repeat until there are no more multipes in the array
/// </summary>
class PrimeGeneratorPete
    public int[] generatePrimes(int maxValue)
        bool[] crossedOut;

        if (maxValue < 2)
            return new int[0];
            crossedOut = new bool[maxValue + 1];
            return putUncrossedIntegersIntoResult(crossedOut);

    void uncrossIntegersUpTo(bool[] crossedOut)
        for (int i = 2; i < crossedOut.Length; i++) 
            crossedOut[i] = false;

    void crossOutMultiples(bool[] crossedOut)
        int limit = determineIterationLimit(crossedOut);
        for (int i = 2; i <= limit; i++)
            if (!crossedOut[i])
                crossOutMultiplesOf(crossedOut, i);

    int determineIterationLimit(bool[] crossedOut)
        // Every multiple in the array has a prime factor that
        // is less than or equal to the square root of the array size, 
        // which is the largest number we are trying to find primes in.
        // So we don't have to cross out numbers
        // larger than that square root of the maxnumber, as they will have been crossed out already
        double iterationLimit = Math.Sqrt(crossedOut.Length);
        return (int) iterationLimit;

    void crossOutMultiplesOf(bool[] crossedOut, int i)
        for (int multiple = 2*i; multiple < crossedOut.Length; multiple += i)
            crossedOut[multiple] = true;

    int[] putUncrossedIntegersIntoResult(bool[] crossedOut)
        int[] result = new int[numberOfUncrossedIntegers(crossedOut)];
        for (int j = 0, i = 2; i < crossedOut.Length; i++)
            if (!crossedOut[i])
                result[j++] = i;
        return result;

    int numberOfUncrossedIntegers(bool[] crossedOut)
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 2; i < crossedOut.Length; i++)
            if (!crossedOut[i])
        return count;


  • 在generatePrimes方法中初始化了crossOut而不是'child'方法
  • 传入crossOut作为参数而不是类范围变量
  • 取出(defactored),notCrossed(i)方法为!crossedOut [i]内联非常易读。
  • 让一切都不稳定



class PrimeGeneratorPeteClassMember
    bool[] crossedOut;

    public int[] generatePrimes(int maxValue)
        if (maxValue < 2)
            return new int[0];
            crossedOut = new bool[maxValue + 1];
            return putUncrossedIntegersIntoResult();

    void uncrossIntegersUpTo()
        for (int i = 2; i < crossedOut.Length; i++)
            crossedOut[i] = false;

    void crossOutMultiples()
        int limit = determineIterationLimit();
        for (int i = 2; i <= limit; i++)
            if (!crossedOut[i])

    int determineIterationLimit()
        double iterationLimit = Math.Sqrt(crossedOut.Length);
        return (int)iterationLimit;

    void crossOutMultiplesOf(int i)
        for (int multiple = 2 * i; multiple < crossedOut.Length; multiple += i)
            crossedOut[multiple] = true;

    int[] putUncrossedIntegersIntoResult()
        int[] result = new int[numberOfUncrossedIntegers()];
        for (int j = 0, i = 2; i < crossedOut.Length; i++)
            if (!crossedOut[i])
                result[j++] = i;
        return result;

    int numberOfUncrossedIntegers()
        int count = 0;
        for (int i = 2; i < crossedOut.Length; i++)
            if (!crossedOut[i])
        return count;

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


重构算法通常没有多大意义。当您重构代码时,意味着您希望重用或更改它的一部分。在这种情况下,整个代码块是静态的和不可变的 - 您可能更改的唯一方法是使用不同的算法替换整个函数。像notCrossed这样的单行函数似乎特别无用;它们只是用来使代码更加冗长,而无需解释任何尚不明显的内容。


  • 将您的班级名称GeneratePrimes更改为PrimeGenerator,就像您已经做的那样。动词类名称总是让我循环 - 它是一个类还是一个方法?

  • 将其更改为返回IList<int>IEnumerable<int>。返回数组类型为Considered Harmful

  • 编辑 - 再进行三次重构将删除一些无用的注释,并改为使用有意义的变量名称(如果适用)。

除此之外 - 坚持使用原始版本!

编辑 - 实际上,我越看原文,就越不喜欢它。不是因为它的组织方式,而是因为它的编写方式。这是我的重写:

public class PrimeGenerator
    public static IEnumerable<int> GeneratePrimes(int maxValue)
        if (maxValue < 2)
            return Enumerable.Empty<int>();

        bool[] primes = new bool[maxValue + 1];
        for (int i = 2; i <= maxValue; i++)
            primes[i] = true;

        for (int i = 2; i < Math.Sqrt(maxValue + 1) + 1; i++)
            if (primes[i])
                for (int j = 2 * i; j <= maxValue; j += i)
                    primes[j] = false;

        return Enumerable.Range(2, maxValue - 1).Where(i => primes[i]);


答案 1 :(得分:1)



if (maxValue >= 2) 
    { blah }
    return new int[];


if (maxValue < 2) 
    return new int[0];


答案 2 :(得分:0)


答案 3 :(得分:0)


static IEnumerable<int> PrimeNumbers(int maxValue)
    if (maxValue > 1 && maxValue < int.MaxValue)
        var integers = Enumerable.Range(2, maxValue);
        for (;;)
            int item = integers.FirstOrDefault();
            if (item == 0)

            yield return item;
            integers = integers.Where(x => x % item != 0);